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File:KotORII Map Polar Plateau.png
Map of the polar plateau

After HK-50s arrived too late at the Underground Base, but managed to track your shuttle's movement across the shield network, the unit dispatched to the polar region with your last known coordinates and approximate path awaits you on the polar plateau, and shoots down your shuttle!

The shuttle crashes on the left side of the plateau. In the aftermath, you, Atton and Kreia lie in the snow outside above the shuttle and, as you all get to your feet, the three HK-50s on the top side of the plateau speak:

HK-50: Irritated Declaration: There you are. It has been extremely difficult to track you down, Jedi.
HK-50: Quick Clarification: But now that we have found you, we hope that we can facilitate communications.
HK-50: Unnecessary Addendum: And put an end... to hostilities.
1. Any reason why you shot down my vessel?
HK-50: Unnecessary Clarification: We merely wished to cripple your vessel. Once we tracked your coordinates, we were able to deploy several droids in this location.
HK-50: Probing Query: We are, however, curious as to why you chose to come to the remnants of the polar Telos irrigation system. There is nothing here that our instruments can detect.
HK-50: Eager Threat: But we are looking forward to extracting your motives for coming here when we place you in torture restraints.
2. What are you assassin droids doing here?
HK-50: Self-Evident Answer: Wherever you try to run, we will be there, armed and ready.
HK-50: Rhetorical Query: So the query you have posed to us is one we put to you. What are you doing here, we wonder?
3. How many of you are there?
HK-50: Chiding Statement: Oh, Jedi, there are as many of us as are needed to capture or kill our targets.
HK-50: Egotistical Boast: And there are far more of us than any one Jedi. Destroy one of us, and more shall rise from the wreckage.
HK-50: Unnecessary Threat: And our attack protocols are more than a match for you - and your allies.
4. If you want a fight, then come on. 5. Destroying one of you was easy... wiping out three of you might cause me to break a sweat.
HK-50 (main character level 12)
Set 4
Level 9
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 9
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 117
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 19
Reflex 17
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 18 -
Damage 2-20-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Heavy Blaster

Logic Upgrade Toughness Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Power Blast19


HK-50 (main character level 12)
Set 4
Level 9
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 9
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 117
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 19
Reflex 17
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 19 -
Damage 2-24-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle

Logic Upgrade Toughness Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle Power Blast19


HK-50 (main character level 12)
Set 4
Level 9
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 9
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 117
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 19
Reflex 17
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 19 -
Damage 4-32-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Heavy Repeating Blaster

Logic Upgrade Toughness Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle Power Blast19


All three can use Power Blast, which trebles damage on a critical hit. They're too far apart for grenades to affect more than one of them, but if you or Kreia can use Disable or Destroy Droid on the one in the middle then all three are affected, and Atton can make Sneak Attacks on any stunned droids. Otherwise, since they're all ranged attackers, using melee weapons can improve chance to hit once the distance has been closed.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed HK-50 (3)
Item(s) Received HK-50 (3)
Item(s) Received HK-50 This control cluster looks like it was singed by blaster fire, but it looks like the durasteel shell surrounding kept it intact despite the damage.

Bao-Dur lies in the snow at the bottom right corner of the shuttle:

[Bao-Dur looks as if he was knocked unconscious by the explosion - if you can find refuge, then he should recover in time.]

On the bottom left side of the plateau there's a turbolift that can take you down into the polar plateau interior. Save game, as there can be a lot of dialog upon entering: after doing so, two figures dressed in white and armed with quarterstaves approach and stand over Bao-Dur...

Polar Plateau Interior[edit]

Having taken the turbolift down from the polar plateau with Atton and Kreia, you're met by a Handmaiden and two of her sisters in the entrance chamber below:

Handmaiden: Lay down your weapons and you shall not be harmed.
2. All right - we mean no harm. Light Side Points Gained: +1

Avoid that response, as it may cause a glitch that prevents you from leaving. Otherwise:

1. Who are you? 3. Take my weapons and you die.
3. I'm not giving up my weapons. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Handmaiden: I will not warn you again. Drop your weapons, or we shall take them from you.
Kreia: Do as they say... I sense we will come to no harm.
1. No one disarms me. 2. If they wish a fight, I will give them one. 4. Very well. I did not come here to do battle.
Kreia: The loss of your weapons shall be a temporary thing only - and it is necessary. There is much to be gained here... without violence.
3. I'll play along... for now. Light Side Points Gained: +1

