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File:KotORII Map Crystal Cave.png
Map of the crystal cave

Khoonda Plains[edit]

When you first enter from the Khoonda plains, you see a Twi'lek mercenary turning right at the junction ahead:

[The mercenary ahead doesn't notice you.]
[He appears to be walking past the Kinrath unharmed.]

Sensor Search[edit]

If you spoke to Saedhe in the Khoonda plains and agreed to join his Sensor Search, then you'll find the atmospheric sensors in rubble behind the central pillar at the first junction. If this isn't your first time here:

It is not remarkable to find a pile of rubble in a cave. However, this rubble was not present the last time you were here.

Before retrieving the sensors, add Bao-Dur to your party:

Bao-Dur: I don't know about that.
3. Let's move on.


1. You don't know about what? The sensors? 2. What's the problem? We found the sensors. Now we can take them to Saedhe and get paid.
Bao-Dur: They are vitally important pieces of equipment on tectonically or environmentally unstable regions. But do you really need atmospheric sensors on Dantooine?
3. I don't really care. Let's go. 4. I'll keep that in mind.
Influence Lost: Bao-Dur (-8)
Journal Entry Added Sensor Search: Bonus Mission
You've found three broken atmospheric sensors. Saedhe said he'd pay you 1000 credits apiece for them. He's probably still investigating the swoop bike wreckage on the Khoonda Plains.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Found three broken atmospheric sensors
Item(s) Received Rubble
  • Atmospheric Sensors
These are three banged up atmospheric sensors. It's some type of farm equipment.

Otherwise, you can double experience received if you or Bao-Dur can also investigate his suspicions:

Awareness 1. [Awareness (5)] Can you examine one of the sensors? Repair 2. [Repair (16)] I'll just crack open one of these sensors and see what's inside.
Bao-Dur: I'll have this open in no time. Child's play.
[Inside the atmospheric sensor is a hidden surveillance device. No wonder why Saedhe wants them so badly.]
2. Interesting. Let's move on... 1. Good work Bao Dur. Bao-Dur: Nice job, General.
Influence Gained: Bao-Dur (+8)
[These sensors provide strong evidence that Zherron is endangering relations with the mercenaries.]
Journal Entry Added Sensor Search: Bonus Mission
Taking apart one of the atmospheric sensors revealed a hidden surveillance device. No wonder why Saedhe was willing to pay 1000 credits for the atmospheric sensors.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Took apart atmospheric sensor

Changing of the Guard[edit]

If you've already spoken to Berun Modrul back in Khoonda and undertaken to find evidence that his superior, the militia captain Zherron, is endangering diplomacy with the mercenaries:

Journal Entry Added Changing of the Guard: Bonus Mission
You discovered hidden surveillance devices within the atmospheric sensors. This is strong evidence that Zherron is endangering relations with the mercenaries. If you take the sensors to Terena, she will have to do something about Zherron.

You now have a choice: you can return the sensors to Saedhe in the Khoonda plains and receive at least 3000 credits and 250 XP, and at most 5000 credits and 500 XP, or you can return them to the Administrator, Terena Adare, in Khoonda and receive 500 XP (although if you're prepared to move much closer to the dark side of the Force, you can maximize credits and XP received by doing both).


Otherwise, at the first junction you can turn left into the upper tunnel, passing the entrance to the Mercenary Encampment and a second junction before reaching the Crystal Chamber at the back of the cave, or follow the Twi'lek mercenary down the lower tunnel to the right. There are two viper kinrath wandering the first section of this lower tunnel, another two at a second junction and another in the dead end beyond this to the right; there's also rubble at this second junction, and at the end.

Viper Kinrath (main character level 23)
Set 3
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 143
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 25
Reflex 25
Will 20
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 24 -
Slashing 8-74-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Viper Kinrath (5) (level 23)
Item(s) Received Rubble (2)
  • ?

