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File:KotORII Map Residential 082 West.png
Map of Residential module 082 West

Residential Module 082 East[edit]

You enter from Residential 082 East at the bottom right end of Residential 082 West's main hallway, which is populated by female Telosians:

The war has really inflated prices here in the Outer Rim. Medical supplies are in short supply and high demand. It's good that Czerka's arrival has created new jobs on the Station, but I can't say I'm happy about all the mercenaries they've hired. The restoration project was going well until this latest contract dispute happened. I wish the Council would settle it and let the work continue.

Information Terminal[edit]

There's an information terminal in the middle of the main hallway at its right end, facing the entrance, which can be used to download an area map, and transit to another module once you've used the information terminal there:

Information Terminal: - RESIDENT MODULE 082 WEST -
Please enter command.
Information Terminal: - RESIDENT MODULE 082 WEST-
Please enter command.
1. Download area map.
Information Terminal: - DOWNLOAD AREA MAP -

Area map downloaded to personal datapad.

Please enter command.
Information Terminal: - DOWNLOAD AREA MAP -

Area map already exits on personal datapad. Overwrite?
1. Yes. 2. No.
1. Return to main menu. 2. Transit to another module. Information Terminal: YOU ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED IN:
3. Log out.
1. Select Dock Module 126 3. Entertainment Module 081.
2. Residential Module 082 East. Czerka Corporation, Bumani Exchange Corp. Terminal: DESTINATION CONFIRMED.

Ithorian Compound[edit]

When you open the door to the Ithorian compound in the bottom wall at the main hallway's left end, to your left as you enter the module, you're greeted:

Greeter: Welcome. How may I help you? Greeter: Ah, you have returned. How may I help you?
1. Moza sent me to speak with Chodo Habat. 2. I'd like to speak with your leader.
Greeter: Ah, you are the Jedi Moza spoke of! I will open the doors for you now, and inform Chodo Habat of your arrival. He will be pleased to see you.


3. What is this place?
Greeter: This is Citadel Station's Ithorian compound. Much of the herd that is helping with Telos' restoration dwells and works here.
2. What can you tell me about the restoration process?
Greeter: The Telosian government asked that my herd help them rebuild their destroyed world. This went well until Czerka came. But... I should not speak ill of others when they are not present. I will say no more of Czerka.
4. Never mind. 3. I'll be going now.

The greeter stands behind a counter by the wall dividing the compound's reception area. The compound itself is through the doorway in reception's bottom wall, and it's populated by Ithorians:

The Telosian Council's inability to stand up to Czerka comes at great cost to our herd.
These contract disputes are quite distressing. The planet will not grow strong while we bicker with Czerka.

Chodo Habat[edit]

Through the doorway in the left wall of the Ithorian compound is the bottom end of a hall leading up to a room with Moza to the top left, Chodo Habat in the middle and an Ithorian computer in the bottom right corner:

[This computer displays wildlife statistics for the Restoration Project.]
Moza: Hello again, Name. How may I be of service?
1. What do you do here?
Moza: I serve primarily as Chodo's assistant. My duties became even more time consuming after the loss of our original droid intelligence, but I am loathe to place more on the shoulders of Chodo. I am also our herd's representative when it comes to matters concerning the Telosian Council, Republic representatives, among others.
2. What will you do when your project is completed?
Moza: It is hard for me to even think that far into the future. I believe that this will consume many of the next years of my life. It is our hope, however, that our restoration of the planet will convince the Republic Senate to allow other herds to see to some of the other war-torn planets of the Outer Rim. Perhaps I would even be placed in charge of a planet of my own. But that is getting quite far ahead of myself. For now I am occupied completely with Telos.
3. I'll be going now.


Chodo Habat: Ah, it gladdens me that you came. I am Chodo Habat, leader of the Ithorians here.
Journal Entry Added The Caller
You traveled to the Ithorian compound and spoke with Chodo Habat.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Spoke with Chodo Habat

If you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid from Docking Bay 2 to Czerka Corporation:

Journal Entry Added The Caller
The Ithorians are no longer interested in speaking with you.
Moza: I do not wish to speak with you, Name. By aiding Czerka, you have doomed a planet to a second, withering death. For that, I may never forgive you.
Chodo Habat: I do not mean to be rude, but you have done more harm to my herd and this planet then you could possibly imagine. We will not force you to leave, but your presence greatly angers some of the others, and it fills me with sadness.

You can still ask Chodo Habat if he knows anything about a man named Batono, though.

Restoration Droid[edit]

Chodo Habat: I am sorry to impose our troubles upon you, but I did not know where to turn until I sensed your arrival.
3. But you did not see fit to visit me in person.
Chodo Habat: I apologize if you took offense to that. The running of the restoration project consumes all of my time, and I sent Moza, my most trusted assistant, and hoped you would not feel slighted. I see that I was wrong, however, and for this, once again I humbly apologize.
1. You "sensed my arrival?" 1. You said you "sensed" my arrival?
Chodo Habat: Yes. I am a priest of my people, an adept in the Force. I sensed an echo within the Force upon your arrival... it is a subtle disturbance, unless one is actively listening for it. I suspected you were one of the remaining Jedi, and hoped that you could help us. This is why I sent Moza to seek you out.
2. I am not a Jedi.
Chodo Habat: I understand, and hope I have not offended you. Perhaps you might help us just the same.