Atton and Kreia are taken from the entrance chamber and imprisoned in cages: Bao-Dur lies, still unconscious, in another beside theirs. Atton and Kreia speak:

Atton: Why is it that everywhere we go I end up in a cell? I mean, why did they lock us up? What is this place?
Kreia: It is a training ground. For Jedi.
Atton: What? This ice hole?
Kreia: Yes, it bears the semblance of an academy... but where are all the students? Curious.
Atton: You've got to be joking. What is a Jedi Academy doing out here in the middle of nowhere?
Kreia: It is a place hidden from the galaxy, like the academy on Dantooine. But this place... oh, Atris... you have been clever.
Atton: Atris?
Kreia: It's none of your concern.
Atton: Well, the sooner we're outta here, the better. Two crazy Jedi are more than enough for me. No one told me we were going to be dumped in a nest of Jedi.
Kreia: And what is it about this place that causes you such fear?
Atton: What do you mean? We're in the middle of a bunch of Jedi. You know how they are.
Kreia: No, I do not... not in the way you seem to.
Atton: What... what are you doing? Get out of my head!
Kreia: Stop struggling... let me follow the current, deep... deeper... to its source.
Atton: Stop... st... ernhhhh!
Kreia: Ah, with the fear... is mingled guilt... it squirms in you like a worm. And the why... ah, and there is its heart. You surprise me - I could not feel it before... your feelings are a powerful shield, indeed.
Kreia: Do not worry, "Atton." If she is Jedi, she will forgive. And if she is not, she will not care. Kreia: Do not worry, 'Atton.' If he is a Jedi, he will forgive. And if he is not, he will not care.
Atton: You can't tell her. Please - I'm asking you. I don't want her to... Atton: You can't tell him. Please - I'm asking you. I don't want him to...
Kreia: ...think less of you? I hardly think that's possible. Still, there is no shame in what you ask. We all wage war with the past. And it leaves its scars. I will not speak of yours, Atton, but there is a price for such things.
Atton: What? What price?
Kreia: There are those who wage war, and those who follow them. You are a crude thing, murderer, but you have your uses.
Kreia: You know how important this woman we travel with is - even one such as you can feel it. You will serve her... until I release you. Kreia: You know how important this man we travel with is - even one such as you can feel it. You will serve him... until I release you.
Atton: And if I refuse?
Kreia: You will not. If you do, then my silence will be broken. And then, Atton, you will be broken. You fear the Jedi and rightly so. If Atris learns of your... choices, you will never leave this place. But whatever fear you hold of the Jedi, know that if you disobey me, that my punishment will make you beg for the death that has long hounded you. Wipe the fear from your mind. You will not find blind obedience a difficult Master... you chose it once. You will learn to embrace it again.
Atton: I don't know how you became such a manipulative witch, but why a vicious old scow like yourself would even bother with me is a bigger mystery.
Kreia: No game of dejarik can be won without pawns... and this may prove to be a very long game. You are a slippery one, your thoughts difficult for even one such as I to read. I suspect the self-loathing that squirms within you gives you a curious strength. Your spirit, as diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you. I feel you have crossed our path for a reason... perhaps even you, at the right moment, may be able to turn aside disaster. If so, your potential is not yet spent.
Atton: Fine. I'll be your pawn. But I still think you've got the wrong man.
Kreia: Perhaps. But someone has to fly the ship. And the Force is a hard thing to predict. You have crossed our path for a reason. Our path brought us here for a reason... and now I know why. The past is here, and it must be met before the future can be set in motion.
Atton: More Jedi speak. Care to explain?
Kreia: No - I have wasted enough time with you. Sleep, murderer - and be silent. I need no distractions. A critical moment approaches.

Lost Jedi[edit]

Meanwhile, you exit the entrance chamber on its right side and go up a walkway to the meeting chamber, where a woman named Atris meets you after coming down a walkway from her meditation chamber, even further to the right.