Meanwhile the mercenary has been wandering back and forth along the lower tunnel, ignored by the viper kinrath. If you speak to him, you can ask why:

Ahrnell: You shouldn't be sneaking around like that! These tunnels are too dark to tell man from beast.
1. My apologies. 2. Maybe you shouldn't be so jumpy. 3. I do not sneak.
Ahrnell: No worries. But what are you doing here? There are dangerous kinrath about. Ahrnell: Maybe you shouldn't be so rude. What are you doing here? If you're not careful, the kinrath here will eat you for breakfast. Ahrnell: Okay. What are you doing here? The crystal caves are filled with kinrath.
4. My business is none of yours.
Ahrnell: Then I bid you good day.


2. I'm just exploring. What are you doing? 3. Surely, you've heard of me. I am Name, the famous spelunker.
Ahrnell: I'm a rock collector. This cave's strata and crystal formations are absolutely fascinating. Ahrnell: Brilliant! Me too! It's such a pleasure to meet a fellow 'lunker'! Aren't the crystals in these caves absolutely fascinating?
Awareness 1. [Awareness (12)] You are different from most of the mercenaries I've met. 2. But you're a mercenary. 3. I don't believe you.
Ahrnell: And? Can't a mercenary have a hobby, something to wile away the idle hours between the carnage, blood, and ichor? Or does that not fit neatly into your prejudiced little definition of 'mercenary?'
Ahrnell: I am an explorer and a scientist. My profession as a mercenary enables me to travel the galaxy and explore caves on many planets.
1. What do you know about the other mercenaries?
Ahrnell: Most of the mercenaries here are rather surly. But that happens any time there is significant downtime between jobs. From what I've heard, we should be getting another job real soon, but I don't know what it will be exactly. They tend to keep me out of the loop.
1. Why do they keep you out of the loop?
Ahrnell: Truth be told, I don't fit in well with the other mercenaries. I am given special privileges, which makes some of the others jealous.
1. Why do you get special privileges?
4. You mentioned crystals?
Ahrnell: Yes, the crystals in this cave are unlike any I have seen. Some are warm to the touch, while others are freezing. They seem to draw and contain energy of some sort.
Awareness 1. [Awareness] The energy you speak of is the Force. I sense some small Force potential within you.
Ahrnell: I wouldn't speak of the Force if I were you. Most of my mercenary brethren would assume you were a Jedi and try to collect a bounty on you.
1. I am a Jedi.
Ahrnell: Yes, I thought that you might be. Again, I recommend keeping that quiet. I won't betray your secret, but other mercenaries may be more opportunistic than I.
4. I'll be going now.

If you end dialog and then speak to him again, he'll call you a fellow explorer if you've already tried to persuade him to tell you why the kinrath don't attack him, and if you failed then he'll tell you automatically if you ask again:

Ahrnell: Oh, it's you again. Still haunting the crystal caves? What do you want? Ahrnell: Welcome, fellow explorer! Have you seen the crystal formations at the back of that cave?
1. The kinrath don't attack you. Why is that?
Ahrnell: That's a trade secret I'm afraid I can't share. Ahrnell: Well, I suppose I can tell a fellow explorer.
Persuade 2. [Persuade (1)] I am an explorer, like you. You can share your secret with me.
Ahrnell: [Success] Well, I suppose I can tell a fellow explorer. Ahrnell: [Failure] Sorry, but the other mercenaries would punish me severely for giving away the secret.
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] You will tell me your trade secret. 3. You will tell me, or I will slice you up and feed you to the Kinrath in little pieces.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Ahrnell: [Success] I will tell you my trade secret. Ahrnell: Okay, I'll tell you. There's no need to get unfriendly.
Ahrnell: I recently discovered that these Kinrath discern friend from foe based primarily on scent. The common Kinrath have an odor-emitting gland near their rectum that keeps them from attacking each other. When carefully extracted with surgical tools, the gland will still function. Carrying the kinrath scent gland allows me, and the other mercenaries, to avoid notice by the local Kinrath population.
1. Do you have an extra scent gland I could use? 2. I must have one of these scent glands.
Ahrnell: Sadly, I only have one gland on my person, which I need to keep the Kinrath from attacking me. I could extract another for you, but the process takes several hours.
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] You will give me your gland. Persuade 2. [Persuade (12)] I want to hold your gland.
Ahrnell: [Success] All right. Here it is. Careful, it's very slimy. Don't squeeze it too hard, or it'll pop! Okay, I'll take that gland back now.
4. Okay, you can have it back.
Ahrnell: Thanks. I'd be the laughing stock of the other mercenaries if I lost my gland.