1. Moza said you could "heal" me. What did he mean?
Chodo Habat: The echo I felt upon your arrival was not a natural thing. It spoke of a great pain, not of the body, but of the spirit. It is as if you once felt the Force flow through you, then it was torn away, brutally and quickly. The echo comes from the hollows where it once flowed through you.
1. I once felt the Force, yes... and it is slowly returning. 2. Perhaps. And if so, how could you help?
Chodo Habat: It is a most unusual wound you carry. If you would permit me to examine you, perhaps I could help restore some of what was lost.
Kreia: Your speech is filled with "maybes" and "perhaps." You are bold to make promises of healing, while the world under your care burns and dies. You may be able to help, but there is always a price, is there not? 1. But only if I help you, right?
Chodo Habat: Do not mistake me. It is not our desire to see any living thing suffer. But the suffering of Telos is all that consumes us.
2. What do you want from me? 3. Well, that's more like it. 3. I don't want to talk about this. What do you want from me? 2. And what do you want in exchange?
Chodo Habat: Tell me - do you know of the problems our restoration efforts face?
1. I'd like to hear your perspective on the matter.
Chodo Habat: The Telosian government summoned my herd ship to Citadel Station and asked that we help them rebuild their broken world. We progressed for a time, but then our troubles with Czerka began. The corporation has gained great influence here, and we can do little to stop them. I fear that if Czerka continues to interfere in the restoration project, it will never be completed. Telos will remain barren and lifeless, and all our work - that of the Republic, the Telosians, and my own people - will have been for nothing.
1. Why would the Telosian government allow this to happen?
Chodo Habat: Czerka is a powerful corporation, with many lobbyists in the Senate and throughout the galaxy.
2. You mean trouble with Czerka, right? Yes. 2. What do you intend to do? 3. How do I fit into this?
Chodo Habat: Our first goal is to get the Restoration Project moving forward again. The Republic originally provided a droid intelligence to Citadel Station that would help manage the logistics of the project. It... vanished... some time ago.
1. Vanished? How? 3. Was it stolen?
Chodo Habat: That is not known. It may have been an accident. Perhaps the droid intelligence was overtaxed by the staggering size of the project and became irrational. Some among my herd suspect theft. A droid intelligence of that sophistication would fetch a high price on the black market. Others fear its disappearance the result of sabotage, by Czerka or some other organization that seeks to slow the Restoration Project or discredit us. But the how or why of it is irrelevant. Chodo Habat: The TSF conducted a thorough investigation into the matter and was unable to find the reason for its disappearance, however they do not believe it was the victim of theft.
2. Go on.
Chodo Habat: At great expense, my herd has acquired a second, somewhat lesser droid intelligence to take its place. It will arrive at Citadel Station shortly. The Telosian government has offered a small escort, but I had hoped that you might see its safe transition from the docks to here. Might you aid us in this matter?
2. What would I get out of this?
Chodo Habat: Telos' fate hangs in the balance. For your help, I will attempt to aid in your healing. Perhaps that which was lost can be restored.
1. Healing? What do you mean?
Chodo Habat: I felt an echo within the Force upon your arrival. It was not a natural thing. It spoke of a great pain, not of scars, but of the spirit. It is as if you once felt the Force flow through you, then it was torn away, brutally and quickly. The echo comes from the hollows where it once flowed through you. It is a most unusual wound you carry. If you would permit me to examine you, perhaps I could help restore some of what was lost.
Kreia: Your speech is filled with "maybes" and "perhaps." You are bold to make promises of healing, while the world under your care burns and dies. Consider carefully. You have already begun to heal, to feel the Force again. If so, then the offer is worthless.
Chodo Habat: Do not mistake me. It is not our desire to see any living thing suffer. But the suffering of Telos is all that consumes us.
2. I was thinking of something more... substantial.
Chodo Habat: Our herdship carries little material wealth...
3. The ship I arrived in was recently stolen. Do you know anything about it?
Chodo Habat: I had heard a ship was missing, hidden somewhere on Telos. Those of my herd are familiar with the planet - we could help search for it. Perhaps this would be payment enough for your services.
1. Why don't you help me find my ship first?
Chodo Habat: My apologies, but I cannot. Too often have we been misled or used by others in recent days. We can no longer afford to give selflessly, lest we have nothing left to give.
5. I'll have to think about this. 6. No, I won't help you.
Chodo Habat: Please consider it seriously, then, for it is a matter most grave. Chodo Habat: This saddens me. Farewell, then. If you should have a change of heart, please return.
Chodo Habat: Ah, you have returned. You have decided to help us guard the droid intelligence?
1. Yes, I'll see it to you safely. 4. I'll help you.
Chodo Habat: My thanks. I will send word to my people. They will be awaiting your arrival at Bay Two, Dock Module 126.
1. I'll return with the droid intelligence.
Journal Entry Added Replacement Restoration Droid
You have agreed to help Chodo Habat, leader of the Ithorians on Citadel Station, by delivering a valuable droid intelligence from Bay Two of Dock Module 126.

As you exit the compound after speaking to Chodo Habat, Moza speaks to him:

Moza: Forgive me, Chodo, but the human - I could feel his suffering. I did not feel it until he stood before us, but then it filled my senses. Have you ever felt such an intensity before? Moza: Forgive me, Chodo, but the human - I could feel her suffering. I did not feel it until she stood before us, but then it filled my senses. Have you ever felt such an intensity before?
Chodo Habat: Only once before. The day I came to Telos and strode upon its ashen surface.
Moza: It is a planet's worth of pain. I do not know how he endures. Moza: It is a planet's worth of pain. I do not know how she endures.
Chodo Habat: It is because he has no choice. Perhaps in helping to heal a planet, it will help him become whole again. Chodo Habat: It is because she has no choice. Perhaps in helping to heal a planet, it will help her become whole again.

If you tell the replacement Restoration Droid in Docking Bay 2 to follow you to the Ithorian compound:

Chodo Habat: Ah, I am gladdened by your safe return. My people sent word of what happened at the docks.
Ithorian Droid: I am yours to command, master.
Chodo Habat: Good, good. Our computer system has been prepared for your arrival. You may begin transferring your data into it immediately.
Ithorian Droid: I shall do so now, Master Habat. Farewell.
Chodo Habat: And farewell to you, as well.
Chodo Habat: I am grateful for your help in this matter. Please, accept this as a gift from my people.
4. That's enough for me. I'll be going now.
Journal Entry Added Replacement Restoration Droid
You delivered the Ithorian's droid intelligence to Chodo Habat.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Delivered droid intelligence
Item(s) Received Chodo Habat

The gloves received depend on your experience level:

Level Hands
1 Taris Survival Gloves
2 Accuracy Gloves
3 Gamorrean Gauntlets
4 Exchange Work Gloves
5 Czerka Defensive Gauntlets
6 Detonator Gloves
7 Unarmed Accuracy Gloves
8 Infiltrator Gloves
9 Jal Shey Perception Gloves
10 Gamorrean Wargloves
Level Hands
11 Eriadu Strength Amplifier
12 Karakan Gauntlets
13 Bothan Precision Gloves
14 Sith Power Gauntlets
15 Gamorrean Power Gauntlets
16 Nagai Combat Gloves
17 Kubaz Scoundrel Gloves
18 Automation Gloves
19 Jal Shey Meditation Gloves
20 Echani Accuracy Gloves
Level Hands
21 Zeison Sha Gloves
22 Dominator Gauntlets
23 Nikto Soldier Gloves
24 Ossluk's Gloves
25 Disruption Gloves
26 Improved Automation Gloves
27 Lightning Gloves

At level 28 and beyond, nothing is received. However, if the gloves normally selected are already equipped by your main character or in your inventory, then the next highest that you don't already have are received instead: this should not happen for any equipped by your party or in containers elsewhere.