Atris: I did not expect to see you again after the day of your sentencing. I thought you had taken the exile's path, wandering the galaxy. Yet you have returned - why?
1. Tell me what you've done with my friends first. 2. I want my property - my slaves and my ship - returned.
Light Side Points Gained: +2 Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: Your concern is noted... your friends have not been harmed. They have been detained, for their safety. I find it... unusual... that you are traveling with others again. I had thought you had forsaken the company of others after the war. Or is that why you are here? Atris: Your... slaves have been detained, for their safety. Though if that is how you treat them, I imagine they would prefer cells to your company. But you have not answered my question. Why are you here? The Order and you parted ways long ago, and the Order was the better for it.

You can debate the Jedi Council's decision to exile you with Atris, ask her about the Ebon Hawk, and tell her you're here for revenge to move closer to the dark side of the Force.


3. It was not my intention to come here, Atris - or see you again. 4. If you think I wanted to see your face again, you're sadly mistaken.
Atris: Yet here you are. Perhaps you do not know yourself as well as you think. Regardless, your arrival here begs an explanation. Have you come to face the judgment of the Council, as you did so many years ago? Are you finally willing to admit that we were right to cast you out?
8. I'm not here to debate the Council's decision. 9. I'm here for revenge, nothing more.
Atris: Indeed? Very well. Your exile has given you some wisdom at least. So then, answer me - how did you find this place? And why have you returned after all this time? Dark Side Points Gained: -2

Saying you're not here to debate the Council's decision at any time returns you to the remainder of your first dialog options. Otherwise:

1. The Force brought me here.
Atris: You presume much. The Force does not guide your movements, not any more. Its connection was lost when you fell. Perhaps you feel that the Force also led you to the Mandalorian Wars, as well. But in truth it only led to your exile.
2. Refresh my memory - why did the Council cast me out?
Atris: Why? Because you turned your back on us... and the Order. You followed Revan to war against the Mandalorians. The very war that made Revan a Lord of the Sith... and ruined you.
1. But the Republic asked the Jedi for aid. 2. I did so for the Republic's sake, not Revan's.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Atris: The Republic asked the Jedi Order for aid against the Mandalorians, that much is true. Yet that aid did not mean rushing into battle - giving in to aggression, your hate, your passions.


5. The Council wanted to assess the threat, while people were dying by the millions. 6. Better to go to war than be ruled by cowardice. 7. I'd follow Revan over the Jedi any day.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: So you said, so long ago. I didn't believe it, then, and I don't believe it now. Atris: So you said, so long ago. And look where it has led you.


5. I could not stand by and allow innocents to die in the Outer Rim. 7. I deserved exile. I was no longer a Jedi.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Atris: So you said, so long ago. I didn't believe it, then, and I don't believe it now. Atris: Of course you were no Jedi. No Jedi behaved as you do. No Jedi would wish to behave as you do.
3. The Council exiled me out of fear... of Revan, of me, and of what we represented.

In every case:

Atris: You sought adventure, you hungered for battle. You could not wait to follow Revan to war.


4. Maybe you should admit that it was the Council's decisions that led to the Jedi Civil War. 6. They were right - Jedi do not go to war, no matter what the reasons.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Atris: You, and all the Jedi who followed Revan, caused the Jedi Civil War - it was because the need to wage war burned within you. Atris: Echoing the words means nothing unless you hear the source. I am not certain you have learned what the Jedi strove to teach you.

In every case:

Atris: The Jedi Order asked only for time to examine the Mandalorian threat. They urged caution, patience. And you defied them. So when you returned, you were brought before us. You were a Jedi no longer. And so you were exiled.
1. I also recall you wished me imprisoned... or worse. 3. I remember now, you do not need to remind me again. 2. My punishment could have been worse. For that, I am grateful. 4. I realize now you and the Council were merciful.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Atris: There was much about that day that was difficult to forget - your words, your defiance - and when you stabbed your lightsaber into the center stone. I have kept it - so I would never forget.
1. That's my lightsaber! 2. I was no longer a Jedi... it was no longer mine. 3. It was your right to do so - I no longer deserved to. 4. I did not realize you still had it after so many years. 5. Kept it? Stole it, you mean.
Atris: Indeed. A lightsaber is the mark of a Jedi. When you turned your back on the Order, it was not yours anymore.
Atris: I have always kept it, as a reminder of what can happen when your passions dictate your actions. I have kept it, so I would never forget your arrogance or your insult to the Order.
1. I wish to earn the right to carry my lightsaber again. 2. If I became a Jedi again, would you return it to me? 3. Whatever your reasons, I want it back. 4. Insult to the Order? You insult me by carrying it. 5. Give that blade back, or I'll tear it from your dead hands.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: Become a Jedi again? That is a thing far out of reach. Atris: It is not yours. It is a symbol of something greater, which you no longer represent. Atris: Then you misunderstand its meaning while it is in my possession - and what it now represents. Atris: So... you would fight me for it? You are not far removed from the monster who left the Order so long ago.
Atris: But I am not unsympathetic to your feelings. Leaving the Order must have been difficult for you.