Otherwise, you can keep the gland:

1. My deepest apologies. My need is greater than yours. 2. No, I think I'll keep it. 3. Ha, I hear the kinrath coming, worm. You'd better run for it.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2 Dark Side Points Gained: -4 Dark Side Points Gained: -6
Ahrnell: Oh no! Without my gland I will be slain by these kinrath! I have to get out of this cave!

He runs for the exit, where two viper kinrath appear to attack and kill him. Otherwise, if you don't persuade him then you can kill him for the gland:

Ahrnell: [Failure] No, I don't think so. 3. Then I will kill you for your gland. Die!
Ahrnell (main character level 23)
Set 2
Level 17
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 19
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 109
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 21
Reflex 19
Will 19
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 20 -
Energy 2-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 20 -
Slashing 1-23-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Light Battle Armor Blaster Pistol + Long Sword

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Flurry Critical Strike16


If Ahrnell is killed then you move closer to the dark side of the Force, but you only receive experience if you kill him yourself (although you receive experience for killing the two viper kinrath that killed him).

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Viper Kinrath (2) (level 23)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Ahrnell (level 23)
Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Item(s) Received Ahrnell
  • Kinrath Sweat Gland
This is a sweat gland salvaged from the carcass of a Dead Kinrath. Having it in your possession will allow you to pass by most Kinrath unharmed.

With the gland in your inventory, viper kinrath (and only viper kinrath) in the cave will now ignore you and your party unless you attack them, or they see you attack another.

Crystal Chamber[edit]

A passage connects the second junctions of the upper and lower tunnels, containing a viper kinrath and another two at the upper junction:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Viper Kinrath (3) (level 23)

Beyond the second junction, the upper tunnel leads to the crystal chamber at the back of the cave. This section contains three virulently poisonous hive kinrath, with rubble by the right wall about a third of the way along, and again by the pool on the right just before the chamber entrance.

Hive Kinrath (main character level 23)
Set 4
Level 17
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 186
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 28
Reflex 27
Will 19
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 30 -
Slashing 9-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

On Hit: Poison, Virulent Damage30



Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Hive Kinrath (3) (level 23)
Item(s) Received Rubble (2)
  • ?

Save game before entering. When you first do so, Kreia communicates with you, even if she's not in your party:

Kreia: :: Your thoughts are disturbed. I can feel them, like a shiver running through you. ::
Handmaiden: This place affects me strangely. There is a tingling in my forehead.
Visas: Echoes. I feel echoes of the Force here.
Disciple: This cave is Force Sensitive. I've read of places such as this.
Kreia: Force Sensitive locations such as this absorb and reflect Force energy. The crystals are the catalyst here. I sense that Revan once passed through here, leaving a strong impression behind in the crystals. Perhaps future Jedi who visit this cave will feel our presence, as if seeing our footprints preserved in the soil.
1. Tell me more about these crystals.
Kreia: The crystals here are infused with the Force. Some could be harvested and used for lightsabers.
2. You said the crystals absorb the Force? I feel strange, but not weaker.
Kreia: The crystals here do not drain Force energy from Jedi. They collect the excess energy that radiates from those attuned to the Force.
3. I don't like the idea of leaving behind evidence.
Kreia: That can hardly be avoided. Even mundane actions of the basest creatures can create detectable ripples in the Force. A mynock beating its wings on the plains could cause a sandstorm in the desert. And figuratively speaking, Jedi have much bigger wings.
1. What if I destroyed all the crystals here?
Kreia: That would create quite a large impression of yourself, and the crystals would eventually grow back.
4. Okay.

Eight kinrath hatchlings appear at the back of the chamber, and another appears back in the passage between the upper and lower tunnels. Every time you leave the Crystal Cave and then return to this chamber, any killed will be replaced until you kill the kinrath matriarch. While this can be exploited, with Burst of Speed active it takes at least 30 seconds to run back to the Khoonda plains (so each round trip takes at least a minute).