Ithorian Diplomacy[edit]

After delivering the replacement Restoration Droid to the Ithorian compound:

2. Thank you. Now what? Chodo Habat: Ah, you have returned. 2. Never mind.
3. Is there anything else I can do to help you? 1. What will you do now?
Chodo Habat: This incident at the docks confirmed one of my fears. The gunmen were from the Exchange - Czerka has hired the criminal syndicate to work against us.
1. How can we stop them? 1. Thank you. Now what?
Chodo Habat: Long have I suspected that Czerka and the Exchange work together, the former supplying manufactured arms to be sold via the latter's black market channels. Now, with the TSF keeping a closer eye on Czerka activities, the corporation has turned to the Exchange to be its fist on Citadel Station.
3. Can the TSF do anything about the situation?
Chodo Habat: The TSF has done what it can. They are keeping a close watch over Czerka's affairs, but that has only led Czerka to make further use of the Exchange to commit crimes on Citadel Station.
2. Czerka and the Exchange must be stopped. 3. Then you have no choice but to use the same tactics with them.
Chodo Habat: What you say is true, but up until now we have had little success in dealing with them. Chodo Habat: No. I will not sanction needless violence, even against ones as evil and corrupted as Czerka and its allies. We must put our effort into mediating a solution.
1. What is there to be done? 2. Perhaps we can convince the Exchange to end their alliance with Czerka?
Chodo Habat: I have tried to meet with the leader of the Exchange here, a Quarren called Loppak Slusk. He has refused my every invitation, and allows no one inside the Exchange suites. I fear he does not take us seriously. The Jedi, though, are renowned as warriors and diplomats both. Perhaps you might speak with Loppak, show him the value of a restored Telos.
1. I told you, I'm not a Jedi. Chodo Habat: So you said. Again, I am sorry.
2. I'll go speak with him. 3. I will ensure he takes you seriously, Chodo.
Chodo Habat: I am most grateful for your assistance. I will guide my thoughts towards your safety - and Loppak's, as well. I wish harm upon no one.
Journal Entry Added Ithorian Diplomacy
Chodo Habat has asked that you speak to Loppak Slusk on behalf of the Ithorians. Loppak, leader of the local Exchange branch found in Residential Module 082, has been harassing the Ithorians while in the employ of Czerka.
Chodo Habat: Loppak Slusk is difficult to meet with, is he not? I will continue to guide my thoughts towards your success.

The Ithorian droid has gone to the computer in the bottom right corner:

[The droid intelligence is too busy to speak with you.]

You can now go to Residential 082 East's Bumani Exchange Corp. and ask how to set up an appointment, in aid of Ithorian Diplomacy. When you return from the meeting in Slusk's Office:

Chodo Habat: You have returned safely! Did your meeting with Loppak Slusk go well?
1. I have convinced Loppak Slusk to leave you alone. 1. The Exchange will trouble you no longer.
Chodo Habat: I sense that your meeting did not go peacefully. It saddens me greatly that blood was shed, it was not my intention to cause harm. Still, I am again in your debt. Until we find a more fitting way to commend you, please accept this humble gift. It came from a lightsaber that belonged to a Jedi once of my herd.

You receive the reward even if you say you cannot accept it:

2. I cannot accept this from you, Chodo. Consider it my investment in Telos. Light Side Points Gained: +3
Chodo Habat: That is most generous of you, Name. Even the smallest bit will help in the long run.


3. That's all?
Chodo Habat: I'm sorry, Name, but that is all the credits I can spare. However, if you will help us one more time, I will uphold my promise to supply you with a shuttle to the planet's surface, as well as healing - if you will allow me to attempt it.
1. You're right, that is reward enough. What remains to be done? 2. It'll have to do. What is this last task? 3. I will do one more favor for you, but I expect to be repaid in full. What is it you need of me?
1. Thank you. What remains to be done?

In every case:

Chodo Habat: For the Restoration Project to continue in earnest, the Telosian government must be made to see the cancer that Czerka has become. Their security division is merely an army of badge-bearing thugs. They supply weapons to the local black market. They steal Restoration Zones and land illegal salvage teams on Telos. But Czerka has imbedded itself within the government, using Telos' own laws to protect itself from censure or investigation. Legally, the Telosians can do nothing. If you can bring Czerka's corruption to light, perhaps the Republic could intervene and cast them out. This is what I would ask of you.
1. How did Czerka imbed itself in the first place?
Chodo Habat: The Telosian government initially welcomed Czerka's presence. The corporation offered Citadel Station inexpensive resources and affordable, privatized security.
3. What would I get out of this?
Chodo Habat: Telos' fate hangs in the balance. For your help, we will aid you in return in whatever manner we can. I have heard that the ship you arrived on is missing, hidden somewhere on Telos. I know one who could help you find it, and a means by which you could travel to him. Perhaps this would be payment enough for your services.
1. Why don't you help me find my ship first?
Chodo Habat: My apologies, but I cannot. Too often have we been misled or used by others in recent days. We can no longer afford to give selflessly, lest we have nothing left to give.
4. I'll have to think about this. 5. No, I won't help you.
Chodo Habat: Please consider it seriously, then, for it is a matter most grave. Chodo Habat: This saddens me. Farewell, then. If you should have a change of heart, please return.
Journal Entry Added Ithorian Diplomacy
You informed Chodo Habat of your confrontation with Loppak Slusk and Luxa. With the Exchange in disarray, it is unlikely Czerka will be able to continue using them against the Ithorians.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 700 Informed Chodo Habat of confrontation with Loppak Slusk and Luxa
Item(s) Received Chodo Habat

Czerka Mainframe[edit]

After completing Ithorian Diplomacy:

2. All right. I'll help you. Chodo Habat: Ah, you have returned. You have decided to aid us in our cause?
1. All right, I'll help you. What do I need to do?
Chodo Habat: The Czerka offices in Residential 082 contain a secure mainframe. It is a closed system, inaccessible from outside.
1. [Computer] So it can't be sliced? 2. Go on...
Chodo Habat: Correct. We have skilled technicians among us, but they cannot access the system.
Chodo Habat: I am certain this mainframe contains files that would expose Czerka's corruption. It is only a matter of obtaining and then passing them on to the Telosian authorities.
1. How do you propose we obtain those files?
Chodo Habat: There is an employee of Czerka who may be willing to assist us in our cause. He spends his time in the cantina in the entertainment module. More than that, I... do not know. We seek a solution that sees no one harmed, but have found none. I am confident that a Jedi could find a way to make things right, but...?
1. I told you, I'm not a Jedi. Chodo Habat: So you said. Again, I am sorry.