6. Keep it, then. I could care less.
Atris: I suspected as much. You cared nothing for the trappings of the Jedi... and you cared nothing for the Order, even on that final day you came before us.

In every case:

Atris: Yet you gave the Council no other choice. You gave me no other choice.
1. I had no other choice but to go to war!
Atris: Life is filled with choices. And when you are forced to make one, you have the Jedi teachings to guide you.
2. I went to war to protect others, not for battle. Light Side Points Gained: +2
Atris: So your choice was to meet the aggression of the Mandalorians with more aggression? That is not the Jedi way!
1. And the Council's way was to meet aggression with surrender? I'll take my choice any day. 2. Is the Jedi way to let people be massacred? 3. I told you. It was not aggression - I was defending others. 4. It was for a just cause. 5. The Mandalorians were butchering innocent worlds, worlds that we had sworn to protect.


3. The Council was weak and ruled by fear. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: And you were ruled by hate and aggression! That is not the way of a Jedi!
2. It was my choice, and I chose battle - gladly. 3. If being a Jedi means surrendering, I choose not to be a Jedi. 4. The Mandalorians deserved to be met in battle.

In every case:

Atris: Every choice we make, whether we know it or not, sends echoes through the Force. It can awaken feelings, ignite passions, hate, anger, fear - where none existed before. By meeting aggression, by serving as an opponent against which the Mandalorians could test themselves, you fed their hate, their lust for war. And it sent a terrible echo through you. And because of it, you and those Jedi who met them on the battlefield lost their way... and you turned on us.
1. Were you not tempted to help the innocent? 2. I did not lose myself there - I found myself. 5. I lost nothing in the war. 3. I would make the same choice again.
Atris: Of course I was. But the Jedi teachings require we examine how we may best help them - action without reflection is not our way. Atris: No, you lost yourself and you lost your way. It is the price of action without reflection... it is what we were taught as Jedi. Atris: Then you would die a second death. Such is the price of action without reflection. It is what we were taught as Jedi.


4. Revan and Malak turned on you, not I.
Atris: Without you and the other fallen Jedi to support them, to feed their lust for war, Revan and Malak's crusade would have been over before it began.
1. Then you know nothing of what drove me... or Revan. 2. If the Jedi had backed us, there never would have been a Civil War! 3. Abandoning fellow Jedi fighting a just war is not my way.
Atris: I know you betrayed the Jedi teachings. All that you had been taught, you threw at your feet and crushed them beneath your heel. Atris: You betrayed the Jedi teachings! All that you had been taught, you threw at your feet and crushed them beneath your heel.
Atris: The Jedi teachings require we examine our actions... acting without reflection is not our way.

In every case:

1. So you were content to let the Outer Rim die? For the sake of teachings? 2. Tell that to the millions who died in the war... lives we could have saved, if the Jedi had acted earlier. 3. Our teachings do not mean we should stand by and watch others die. 4. Hesitation and passivity are also strong emotions - ones we should guard against.
Atris: There was no guarantee that marching to war would have saved the Outer Rim. In fact, quite the opposite.
1. If we had not fought, the Republic would have fallen. That is a fact. 2. Even the Mandalorians admit that Revan turned them back. 3. No, there was no guarantee we would win. But if we had not acted, the Mandalorians would now rule the Republic. 5. Have you been reading the history of the blind? Revan. Won. The. War. 4. We could have waited, but defeating the Mandalorians after they had won would have been difficult.
Atris: A physical victory perhaps, but the real victory lay in t- Atris: There are victories other than physical ones. The real victory lay in th-
1. ...the triumph of pacifism? Surrender?
Atris: Do not twist my words. A physical victory is not the only victory... or the only loss.
1. Your words would have rung hollow if the Mandalorians had crushed the Republic and conquered the galaxy. 2. If we had not acted, thousands of worlds would have been pillaged and burned of life. 3. Nice words... but if we listened to you, we'd be hearing it in Mandalorian right now. 4. If you trust only in the Force to settle events and disregard the need to act, then the Mandalorians would rule the galaxy.