Kinrath Hatchling (main character level 23)
Set 1
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 5 -3
Dexterity 5 -3
Constitution 5 -3
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 3 -4
Vitality 75
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 16
Reflex 16
Will 15
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 18 -
Slashing 1-45-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Kinrath Hatchling (8) (level 23)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Kinrath Hatchling (level 23)

There's a large crystal formation by the left wall of the chamber, and a crystal formation by the back wall and the pool on the right:

Item(s) Received Large Crystal Formation Item(s) Received Crystal Formation (2)
  • Power crystal

There's a glowing crystal formation by the rock pillar in the center:

Pet Rock
Pet Rock
Got the named Lightsaber crystal
Item(s) Received Glowing Crystal Formation
Kreia: The crystal responds to you! This is very rare indeed!
1. What does it mean? 1. What makes this crystal so special?
Kreia: The crystal's bond with you is such that the stronger you become in the Force, the more powerful your crystal will grow. This crystal will make an excellent focus for a lightsaber.
1. Is the bond... dangerous? 2. Is the crystal a threat to me?
Kreia: Quite the contrary. Picture yourself as a sieve, and the Force as water pouring into you. This crystal draws from the excess water that escapes the sieve.
1. Does the crystal feed off of the light side of the Force?
Kreia: The crystal is in tune with you. It will use whatever water that pours through you, be it dark or light.
2. Bah, I've gained a pet crystal. I hope I don't have to feed it.
Kreia: You scoff at this gift, but many Jedi would greatly covet such a treasure.
3. I don't need this. Do you want it? 2. Then others may try to steal the crystal from me? 3. So I could sell the crystal to a Jedi for a lot of credits?
Kreia: No. The crystal has bonded to you. Another Jedi would have little use for it.
4. Okay.

There are also seven kinrath eggs scattered around the chamber, which have 0 Defense, resist 5 damage and have 5 Vitality:

[The only thing you can do with this Kinrath egg is smash it.]

Cave Crawling[edit]

Once you've asked Zherron what sort of work he has back at the Militia Headquarters in Khoonda, the kinrath matriarch will appear with the eight kinrath hatchlings when you enter the crystal chamber: save game before doing so, so you can load game if you're not happy with the power crystal received from her remains.

Kinrath Matriarch (main character level 23)
Set 5
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 28 +9
Dexterity 28 +9
Constitution 28 +9
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 306
Force -
Defense 42
Fortitude 34
Reflex 34
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 35 -
Slashing 17-105-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Journal Entry Added Cave Crawling
You've killed the kinrath matriarch. This will hamper the kinrath's ability to procreate, which should make the Khoonda Plains much safer in the future. Tell Zherron, the militia leader, about this to receive a reward.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 675 Killed Kinrath Matriarch (level 23)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed kinrath matriarch
Item(s) Received Kinrath Matriarch
  • Power crystal

Return to Zherron for 2000 credits and 250 XP: be sure to do this before completing the Changing of the Guard or Defense of Khoonda if you plan to let Azkul and his mercenaries take Khoonda.

Mercenary Encampment[edit]

The entrance to the mercenary encampment is in the outer wall of the upper tunnel, between the first and second junctions: four viper kinrath wander this section, and there's rubble to the right of the entrance and behind the pillar just inside to the left, as well as two metal boxes by the left wall of the cave.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Viper Kinrath (4) (level 23)
Item(s) Received Rubble (2)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Metal Box (2)
  • ?

If you enter before the Enclave Sublevel, the encampment is otherwise empty.

Lost in the Shadows[edit]

Once you get the datapad from the dead mercenaries in the middle of the Enclave sublevel's Jedi archive, the mercenary encampment is populated by a mercenary captain, five mercenaries (a human, three Trandoshans and an Aqualish), and Master Vrook. Save game before entering: once you've spoken to the mercenary captain, all remaining viper kinraths in the cave are killed, you won't be able to activate the Cave Crawling quest, or complete it properly if you let Azkul and his mercenaries take Khoonda, and you won't be able to properly complete the Changing of the Guard quest.