4. Have you tried bribing a Czerka employee?
Chodo Habat: Bribery? No. I would not know who to contact. And I am worried. We have been taken advantage of many times of late. Can you guarantee the bribe will work?

If you ask if he's tried bribing a Czerka employee:

Persuade 1. [Persuade/Lie (7)] Why, yes... I know just the person to give those credits to. Persuade 2. [Persuade (7)] I am not sure, but we should try.
Dark Side Points Gained: -3
Chodo Habat: [Success] If you say so, then I will follow your judgment. Here are 500 credits, it is all we have to spare. Moza: [Failure] Even so, Chodo, we simply cannot spare any credits. We have none to give.
Credits Received: 500 Atton: Smooth. Chodo Habat: Moza is right. I am sorry, but we cannot do this.


3. Perhaps we should try something else. Chodo Habat: As I said, we do not have a solution before us. I am sorry.
2. I could blast my way in and take them. 3. I could try sneaking into their offices and stealing them.
Chodo Habat: But... violence? I do not want to sanction that. Chodo Habat: Perhaps, but it is heavily guarded. If you were caught, there would be a terrible fight. I would hate for someone to come to harm over this.

In every case:

2. I will see what I can do.
Chodo Habat: There is an employee of Czerka who may be willing to assist us in our cause. He spends his time in the cantina in the entertainment module. I'm sorry there is not more that I can do, but I hope for your success.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
Chodo Habat has asked that you find a way to access the Czerka mainframe - located in their offices in Residential Module 082 East - and gather damning files to present to the Telosian authorities. He suggested that there might be a disgruntled Czerka employee in the cantina on Entertainment 081 who could be of help.

Once you've spoken to Corrun Falt in Entertainment 081's cantina, if you haven't persuaded him to tell you everything you know without payment, or for just 300 credits:

1. I need 1,000 credits to bribe a corrupt Czerka executive. 1. I need 500 credits to bribe a corrupt Czerka executive.
Chodo Habat: This will help us obtain their files? Very well. Chodo Habat: I have already given you those credits. I will have to ask that you make due with them.
Chodo Habat: Here. 1,000 credits. Chodo Habat: Here. 500 credits.
Credits Received: 1000 Credits Received: 500
1. Thanks. I'll return later. 1. Never mind.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
Chodo Habat gave you 1,000 credits to pay off Corrun Falt, who said he could find you a way into Czerka's mainframe.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
Chodo Habat gave you 500 credits to pay off Corrun Falt, who said he could find you a way into Czerka's mainframe.

If you return after Corrun Falt tells you everything he knows:

1. I may have a solution to our problem. Chodo Habat: Yes? Please, go on.
1. Czerka's administrative assistant is a protocol droid. If we could steal that droid and reprogram it...
Chodo Habat: ...then it could access the Czerka mainframe manually, gather the files, and give them to us. Quite brilliant. Do not concern yourself with the reprogramming - my herd contains technicians who can perform the procedure once the droid is brought here.
1. I'll return later with the droid.

Once you've spoken to the droid technician Opo Chano and told him you'll extend or repay his loan in exchange for his credentials:

1. I need 2,500 credits to loan to a Czerka droid technician. 1. I need 2,500 credits to pay off a Czerka droid technician.
Chodo Habat: This will help us obtain their files? Very well. Here. 2,500 credits. Chodo Habat: I have already given you those credits. I will have to ask that you make due with them.
Credits Received: 2500
1. Thanks. I'll return later. 1. Never mind.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
Chodo Habat gave you 2,500 credits to pay off Opo Chano's debt. Chano should give you his droid credentials in return, which will allow you to take B-4D4.

Once you have the credentials and have used them to get B-4D4 to leave the Czerka offices with you:

Chodo Habat: Ah, this is Czerka's protocol droid! A most clever tactic. I'll have a droid technician reprogram it to return to their offices and access the mainframe for us.
Chodo Habat: Everything appears to be in working order, good. Do you understand the task that has been set before you?
1. Please reiterate the mission. 3. No, I do not.
Chodo Habat: You are to enter the Czerka offices, access the mainframe, download those files which clearly indicate the extent of Czerka's corruption, and then return them here. Your programming still will not allow you to harm sentient beings, but we have allowed you the capability to lie to accomplish your mission.
2. [Lie] I do not understand. Chodo Habat: You do not? What do you not understand?
1. I was merely testing my ability to lie. Chodo Habat: Ah... I see.


2. Yes, I do. 1. I understand. Chodo Habat: Good, good.
Chodo Habat: If you are caught, we have provided you with the means to wipe your own memory. You must not reveal that we have sent you.
1. I will return when I have obtained the files.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
You returned B-4D4 to the Ithorian compound, where Chodo Habat's technicians will reprogram the droid to acquire the Czerka files.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Returned B-4D4 to Ithorians

You now play as B-4D4:

Name B-4D4
Location Ithorian Compound
Map Residential 082 West
World Telos: Citadel Station
Inclusion Mandatory
Class Expert Droid
Level 1
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Attribute Base Total
Vitality 40 41
Force 0 0
Attack 1 1
Defense 10 14
Fortitude 0 1
Reflex 2 2
Will 0 1
Skill Base Total
Computer Use 0 0
Demolitions 0 0
Stealth No
Awareness 2 3
Repair 0 0
Security 0 0
Treat Injury 0 1
Points per level
Equipment Feats
Force powers

Droid Upgrade Class 3

If you try to remove B-4D4 from your party, add others, or try to equip B-4D4:

This character must be a member of your party at this time. You are unable to change your party at this time.
You cannot equip or remove an item from this slot.