2. And how many people would have died if the Mandalorians hadn't been stopped? 3. If we hadn't stopped them, the Republic would have been destroyed. 4. The triumph of the Jedi teachings is a cold thing when there is no one left alive to appreciate them.

In every case:

Atris: You do not kno-
1. If the Mandalorians had won, would the Jedi have fought then? Or simply have meditated on what to do? 2. Oh, please. Anyone who stepped outside the Jedi Archives would know it. 3. I have only my experiences to guide me - and they tell me you and the Council were wrong. 4. You are correct - I do not know. And neither do you.
Atris: How dare you? The Mandalorian Wars should have been your grave and Malachor V is where you should have died!
Awareness 1. [Awareness (16)] Your anger... is it because you secretly wish you'd had the strength to follow me to war?
Atris: What? What do you mean?
1. I can see it in you - you wanted to fight by my side. But you were too scared to defy the Council. 2. Then let fear guide you, Atris, wherever it leads. 3. If you cannot grasp the truth, then never mind. 4. I do not wish to speak of this anymore.
Atris: You are wrong, just as you were when you defied the Council.


3. The Republic is the one that should have died at Malachor V. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: And that would have pleased you? So be it.


Awareness 1. [Awareness (10)] At last it comes out. Was it always this personal with you? 1. I did nothing to you - yet you hate me, I can feel it. Why? 2. Careful, Atris - anger leads to the dark side.
Atris: You see shadows where there are none, and hate where there is none. You are blind, as always.
4. You know nothing of what happened at Malachor V, so be silent.
Atris: It was only a battle, exile, nothing more. You had lost the true war long ago.

In every case:

Atris: I tire of... fighting with you. You lust for war, and you always will. And you have succeeded in distracting me from my questions.


5. I don't want to re-open any more old wounds, Atris - let us end this. 6. I think this conversation is over.
Atris: It will never be over. For either of us. But I agree that this discussion is pointless.
Atris: So answer me. If you can not seem to admit the Council was correct, then why are you here?

In every case, that now returns you to the remainder of your first dialog options.

Ebon Hawk[edit]

5. I am looking for my ship so I can leave Telos. 6. I'm here because a pretentious schutta stole my ship.
Atris: Your ship - ah, the Ebon Hawk? It is not your ship. Unless you are admitting to the destruction of the Peragus mining facility.
6. Look, do you have my ship or not? 7. Are you admitting to stealing the Ebon Hawk?
Atris: The Ebon Hawk is here, safe. Its records and navicomputer are being dissected to determine what caused the destruction of the Peragus facility.
Repair 1. [Repair (1)] Good luck with the navicomputer - you're wasting your time. 2. When can it be returned to me? 5. What gave you the right to take it?
Atris: We are having some trouble with the navicomputer... but I think with your cooperation, willing or otherwise, that will cease to be an obstacle. 3. So you did steal my ship. Atris: The destruction of Peragus gave me the right.
4. I want my ship back. Now.
Atris: If it is your ship, perhaps I should be questioning you as to what happened - and why you destroyed the facility and murdered all the miners stationed there.
1. All the miners were already dead!
Atris: A facility of over one hundred and fifty personnel - all dead before you arrived. A childish story to mask your crime. And with the facility destroyed, you think there is no way to confirm your story. But I will pry the truth from you, I promise you that.
7. Give me my ship, or I'll murder everyone here. 8. If you don't return my ship, I will take it back.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2 9. The Ebon Hawk isn't yours, Atris. Return it.
Atris: At last your true nature shows its face. Serving with Revan truly corrupted you. I promise you this, murderer... I will see you tried and punished for what you have done. This is not the Jedi Council anymore - it is I who is judging you, and I will see justice done. Atris: Again, you insist it is your ship. But it has had many owners, which I am sure you are aware. You have no claim over it - even if you did, the destruction you have already caused demands that you be tried and punished for what you have done.
1. Not after you become one with the Force, you won't. 2. I won't allow you to put me on trial again. 3. I've had enough of this - and you.
Atris: It was too much to hope that you may have come here to finally admit the Council was right.
1. That's my lightsaber! 2. Where did you get that?
Atris: A lightsaber is the mark of a Jedi. When you turned your back on the Order, it was not yours anymore. Atris: I have always kept it, as a reminder of what can happen when your passions dictate your actions. I have kept it, so I would never forget your arrogance and your insult to the Order.
1. I want that blade back - and I don't want to fight you for it.
Atris: You do not wish to fight for it? You surprise me. If you do not wish to fight, then answer my questions. What - happened - at - Peragus?
3. I'm taking my ship back. Try to stop me and you'll regret it. 4. Just give me my ship, and I will depart.