[Master Vrook is enclosed in a force field, a prisoner of these Mercenaries. He regards you without expression.]
Mercenary Captain: Halt, settler. This is a restricted area. How the hell did you get through the kinrath? You should leave.
1. I'm here to rescue the Jedi. 2. Why are you holding Master Vrook prisoner? 3. So the mercenaries are branching out into kidnapping now?
Light Side Points Gained: +4
Mercenary Captain: We are highly trained veterans. And you're just a settler with a toy blaster. We're taking the Jedi to Nar Shaddaa, and that is the end of that. Mercenary Captain: He's a Jedi Master? Well, the bounty is going to be that much sweeter, then. Nar Shaddaa is paying extremely well for Jedi. Especially if they're alive. Mercenary Captain: This isn't kidnapping, this is bounty hunting. This Jedi is worth a lot of credits on Nar Shaddaa. And we're collecting.
Mercenary Captain: I'm going to say this nice and simple for your little kath herding head - unless you want to wind up dead, leave now.
3. Can we work out some sort of deal?
Mercenary Captain: I follow my orders and nothing you can offer will change that. Besides we're going to get rich off the bounty for this Jedi.
5. Can I ask you a question?
Mercenary Captain: I'm not in a question answering mood. You're not supposed to be here. Leave or face the consequences.
6. I'll just leave then.
Mercenary Captain: You've got some smarts. Just keep walking and don't tell anyone what you saw here. I don't want to see you back here again.

The following responses lead to a fight breaking out:

Impossible 1. [Force Persuade] Open the cage. Let the Jedi out.
Mercenary Captain: What?! That's a Jedi trick! We trained against that during the war. It's a Jedi, men! Kill her before she tries something else! Mercenary Captain: What? That's a Jedi trick! We trained against that during the war. It's a Jedi, men! Kill him before he tries something else!
2. I don't want to fight, but I can't let you take Vrook to Nar Shaddaa. 4. Defend yourself then.

Otherwise, if your first response is the following:

4. That Jedi belongs in his cage.
Mercenary Captain: I know that you settlers have a score to settle with Jedi. Trust me, this one's gonna suffer.
4. Vrook betrayed me - I want him to suffer.
Mercenary Captain: Trust me. Jedi have a very bad fate waiting for them on Nar Shaddaa. Anything he's done to you, he'll more than pay for.
1. I can't let you take Vrook to Nar Shaddaa.
Mercenary Captain: There's nothing you can do about it. We've been ordered to deliver him to the Exchange, and that's what we're gonna do!


3. I'm afraid imprisonment isn't good enough. He must die.
Mercenary Captain: I can understand how you feel, but he's worth a lot less to us if he's dead. So we're not going to kill him and we're definitely not going to let you kill him.
1. You have no choice in this matter. You're all dead. Dark Side Points Gained: -4

If Awareness rank 9 or more:

Awareness 2. You know, your cage won't hold him. He's an elite Jedi Master.
Mercenary Captain: He's a what? It doesn't matter if he's a master. That forcecage will hold him.
2. So certain are you? Enjoy the consequences. 3. That's the last insult I will take from you.
Mercenary Captain: There's no way someone can break out of a forcecage. Even a gondark couldn't break out of that. Dark Side Points Gained: -2


1. No, it won't. But if you let me make some alterations... Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Mercenary Captain: If you think you can help keep him secure, take a stab at it.
Mercenary Captain: I have no idea what you did, but I feel a lot more certain he's not going anywhere. Here are some credits, we appreciate the help. You must really hate this guy. We'll make sure to give him some special attention in transit. As much as you've helped, don't come back. And don't tell anyone what we're up to. This Jedi is taken care of.
Credits Received: 300
1. Now that Vrook is safely locked away, I can deal with you mercenary scum.


5. I'll let you go about your business then. I hope he enjoys Nar Shaddaa. 2. I'll be going now.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Mercenary Captain: For a settler, you're all right. Leave the cave and don't tell anyone what you saw. If you come back, we'll have to kill you. I'd rather not, so just go.
Journal Entry Added Lost in the Shadows
You found Master Vrook held prisoner by the mercenaries, but you decided to let the mercenaries ship him off to Nar Shaddaa. Vrook will probably be very upset with you if you meet him again.