B-4D4 can return to the Czerka Mainframe directly... or explore the rest of Citadel Station:

Residential 082 West
Moza: We are counting on you, B-4D4. Greeter: B-4D4? What are you doing here?
Bumani Exhange Corp.
Vula Our appointments calendar is completely full for the foreseeable future.
Loppak Slusk Just get out of here, B-4D4. I'll deal with your boss another time.
Residential 082 East
Harra Hello, B-4D4. These are my off-duty hours. If you need me, talk to me later.
Dendis Dobo Sorry, B-4D4, but I don't sell to droids.
Samhan Dobo You can tell Lorso that I have already completed her scheduled deliveries.
TSF Protocol Droid Hello, B-4D4. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the Czerka offices?
Lieutenant Grenn Any administrative questions can be handled by our protocol droid.
Corrun Falt Leave me alone, B-4D4.
Doton Het I do not frequently relax by conversing with protocol droids.
Mebla Dule No way, I learned my lesson - never play pazaak with droids.
Race Master Droids aren't allowed to race the Citadel Station circuit.
Dock Module
Ithorian Greetings, B-4D4. Czerka employees are not allowed in our docking bay, and that includes protocol droids.
Duros I have already sent the daily logs to Executive Lorso, there's no need for you to come down here yourself.
Czerka Officer Hello, B-4D4. I'm sorry, but I can't let you into the docking area without authorization from Executive Lorso.

If B-4D4 speaks to the protocol droid in Dock Module 126:

Protocol Droid: Greetings, B-4D4. What are you doing here?
1. [Lie] I was sent here to tell you that you have not been relaying up-to-date information to travelers and visitors.
Protocol Droid: That's impossible, my memory is undamaged, and I appear to be fully functional.
1. [Lie] Indeed. However, in light of a recent Council ruling, Czerka has been authorized to charge an excise fee for staying on Citadel Station.
Protocol Droid: I hadn't heard this. Thank you for informing me, B-4D4.
1. The fees should be paid to Czerka care of myself, as I will be handling the enforcement and collection of the fee.
Protocol Droid: I will be sure to relay this information in the future.
1. Goodbye.
Greetings, B-4D4. What are you doing here?

If B-4D4 can speak to Opo Chano in Residential 082 East's Apartment Complex B:

Opo Chano: B-4D4? What repairs has Lorso sent you for this time?
1. None, Master Chano, though I have noticed that I seem to require servicing more than is standard for a droid of my type.
Opo Chano: It is not out of the ordinary for a droid to require frequent maintenance.
1. That may be true, but are my frequent memory wipes truly necessary?
1. One might think that you were hiding something with them.
Opo Chano: I assure you they're all necessary, B-4D4.
1. Of course, Master Chano. Though upon accessing Executive Lorso's maintenance orders, I noticed that memory wipes had never once been requested.
1. A strange oversight, don't you think?
Opo Chano: You must be mistaken.
1. Perhaps. Either way, for a mere handful of credits, I could be persuaded to withhold this observation from Executive Lorso.
Opo Chano: Fine! Here! Just go. I don't believe it. Blackmailed by a droid... Credits Received: 20
Opo Chano: B-4D4? Get out! I don't want to see you again, unless it's to perform a memory wipe!
1. I won't be needing another of those, Opo Chano.

Once B-4D4 returns with the Czerka datapad:

Chodo Habat: Ah, B-4D4. Have you acquired the files?
1. Not yet. I will return when I do. 2. [Lie] Not yet. I will return when I do.
1. Yes. I have transferred them to this datapad.
Chodo Habat: Good. You are free to go.
Moza: Is it a good idea for us to just let it go, Chodo?
Chodo Habat: I don't see why not.
Moza: It is capable of lying. Droids are not made to lie, so people do not expect it. Imagine the trouble it could cause.
Chodo Habat: B-4D4 aided us against Czerka, using his abilities for the greater good. I do not believe there will be any problems.
1. I assure you that I will cause no trouble, Master Habat. 2. [Lie] I assure you that I will cause no trouble, Master Habat.
Chodo Habat: Very well. Farewell, B-4D4.

Once B-4D4 leaves, you can speak to Chodo Habat:

Chodo Habat: Ah, you have returned. I and all my herd thank you. With these files in hand, the Telosian authorities are certain to expel Czerka from Telos and Citadel Station. Our work can begin again. Moza, please take these to the TSF station immediately.
Moza: As you wish, Chodo. I will return when it is done.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
You recovered the damning files from Czerka's mainframe for Chodo Habat.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Recovered files from mainframe

Ebon Hawk: Stolen![edit]