1. [Lie] The destruction of Peragus was an accident. 4. [Lie] Peragus? I've never heard of it.
3. I wish I'd blown up that rock cluster, but it wasn't my fault. 7. I've never even heard of Peragus.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
1. The destruction of Peragus was an accident. 3. Of course I destroyed Peragus.
Atris: Ah... an accident. Something beyond your control. Atris: So, at last you admit it. At least you have that much courage left. Atris: You will drown in lies before the day is done, it seems. Your admission is irrelevant - the guilt is thick on you.


2. Peragus' destruction was necessary. 5. I admit nothing.
Atris: Necessary? The destruction of Peragus was necessary? Atris: Of course you admit nothing. That would require facing and examining your actions.

In every case:

Atris: You have not changed. Acting instead of thinking. Putting yourself before the galaxy, before the Jedi. Do you know what you have done?
1. Why don't you tell me? 2. Yeah, I destroyed two worlds with one explosion. 3. I know it put Telos in jeopardy, but I had no choice. 4. Yes, yes, Telos is doomed, and I could care less. 5. Peragus was nothing compared to what I'll do if you don't give me back my ship.
Atris: No, your crime is much more than that. Atris: The ship... and your freedom... is no longer yours. You and your ship will be detained here, pending an investigation and a trial.
Atris: Without the fuel from Peragus, Citadel Station cannot maintain its orbit. It will crash into the planet, and its destruction will echo across twenty other worlds.
1. What do you mean? 3. Why is Telos so important? 4. So what? 2. Twenty worlds with one explosion? Even better.
Atris: Telos was a test, to see if the Republic could mount a restoration effort on the Outer Rim. When it fails, the Republic will not finance another. The other Rim worlds devastated by the Sith will remain graveyard worlds, devoid of life. And that is the magnitude of your crime. Atris: You have indeed become a monster, to view such events so callously.
Intelligence 1. [Intelligence (13)] It's almost as bad as the Jedi letting the Outer Rim die during the Mandalorian Wars. Atris: So you still hold to your flawed convictions. If you think to anger me, you are wrong.
2. You know me - and know I would not have intentionally committed such an act. 3. It was not my intention to harm other worlds.
Atris: I have not known you since you left to serve Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. The only question that remains is how far you have fallen.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Atris: How is it that you are not content to confine your ruin to yourself - you must spread it to others, wherever you go? Ruin yourself with your actions if you will, but when your actions bring harm to others, then you must answer for it.
4. But the Sith attacked me on Peragus - the battle destroyed the colony. 5. So now I get blamed for the actions of the Sith? 6. My crime? The Sith destroyed Peragus, not me.

Regardless of any initial hostility, mentioning the Sith gives you the chance to end this dialog later on a conciliatory note.