This is cunning. If a fight breaks out, or you return after leaving (even in Stealth mode):

Mercenary Captain: I warned you. But I'm glad you didn't listen. Attack, men! Mercenary Captain: I said leave, not snoop around our camp. I guess you settlers are just incapable of listening. Attack, men!
Journal Entry Added Lost in the Shadows
You found Master Vrook held prisoner by mercenaries in the kinrath cave.
Mercenary Captain (main character level 23)
Set 4
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 35 (dark)
Awareness 20
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 135
Force -
Defense 37
Fortitude 24
Reflex 24
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 24 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 20 14
Slashing 6-366-36
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Light Battle Armor Blaster Rifle + Double-Bladed Sword

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Flurry Critical Strike17


Mercenary (main character level 23)
Set 3
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 21
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 143
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 25
Reflex 25
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 23 -
Energy 3-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 22 -
Slashing 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Pistol + Long Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Flurry Critical Strike17


Mercenary (main character level 23)
Set 3
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 21
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 126
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude 24
Reflex 24
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 22 -
Energy 3-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 22 -
Bludgeoning 3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Pistol + Stun Baton

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Flurry Critical Strike17


Mercenary (main character level 23)
Set 2
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 20
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 126
Force -
Defense 33
Fortitude 21
Reflex 21
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 21 -
Energy 2-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 21 -
Slashing 2-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Light Battle Armor Blaster Pistol + Long Sword

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Flurry Critical Strike17


Mercenary (main character level 23)
Set 2
Level 17
Class Minion
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 21
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 143
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 22
Reflex 22
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 22 -
Energy 2-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 22 -
Slashing 3-25-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Light Battle Armor Blaster Pistol + Long Sword

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Master Flurry Critical Strike18


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Mercenary Captain (level 23)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Mercenary (3) (level 23)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Mercenary (2) (level 23)

If you said Vrook must die, and gave the mercenaries no choice in the matter, then you can only avoid combat with him by saying your words were merely a ploy:

Master Vrook: You've just confirmed everything I thought about you. You were a stain to the reputation of the Jedi Order. I may have been caged, but I was never helpless. Guard yourself, exile.
1. Wait! My words were merely a ploy to deceive the mercenaries and free you. 3. Enough talk.

Otherwise, questioning him can only delay the inevitable:

2. Before I kill you, You have information I require.
Master Vrook: I don't know why you think I'd tell you anything.
1. Where are all the Jedi?
Master Vrook: Do you think I would tell you if I knew? There are enough of us left to stop you. And now that you have finally chosen to reveal yourself, you shall answer for what you have done.
2. I have killed Zez-Kai Ell on Nar Shaddaa, and now I shall kill you. 2. I have killed Kavar on Onderon, and now I shall kill you. 2. I have killed both Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell, and now I shall kill you. 3. We shall see. Prepare to die.


1. Are you so eager to end this? I still have questions.
Master Vrook: You are wasting your time. Anything I tell you will die with you.
2. What happened to the Jedi?
Master Vrook: The Sith strike at us from the shadows, never facing us in open combat. They seek the extermination of the Jedi Order. Somehow, they are targeting us through the Force, and where we gather, they can sense it. But now, by dividing our forces, we have made you come to us so we can deal with you. I had suspected a Sith presence on Dantooine, but the destruction the Sith caused here made detecting Force users difficult - as you know. The deaths of so many echo, so much so that it is difficult to center oneself... but it also served to mask my presence, to prevent me from being an easy target. And forcing the Sith - forcing you - to come to me.
3. Why are the Jedi in hiding?
Master Vrook: We were not in hiding, despite what you believe. It is you, and all those allied with you, that hide and must be found.
4. Why did you cast me out of the Order?
Master Vrook: Because you defied the Council and followed Revan to war. And from that war, came another. Do you know how many worlds were destroyed in those wars - Dantooine? Telos? Serroco? Do you see now why we counseled caution, instead of action? You were the only one to come back and face judgment. But that was because you had lost your connection to the Force - another casualty of war. No doubt you still blame us for your exile - I had hoped your isolation would give you time to reflect on what had happened, what you had done, but I see it has not.
5. Why did you cut me off from the Force?
Master Vrook: We did nothing to you. Accuse us if you will, but it will not change the truth. Cutting one off from the Force - such punishments are reserved for only a few. Although it was within our power, we did not inflict such a loss upon you. Your loss was a casualty of war, no more.
1. Then what happened to me?
Master Vrook: Perhaps that is a question you should ask yourself. It is not something I can help you with, even if I wanted to.
2. But I have reestablished my connection to the Force.
Master Vrook: Perhaps it is Dantooine, but I do not feel any power in you - I feel nothing but what I felt in the Council judgment chamber on Coruscant, so long ago. Still, you and your... connections were often a subject of debate in the Council. It is possible that returning to known space, journeying with others, has caused the Force to stir within you again.
6. At the end of my trial, you and the other Masters said something had happened to me. What was it?
Master Vrook: You have seen the end of your trial? Perhaps you would like to explain how you came to this knowledge.
3. I want to talk about something else.