Chodo Habat: The Restoration Project is still in some danger - Citadel Station requires another source of fuel - but at least Czerka will be gone. Even they can do nothing in the face of such indisputable evidence.
1. You promised to help me find my ship. 2. I'm glad I could help. 3. I've done enough for you. I expect my payment.
Chodo Habat: So I did, and so I shall. Chodo Habat: And now we shall help you. Chodo Habat: As you say, you have been more than generous with your assistance. The payment I promised, you will receive.
Chodo Habat: I have heard that the ship you arrived on is missing, hidden somewhere on Telos. I know one who could help you find it, and a means by which you could travel to him. When Citadel Station was developing the shield system it uses to protect the Restoration Zones, they worked with a Zabrak ex-military engineer named Bao-Dur. Bao-Dur designed and oversaw the installation of the shield system's planet-side components. His knowledge of Telos' surface and the shield grid is unparalleled. If there is anyone who could locate your ship on Telos' surface, it is he. He is a friend, and may be trusted.
1. Bao-Dur? Where is he? 2. Sounds like he's our best chance. 3. We'll see about that.
Chodo Habat: Bao-Dur should be on Telos' surface. I believe he is at one of the currently Czerka-held Restoration Zones, RZ-0031.
1. Will he be willing to help me?
Chodo Habat: He has been our ally in our struggle against Czerka. If you tell him that I sent you, he should be willing to help.
2. Why is he down there?
Chodo Habat: He grew weary of the Telosian government's reluctance to quickly resolve our contract dispute with Czerka. Perhaps as a Zabrak, he does not have our patience. When we last spoke, he said he would contact Czerka and handle the matter himself. How he intended to do this, I do not know. I have not seen him since.
3. How do I get to him?
Chodo Habat: I will allow you to use one of our orbital shuttles. It has no hyperdrive, but will allow you to descend to the planet's surface and make a return trip to Citadel Station. I must point out that this is illegal. Landing on the planet's surface without permission is forbidden, and we no longer control that Restoration Zone. Please be as discreet as possible. The closest shuttle is in Bay Two of Dock Module 126. I will call ahead and have the ship prepared for you.
1. Thank you, Chodo. 3. You promised to heal me, Chodo. 2. Before I leave, you said you would try to heal me.
Chodo Habat: Before you leave us, there is one last thing.
Chodo Habat: When you agreed to help us, I promised that I would try (to) heal your connection to the Force. It is only fair that after great cost to yourself, I uphold my part of the bargain. I believe that Telos will thrive once again, and that we would have had no measure of success had it not been for you. Chodo Habat: Indeed, and I have not forgotten the promise that I made to you.
Chodo Habat: When you stood before me, you opened my eyes to a hurt almost as great as the planet's. Your wound... I can feel the immensity your loss. Yet I can feel that you are slowly regaining what you have lost, and that in time, you may fully heal. Perhaps your time here has helped. I believe that it has. I think that I can help in your recovery, at least partially. I must admit, however, that even as the healer of my herd, I have never faced an injury such as this.
Kreia: Healing a dead planet is one thing, Chodo Habat, and healing a Jedi severed from the Force is quite another.
Chodo Habat: With all due respect, I believe you are wrong.
Chodo Habat: In healing a planet, it is a matter of connections. As plants feed animals, and animal populations thrive and grow, life connects and expands, the living web of the Force. I have walked in the growing restoration zones and felt the fullness of life, and perhaps that connection will help make you whole again. Perhaps you will find more than you think on the surface. You, me, my herd, helped to build that, the life of the planet. Though we describe the restoration as a process, we are, in truth, opening Telos to the Force. Thus, I believe I can help you. That perhaps through your work with the planet and my guidance, I might restore some part of the Force to you.
Kreia: You speak well enough, Chodo Habat, but perhaps you see all this as your chance to exert your own hold over others.
2. Kreia is right, I do not want your healing. 4. I appreciate the effort, but I do not want your healing.
Chodo Habat: I understand. In that case, go with our thanks, Name.
1. Thank you, Chodo. Go ahead. 3. Regardless, if you can return the Force to me, I want you to try.
Chodo Habat: Now, let us see what I can do.
Chodo Habat: There. It is not much, but I feel that I have been somewhat successful. Again, thank you, Name and go with our thanks.
1. [Name's maximum Force Points has increased by 5.] Maximum Force Points Increased (+5)
Journal Entry Added Ebon Hawk: Stolen!
Chodo Habat told you that a Zabrak ex-military engineer named Bao-Dur could help you find the Ebon Hawk. Bao-Dur was last seen in RZ-0031, a Czerka-held Restoration Zone on the surface of Telos. The Ithorians will allow you to use an orbital shuttle in Bay Two of Dock Module 126 to land on Telos.
Chodo Habat: An orbital freighter is waiting for you in Bay II, Dock Module 126. Bao-Dur should be in RZ-0031. He'll help you find this ship of yours.

Ithorians Under Attack![edit]

If you work for the Ithorians then once Chodo Habat allows you to use an orbital shuttle, the next time you use an Information Terminal to transit anywhere or you pass through Residential 082 East, Moza contacts you:

Moza: Name! Can you hear me? This is Moza! It is terrible, this is terrible! Armed humans have burst into our home and are causing much destruction and death.
1. How did this happen, Moza? 2. You're breaking up, I can't read you.
Moza: Many of my herdmates lie dead. They have threatened to kill Chodo, and I fear they will see it through. You must help us, we can turn only to the Jedi, the TSF is powerless. They are holding Chodo in his room, and have sealed the door behind them. You will need a passkey to open it. I will give you this passkey, but I am stuck in the plant room and I can hear the men hammering on the door. Please, you must help us!
Journal Entry Added Ithorians Under Attack!
Moza of the Ithorian compound has just contacted you to inform you that they are under attack and need your assistance. To save Chodo Habat, you will have to get Moza's passkey.

You can ignore this and continue to Docking Bay 2 to take the orbital shuttle, otherwise if you return then the door to the Ithorian compound has been closed. If you open it:

Greeter: Help! We are under attack! Someone, please help us!

If you speak to the greeter out of combat:

Greeter: Thank you for returning! We had feared that you were already on the shuttle to the Restoration Zone. You must help Chodo and Moza! They have been cornered and I believe they mean to kill them!
1. Where is Chodo? Greeter: Chodo is with the droid intelligence, where he usually is.
2. Where is Moza? Greeter: Moza was with the new plant specimens when he tried to contact you.
3. I'll be going now.

There are six mercenaries in reception, eight attacking and killing Ithorians in the compound beyond and five more in the vivarium in the compound's top right corner. One in each of these three groups is always using a basic Sonic Rifle:

Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 47
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 8 -
Sonic 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 8 -
Piercing 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Sonic Rifle + Short Sword

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


The remainder are a random selection using two Blaster Pistols or a basic Ion Rifle, or war droids.

Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 47
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 8
Reflex 8
Will 8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 4 -2
Energy 1-81-7
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack 8 -
Piercing 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Blaster Pistol(2) + Short Sword

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 47
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 8 -
Ion 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x3-
Attack 8 -
Piercing 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Ion Rifle + Short Sword

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


War Droid (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 61
Force -
Defense 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 11
Will 11
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 11 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Mercenary (3-19) (level 10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed War Droid (0-16) (level 10)

Moza is in the top left corner of the vivarium:

Moza: Thank goodness you've come! There is no time to lose, you must go to Chodo's aid. Take this passkey, it will give you access to his room.
Item(s) Received Moza
  • Ithorian Passkey
This passkey will unlock the door leading to Chodo Habat's room in the Ithorian Compound of Residential Module 082 West on Citadel Station.
2. There'd better be a reward for this. Moza: We have already provided you with a shuttle to reach the Restoration Zone as well as many credits. Our herd is poor, we have little more to give.
1. What little you have, I will take as payment. 2. In that case, I will leave you to fend for yourselves.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Moza: If that is how it must be, though we will be beggared for it. Moza: After all we have done to you, this is how our kindness is repaid. Go, then, and we shall die for your greed.
1. Better you than me. 2. Goodbye.