7. Revenge. You cast me out, now I've returned. 5. I'm here for revenge, nothing more.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: Indeed? And how do you plan to seek your revenge on me? Or do you intend to take revenge on all the council as well?
1. Killing you will be enough for now. 2. Does the council still live? If so, then they're next. 3. I'll kill every Jedi I can find.
Atris: So... it is as I suspected. You have already done enough. The dead Jedi, the murders - you have much to answer for, monster.
1. Dead Jedi? What is this nonsense? 2. Murders? I have killed no Jedi - yet.
Atris: Jedi across the galaxy have been slain or have vanished. A darkness devours them, a new force shrouded by the power of the dark side. You are allied with them, as I suspected. You shall answer for your crimes, after I tear the knowledge of this new threat from you.
1. You have accused me falsely - again. 2. I know nothing of these dead Jedi. 3. Try it, and you'll regret it.
Atris: You would say anything to avoid judgment... yet... I sense, somehow, that you speak truthfully. You are indeed ignorant of these events, or but a pawn.
1. Watch your words. I am neither ignorant... or patient. 3. And you are a fool. 2. So you admit your mistake? Maybe you and the Council made a mistake when you exiled me, too.
Atris: Arrogant as always, even against the truths the galaxy throws at you. The Council was right to banish you - and you were wrong to return. Atris: We made no mistake. You deserved your fate.
1. This "new threat" you speak of... do you mean the Sith? 2. You will deserve your fate when the Sith come for you.

Regardless of initial hostility, mentioning the Sith gives you the chance to end this dialog later on a conciliatory note.


Atris: The Sith? What do you mean?
1. The Sith have returned... and they are hunting all Jedi. 2. You'll find out when their hand is at your throat. 3. The Sith came for me on Peragus, to kill me.
Atris: You speak truly... you have encountered the Sith. I can feel the scars on you.
Atris: Tell me - where did you encounter them? Atris: And you encountered them on Peragus? But what would they want there? They can't have been looking for you.
1. The Sith came for me on Peragus, to kill me. 2. If you seized my ship, you'd know I was at Peragus... and so were they. 3. I encountered them on Peragus.
Atris: Peragus... what would they want there? They can't have been looking for you.
1. The Sith believe me to be the last Jedi. 4. I was the only Jedi they could find. 6. The fools thought me a Jedi. 7. Since you were hiding, they came after a real Jedi. 5. They didn't realize I'd left the Jedi behind.
Atris: You? If they thought you a Jedi, the teachings of the Sith blind them, indeed. Atris: If you were the best target they could find, the teachings of the dark side blind the Sith, indeed.
Atris: I am the last Jedi, not you. You betrayed our teachings, our beliefs... the very core of the Jedi Order.


2. They intend to exterminate all Jedi, everywhere. 3. I don't know. Perhaps they were.
Atris: There are no more Jedi... except I. Like you, they turned from the Order, and now only I remain. Atris: If they sought a target, they would have hunted me, not you. But the blindness of the dark side is well known.

In every case:

Atris: If these Sith attacked you, they will soon realize their mistake. And if you escaped... they most likely let you go, to see if you would lead them here.
1. I do not think I was followed. Atris: We shall see... for now, the perspective on your situation has changed.
2. If so, then I offer you my help. You'll need it. 6. I just want my ship back. 7. Then let me go, and I'll leave you to die.
Light Side Points Gained: +2 Dark Side Points Gained: -2


3. There must be other Jedi. 4. Were there any survivors of the Jedi Civil War?
Atris: I said I was the last of the Jedi, exile, and I did not speak falsely. There are others who were once Jedi, but no longer. They will not take action against this threat.
1. And you will? There's a change. 2. But I could track them down, maybe change their minds. 4. Then there is nothing to be done. 5. Very well... then give me my ship back, and I will depart. You can face this threat alone.


5. They're stronger than you think. At least one Sith Lord stands with them... and they fight differently than the Sith from the Jedi Civil War.
Atris: Whatever force they can bring to bear, it will matter not - if they face a true Jedi, they shall fall.
1. Your grasp of tactics is... questionable. 2. How can I help? 3. Are there other Jedi we can ask for help?
Atris: We shall see... for now, the perspective on your situation has changed.
Atris: I have "your" ship. I will return it to you. You must leave here, before you place us in jeopardy.

If you've told her you don't think you were followed, or her grasp of tactics is... questionable:

1. Wait... is there anything I could do to help? Light Side Points Gained: +2


1. It wasn't my intention to come here or cause you harm. 2. If I could have ruined you further, I would have.
Light Side Points Gained: +2 Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Atris: Yet here you are, and you bring tragedy with you once again. It was too much to hope that you may have come here to finally admit the Council was right. Atris: I'm sure you would have. You have grown colder and more monstrous outside of Revan's shadow than you ever did in the war. Why did you even return? To challenge the Council's decision on your exile? To defend your betrayal?