1. I heard it in a holo-transcription of my trial. 2. It doesn't matter. If you know, tell me.
Master Vrook: That was intended only for the Jedi Council. If what remains of the Council chooses to tell you, then I will abide by their decision... and its consequences.
Persuade 1. [Persuade (12)] Does it really matter if you tell me. Only one of us will be leaving here alive.
Master Vrook: [Failure] I said I will not tell you.


Master Vrook: [Success] Fine! There is little I can tell you. Master Kavar felt something had happened to you in the war, but all he had were suspicions, not truths. And Kavar was too close to you in any event - he, too, felt the call of war and took to battle more than a Jedi should. His speculations would not help you now. But enough of this - it is knowledge for the Council alone until they choose to reveal it.
7. Do you know anything of Force Bonds... and how to end them?
Master Vrook: Force Bonds? Yes... it is the bond that grows between Master and student. Are you saying you have bonded with another?
1. Yes, and the connection is lethal.
Master Vrook: Such bonds normally grant strength to both - but not to such a degree. You are deluded to think it would be lethal. Still... your ability to form such connections, to influence others, was always a subject of discussion, even when you were a student here. Perhaps it is a punishment of a sort. But a bond that ties two lives together... such bonds do not seem natural to me. And with your loss of connection to the Force, it seems such a bond would be impossible.
7. I've heard enough. Prepare to die.
Master Vrook (main character level 23)
Set 4
Level 17
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 80 (light)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 16 +3
Vitality 186
Force 451
Defense 38
Fortitude 28
Reflex 27
Will 27
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 25 -
Energy 7-61-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Jedi Master Robe Regenerate Force Points1 + Lightsaber, Green

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Master Flurry

Destroy Droid Force Wave 28 Force Breach Master Heal

Master Vrook uses his Force powers rarely, if ever. Once he's been reduced to less than 50% Vitality, he knocks you back and stuns you before running away:

Master Vrook: You've become strong again... but I know not how. This isn't over, exile.

If you dealt with the mercenaries in any other way:

Master Vrook: Always the rushing into action without thinking of the consequences. What? You were expecting thanks?

If Alignment 30 or less:

Master Vrook: Khoonda is in danger, and you've ruined the best chance of averting a full scale conflict. Though perhaps that was your intent.
1. My intent? 2. What do you presume to know of my intentions?
Master Vrook: Don't think that I can't sense the taint of the dark side in you. It is difficult to perceive with the Force here on Dantooine, but it does not conceal your nature completely.
3. Before I kill you, you have information I require. 4. Then I cannot let you leave here alive.

You'll engage in combat. Otherwise:

1. I don't know what you're talking about. 2. I... I've done many things I'm not proud of, Master Vrook. I'm trying to change.
Master Vrook: Is this a joke to you? People's lives are at stake. Master Vrook: Perhaps you are not beyond redemption. But trying is not enough.

If Alignment > 30:

Master Vrook: Khoonda is in danger, and you've ruined the best chance of averting a full scale conflict.
4. Always a pleasure, Vrook. I see you still have your cheery disposition. 5. I could stick you back in the cage if it would make you happier.
Master Vrook: Is this a joke to you? People's lives are at stake.