1. I'm on my way. 1. That is true. I will go to Chodo.
Moza: Thank you, Name. Again, we are indebted to you.
1. Just don't make it a habit.
Journal Entry Added Ithorians Under Attack!
Moza gave you his passkey so that you can open the door to where Chodo Habat is being held.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Given passkey

Chodo Habat is still in the top left corner of the compound, but the door to his room has been locked:

This door can only be opened with the proper passkey.
Demolitions Door Lock DC 21 Bash Resist - Vitality -

It can also be blasted open. Inside, Chodo Habat is being confronted by the mercenary leader and his two bodyguards:

Mercenary: And now Chodo Habat, you will die along with your herd.
Chodo Habat: You must not do this! If you kill my herd, the planet will suffer and die, its people with it.
Mercenary: That's none of my concern. I was hired to do a job, and after I kill you, I'll be done.
Chodo Habat: Surely you cannot see the world so callously. Credits you may have, but some day, the scars of your actions will consume you.
Mercenary: Perhaps, but not today, Ithorian.
Mercenary: Hmph. This is the best that you could muster to come to your rescue? Very well, I shall add their bodies to the dead.
Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 4
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 82
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 16
Reflex 14
Will 14
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 15 -
Energy 2-8-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 15 -
Slashing 10-30-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Zabrak Field Armor Damage Resistance vs. Cold30/- Hold Out Blaster + Vibrosword

Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 90
Force -
Defense 24
Fortitude 10
Reflex 8
Will 8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 9 -
Sonic 1-10-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 5 -1
Bludgeoning 1-61-6
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Sonic Rifle + Quarterstaff

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Mercenary (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 9
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 63
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 14
Reflex 12
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 13 -
Piercing 2-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Vibroblade

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Mercenary (level 10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Mercenary (level 10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Mercenary (level 10)
Chodo Habat: I never imagined Czerka would resort to this! They will stop at nothing to sabotage our efforts.
1. Czerka?
Chodo Habat: Yes, these mercenaries were hired by Czerka. They were instructed to destroy and kill everything they found in here. But this time they have gone too far. If the Telosian authorities are told about this, they will surely have no choice but to be forced to action.
Chodo Habat: Ah, Moza, you are safe!
Moza: Yes, thanks to Name. I am glad to see you are unharmed.
Chodo Habat: You must go to the Telosian council, Moza. Tell them what has happened here. You must make them see the evil they have allowed onto the Station. They must stop them.
Moza: Yes, Chodo. I will do my best.
Chodo Habat: And again, I thank you. I feared that you had already boarded the shuttle to the Restoration Zone, and we would be helpless to defend ourselves. As you must know, there is little more I can give you but my herd's eternal gratitude, and wishes that you will find your ship on the planet's surface.
1. You have given enough, Chodo. But I must leave now. Light Side Points Gained: +5
Chodo Habat: Indeed. May you have safe travels, until we meet again.


3. You'd better find something, Chodo. Chodo Habat: You must understand, my herd does not have unlimited resources. Perhaps in the future, when Telos is restored, I can repay this new debt to you.
2. I risked my life to save you! Is that not worth something? Chodo Habat: We owe you everything. Telos owes you everything. But there simply is nothing else we can give you, lest the Restoration Project fail for our generosity.
1. I understand, Chodo. 2. I will not leave until I am repaid for my service. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Chodo Habat: Consider it a debt to be repaid in better times, friend. I thank you for your understanding. Chodo Habat: Then here - these credits are truly the last we can spare. We will have to find a way to survive without them.
Credits Received: 500 1. Much better.
Chodo Habat: Until we meet again, may your travels be safe.
Journal Entry Added Ithorians Under Attack!
You rescued Chodo Habat and the Ithorians from the Czerka attack.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Rescued Ithorians

If you return once the Ebon Hawk is returned to you:

Chodo Habat: Welcome back to Citadel Station.

Batono Has Vanished[edit]

If you've been to Entertainment 081's TSF station and told Lieutenant Grenn you'll see what you can dig up about Batono:

4. Do you know anything about a man named Batono?
Chodo Habat: Er, Batono? I am sorry to admit that name is unfamiliar to me. I must admit I have little interaction with the other residents of this area, however.
2. I thought you might know of him, given his dislike of Czerka.
Chodo Habat: If it is true that he was no friend of Czerka, I wish it were true that I knew of him. But, alas, I do not. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.

Once the Czerka officer guarding the Bay III airlock in Dock Module 126 has pointed you to Jana Lorso, and she's said Batono spent some time in the company of the Ithorians:

1. Are you sure? Lorso mentioned that he spent time here in the compound.
Chodo Habat: It would not be the first time Lorso was mistaken. I assure you I have never known of a man named Batono to spend time in our company here.
1. [Persuade] I'm looking for him on behalf of Lieutenant Grenn. If I can locate him, it might prove the end of Czerka.
Chodo Habat: [Success] I believe what you say is true, and it gladdens me to hear that it is Lieutenant Grenn who is searching for him. I am sorry that I spoke untruth to you before, Name. Indeed, I do know of Batono, and I know where he can be found. But even so, you must promise me that you will tell no one about this. Not even Lieutenant Grenn, without Batono's permission.
1. I give you my word, Chodo. 2. [Lie] Of course, Chodo. Batono's secret is safe with me. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Chodo Habat: Very good. You see, Batono came to us for protection, and we found him an apartment where he could hide. Our security technicians ensured that he would not be found by Czerka's security division. You will find him in apartment C1 in the eastern portion of the Residential Module. I will give you the passkey to enter. Give him my apologies for revealing his hiding place, and my explanations. I hope he will not be too angry.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
Chodo Habat revealed that the Ithorians hid Batono in Apartment C1 in Residential Module 082 East.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Chodo Habat revealed Ithorians hid Batono
Item(s) Received Chodo Habat
  • Apartment C1 Passkey
This appears to be a typical passkey. It's marked "C1."

You can now unlock Apartment C1 in Apartment Complex C on Residential 082 East's bottom right side.


Through the doorway in the top right corner of the Ithorian compound is the top end of a hall with a door labeled vivarium at its top end.


There's an Ithorian standing by the control console in the vivarium's top right corner:

Ithorian: Welcome to the the restoration project's vivarium. 2. I'll be going now.
1. What do you do here?
Ithorian: I monitor the growth of the plant specimens collected here. Each of the species found on the planet's surface are represented here. It is important that we observe growth patterns in a controlled environment before large areas are transplanted.

Once you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid, if you investigate Smuggling on Citadel Station and agree to work for Samhan Dobo's Smuggling operation:

3. Could you tell me which is the bachani plant?
Ithorian: That would be the third one from the right. Feel free to look at it, but don't get too close to it - we have a security system that will trigger an alarm if you move too close to it.
1. I'll be careful.


2. I'm here to collect some plant specimens.
Ithorian: I'm sorry, that won't be possible. These plants are cared for in carefully monitored, precise environmental states. We cannot subject them to anything outside of exact, controlled changes.
Persuade 1. [Persuade/Lie (8] Lieutenant Grenn is concerned that some of these plants are in violation of Republic trade laws. He asked me to procure some samples for him.
Ithorian: [Success] I thought that all of our plants had been approved, but if Lieutenant Grenn believes it is necessary, then I will go along with it. Let me deactivate the security system. Only small samples, please. Try not to damage the plants. Ithorian: [Failure] All of the plants we have imported are in strict accordance with current Republic trade laws. Please inform Lieutenant Grenn that he is mistaken.