2. Where can I find my companions?
Atris: You shall find them north of here, in one of the old irrigation chambers. They have not been harmed... they are free to leave as well.
3. No arguments here. 4. Fine - I'll be on my way. 2. They'd better be - and if you steal from me again, you'll regret it. 3. The sooner I'm out of here, the better. 4. Then I'll be going now.
Atris: Take your ship, then - I don't care where you go, just leave this place, leave Telos.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You found one of the Jedi Council, Atris, in a hidden polar academy on Telos. She seemed to think you were responsible for the Sith threat and told you to depart Telos.

Alternatively, if you offer your help:

Atris: You offer your aid? After turning your back on me... on the council? The Jedi is not something you embrace out of fear. The commitment is stronger than that, something you never seemed to understand.
1. [Persuade] I am not doing this out of fear - I want to help. 2. [Persuade] You can't do this alone; I offer my assistance. 3. If you think I act out of fear, then it's obvious you've never understood me. 4. I offer my help, and you insult me? Forget it, then.
Atris: [Failure] I need nothing from you... except your departure from this place. I was wrong to even permit you to remain this long. Atris: Nor would I wish to. I need nothing from you... except your departure from this place. I was wrong to even permit you to remain this long. Atris: Your help comes with too high a price. I need nothing from you... except your departure from this place.

If you can also be persuasive:

Persuade 1. [Persuade (4)] But I always understood war. And that's who you need. Persuade 2. [Persuade (4)] The Sith have numbers on their side. You'll need all the allies you can get, Jedi or not. Persuade 1. [Persuade (4)] I am not doing this out of fear - I want to help. Persuade 3. [Persuade (4)] You can't do this alone; I offer my assistance.
Atris: [Success] Perhaps... but if you help me, it cannot be done from here. There are others in the galaxy who may help us against a Sith threat. If you can find them, gain their trust, perhaps our defenses shall be stronger for it. Take your ship, seek them out. If you find them, encourage them to gather on Dantooine - from there, we can call a council and see what can be done.
4. Where can I find my companions?
Atris: You shall find them north of here, in one of the old irrigation chambers. They have not been harmed... they are free to leave as well.
1. I will see what I can do. 2. If there is anyone who can aid us, I will find them. 3. I'll gather what help I can and assemble them on Dantooine. 5. No arguments here. 6. Fine - I'll be on my way.
Atris: Then I shall send you on your way... it is now time for you to depart.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You found one of the Jedi Council, Atris, in a hidden polar academy on Telos. After some initial hostility, she let you help her gather the Jedi – and re-unite them on the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.

In either case:

Handmaiden: We shall remove her, mistress. Handmaiden: We shall remove him, mistress.
Handmaiden: Come with us.

As the two Handmaiden sisters escort you back to the west exit of the meeting chamber, Handmaiden lingers to ask Atris if she's all right:

Handmaiden: Are you all right, mistress?
Atris: The exile reminded me of something... I had forgotten.
Handmaiden: Forgive me, mistress... but I must ask. The exile... I have never seen another effect you so strongly.
Handmaiden: Was she important to you, once? Handmaiden: Did you care for him once?
Atris: We all have our heroes. And when we watch them fall, we die inside. She made a choice once... and I did not. The day we judged her, I stood in the chamber, and she was... she was so right. She was so certain of it, I doubted myself. But not now. She will never make me doubt myself again. Atris: The Jedi have no such attachments. As always, he will do as he wills, and the galaxy... and the feelings of others... can burn for all he cares. The day we judged him, I stood in the chamber, and he was... he was so right. He was so certain of it, I doubted myself. He chose Revan over the Jedi, over the Council... over...
Atris: But now... now I am tired. I must meditate.
Handmaiden: Of course, mistress. I will tell the others you are not to be disturbed. And... please, do not exhaust yourself. We can attend to matters here.

Atris exits to the right, returning to her meditation chamber.

Ebon Hawk: Stolen![edit]

Journal Entry Added Ebon Hawk: Stolen!
You have discovered that the Ebon Hawk was taken by Atris for reasons unknown. She has returned the ship to you, and you can now leave the polar academy.