1. I apologize for interfering. I was trying to help. 2. But I just rescued you... 3. How were you going to help in a cage?
Master Vrook: Right now Dantooine is at a critical moment. If Khoonda falls, then the Republic may lose control of this system. Still, I'm surprised you were able to get this far. Although you do have your Jedi training to fall back on. Master Vrook: Do you honestly believe six mercenaries could keep a Jedi master hostage? You still have no faith in the Jedi Council. Master Vrook: When an opponent believes that you are defeated, they no longer consider you a threat - and they relax their guard, become bold. After I was captured, they talked freely of their plans, enough for me to learn their intentions.
Master Vrook: Every action has consequences, no matter how small or insignificant they seem - and even the smallest choice has the potential for harm. The Mandalorian Wars was proof of this. Intentions mean nothing if a greater tragedy is caused.
1. Okay. What should we do now?
Master Vrook: I need to get to Khoonda and warn them. They could be attacked at any moment.
1. How can I help? 2. What did you learn from the mercenary captain? 3. Khoonda is going to be attacked?


2. Is this the same "careful timing" you were counting on in the Mandalorian Wars? 3. The Mandalorians had to be stopped. The Jedi Council was doing nothing.
Master Vrook: Did you think rushing into battle against the Mandalorians did anything but bring more harm to the galaxy? It only served to bring about a second war, more dangerous than the first. Countless Jedi died in both conflicts, and everyone who followed Revan and Malak died or were turned to the dark side. Except conveniently you.
1. By the time the Council acted the Republic would have been torn apart. 2. Revan and Malak were misguided, but without them we'd all be speaking Mandalorian. 3. You think it was wise of the Council to take no action?
Master Vrook: Disobeying the Jedi Council brought about more destruction than the Mandalorian Wars ever could - countless Jedi lost, the Republic broken, the... Master Vrook: Revan acted. You acted. There is no way of knowing what would have happened had you trusted in the Council - much like what you have done today.
Master Vrook: Enough of this. This is not the time for such arguments.


4. So you still think I'm a Sith?
Master Vrook: You were always difficult to read, as a Padawan and again at your trial - and perhaps more so now that we are here on Dantooine.
Master Vrook: If you wish to prove yourself, then do so - Khoonda is in danger, and they need our help.
Master Vrook: The mercenaries have allied themselves with the Exchange and are planning to attack Khoonda. They've been holding off for the right moment. And now since they lost their captive Jedi, they'll attack immediately. I'm going to try to reach Administrator Adare. Time is of the essence.

In any case, even if you fought Vrook:

Journal Entry Added Lost in the Shadows
You've "rescued" Master Vrook. He claims that he was in complete control of the situation and was trying to find more information before he broke free. Master Vrook says that the mercenaries were already planning an attack against Khoonda and will probably attack immediately to get the sizeable bounty on both of your heads in addition to taking care of Administrator Adare once and for all.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 "Rescued" Master Vrook

Lost Jedi[edit]

After completing Lost in the Shadows:

Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You encountered Master Vrook on Dantooine, but he had no time to speak to you. You suspect you'll get a chance to talk after the impending mercenary assault on Khoonda is resolved.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You encountered Master Vrook on Dantooine, but the coward fled before you could defeat him. Vrook has no way to leave Dantooine and he cannot stay hiding for long. He will have to face you soon.

Defense of Khoonda[edit]

After completing Lost in the Shadows, if you fought Vrook then you need to get the datapad from the mercenary captain's remains to learn that the mercenaries are planning an attack on Khoonda (otherwise he just told you before he left):

Item(s) Received Mercenary Captain
  • Datapad: Mercenary Orders
This datapad contains orders from Azkul to senior mercenary officers. The mercenaries have recently made a secret alliance with the Exchange and are planning an imminent attack on Khoonda. With Administrator Adare dead then the Exchange would be able to use Dantooine for their illicit activities, completely undetected by the Republic. All preparations for the mercenary attack have been made, and they could attack Khoonda at any moment.
Journal Entry Added Defense of Khoonda
You've learned that the mercenaries have entered into a secret alliance with the Exchange. They're planning an attack on Khoonda. All preparations have been made, they're just waiting for a signal. Undoubtedly your actions may have served as a catalyst.