If you're persuasive then the Ithorian uses the vivarium control console to deactivate the security system. Otherwise, you can use the console yourself:


Please enter command:
2. Log out.
1. Check status of security system.

Please enter command:

Please enter command:
1. Deactivate security system. 1. Activate security system.

Please authenticate:

Please authenticate:
Computer Use 1. [Computer] Slice login codes. [5 Spike(s)]

Please enter command:
Console: [Failure] Not enough spikes. Console: [Success] SECURITY SYSTEM ACTIVATED

Please enter command:
1. Activate security system. 1. Deactivate security system.

Please enter command:

Please enter command:

There's a bachani plant in the middle of the vivarium's left side:

Plant: [This appears to be a Bachani plant, one of the many specimens the Ithorians are monitoring for the restoration project.]
1. Leave it alone.

If the security system's deactivated:

1. Take a sample of the plant. Plant: You take a sample of the plant.


Plant: [Awareness] As you go to take a sample of the plant you notice what appears to be a fairly complex security system.
Security 1. [Security (6)] Disable security system.
Plant: [Success] The security system is disabled. Plant: [Failure] You fail to circumvent the security system.

If you don't try, or you fail:

2. Take a sample of the plant anyway.

An alarm goes off. If Stealth mode is active:

Ithorian: What was that? Strange. The security system must have malfunctioned.


Ithorian: What are you doing there? You shouldn't be touching the plants! You'll ruin our measurements.
1. I was taking a sample of this plant. Ithorian: Why were you doing that?
Persuade 1. [Persuade/Lie (9)] Lieutenant Grenn is concerned that some of these plants are in violation of Republic trade laws. He asked me to procure some samples for him.
Ithorian: [Success] I thought that all of our plants had been approved, but if Lieutenant Grenn believes it is necessary, then I will go along with it. I apologize for doubting you.


2. It's none of your concern. Now step aside.
Ithorian: You will stay here while I summon a TSF officer to clear up this matter.
1. How are you going to make me stay here?
Ithorian: I am asking you to stay here, so that I can clear this up with the TSF. Unless you have something you are not being honest about.
2. I'm going to start walking, and we'll see what you do. 2. I'm leaving right now, and if you stand in my way, I will kill you.
1. I'll be going now. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Please excuse yourself from our vivarium or I will be forced to summon the TSF.
Journal Entry Added Smuggling
You retrieved a sample of the bachani plant.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Retrieved sample of bachani plant

You can now deliver the sample to Samhan Dobo.

Medical Facility[edit]

There's a sign for the Medical Unit to the right of the pressure door in the top wall at the main hallway's left end. The reception area beyond has an Onderon diplomat in its top right corner:

Onderon Diplomat: Hello there and greetings from Iziz and Onderon.
1. Who are you?
Onderon Diplomat: I am a diplomat from Queen Talia on Onderon. My stay was supposed to have been shorter, but the contract disputes over the restoration project have prolonged it.
2. Why are you here?
Onderon Diplomat: The Ithorians negotiated the export of flora and fauna from Onderon, but with their disagreements with Czerka, the status of our arrangement is in the air.
3. I'll be going now.


The top half of the reception area is above the dividing wall's left end, where the medical facility itself is through the doorway in the top right wall. There's a medical supplies container by the facility's top left wall, which can be opened using the terminal to its left if you're unwilling or unable to open it any other way:


Please enter command:
2. Log out.
1. Open medical supplies container. 1. [Computer] Slice authentication codes.

Please enter command:

Please enter command:
Security Medical Supplies Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Medical Supplies Item(s) Received Medical Supplies
  • Medical Supplies
Medical supplies taken from the medical unit in Residential Module 082 West.

Medical supplies are only received if, once you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid, you've investigated Smuggling on Citadel Station and you're now retrieving these medical supplies for Samhan Dobo's Smuggling operation.

Journal Entry Added Smuggling
Samhan Dobo would like you to procure the medical supplies from the medical unit in Residential Module 082 West. You retrieved the medical supplies.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Retrieved medical supplies

As you exit into reception with the medical supplies, a TSF officer enters the facility:

TSF Officer: Hey! What are you doing there?
1. It was an emergency, I needed to get to the medical supplies. 2. The canister just burst open! I don't know what happened. 3. Me? What are you doing there?
TSF Officer: Are you crazy? Step towards me and keep your hands where I can see them. TSF Officer: You must think I was born yesterday. Now, step towards me and keep your hands where I can see them. TSF Officer: Don't play games with me. Now, step towards me and keep your hands where I can see them.
TSF Officer: I'm going to place you under arrest and take you down to the TSF station for further questioning. Come with me peacefully and I won't need to cause you any harm.
1. I'm not going with you.
TSF Officer: Perhaps I shouldn't have made it seem like you had a choice. Now, surrender or face the consequences.
1. I'll take my chances.
TSF Officer: I didn't want to have to do this, but you've left me no choice.


2. You won't cause me any harm, but I wish I could say the same about you. 3. I'm leaving, and you are not going to stop me. 3. The only consequences here is what I'm going to do to you.
TSF Officer: We'll see about that.
TSF Officer (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 40
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 9
Will 9
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 9 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 9 -
Slashing 2-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed TSF Officer (level 9)

You can now deliver the medical supplies to Samhan Dobo.

Arms Dealing[edit]

There's a communications terminal in the medical facility's top right corner:

Communications Terminal: - NO INCOMING CALLS - 1. Log out.

If you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid to Czerka Corporation and agree to work for Jana Lorso, then Luxa of the Exchange:

Communications Terminal: - INCOMING CALL -

ID: Unknown
2. Do not accept call.
1. Accept call.
Communications Terminal: Greetings. Listen carefully - these instructions will only be repeated once. The meeting place is Unit B3 in Residential 082 East. Come alone, or the meeting is off. Do not do anything foolish. We are watching.
Journal Entry Added Arms Dealing
You have been instructed to go alone to apartment B3 in Residential Module 082 East.

Apartment Complex B is at the right end of Residential 082 East, where you can now enter Apartment B3 for Arms Dealing.

Lab Station[edit]

There's a Lab Station in the bottom right corner of the medical facility.