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File:KotORII Map Command Deck.png
Map of the Harbinger's engine deck

Harbinger Crew Quarters[edit]

The turbolift from the Harbinger's crew quarters takes you to the left side of the engine deck. As you run to the first junction in the corridor ahead:

Atton: I have a bad feeling about this.
1. Would you stop *saying* that? 2. What's wrong?
Atton: I can't help it - don't you feel it? Something's gonna get real wrong, real quick. Atton: Don't you feel it? Something's gonna get real wrong, real quick.
1. How do you know that?
Atton: You don't survive on the Rim as long as I have without knowing when trouble's coming.
1. Cowardly intuition? 2. We'll have to be careful, then. But we have to keep moving.
Influence Lost: Atton (-8) Influence Gained: Atton (+8)


3. Your "bad feeling" is going to be replaced by blinding pain if you don't be quiet. 4. Save your feelings for when we're out of here. 5. Just shut up and keep moving.
Influence Lost: Atton (-8) Influence Lost: Atton (-8)
Atton: All right, but don't say I didn't warn ya. Trust me, when it comes to staying alive, I'm rarely wrong about these things.
1. [Atton has the special ability to sense anything that places him at risk. When he gets a bad feeling, it's recommended that you save your game.]

The doors at the top and bottom ends of the corridors to your left and right are blocked by boxes, so your only option is to open the door in the corridor ahead. As you approach a second junction, you sense something and turn round to see the Sith survivor coming from the turbolift!

Now I have a bad feeling about this...
Kreia: This battle is mine alone. I am not defenseless.

She runs back toward him:

Kreia: He cannot kill what he cannot see, and power has blinded him long ago. Run. I shall be along shortly.

The door closes and locks behind her, removing her from your party. You and Atton have no choice but to continue without her.

Maintenance Room & Workbench[edit]

The corridor to your left at the second junction lead ups and right to a low security door:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

The maintenance room beyond has a Workbench by its top wall, to your left, and a Footlocker by its back right wall:

Item(s) Received Footlocker Item(s) Received Footlocker

Storage Room[edit]

The corridor right ahead at the second junction also leads to a low security door:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

The storage room beyond has a plasteel cylinder in its bottom left corner, to your right, and a footlocker by the top wall with an engine maintenance console in the top right corner, to your left:

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker
Repair 1. [Repair] Reroute the maintenance control system. [1 Part] Computer Use 2. [Computer] Slice the maintenance control system. [1 Spike(s)]
Engine Console: Not enough parts to perform operation. Engine Console: Not enough spikes to perform operation.

If you can't reroute or slice the maintenance control system, then you'll find what you need in the maintenance room's footlocker:

Engine Console: You have rerouted the system and accessed what remains of the ship's maintenance routine capabilities. Engine Console: You have sliced into what remains of the ship's maintenance routine capabilities.
1. Open maintenance doors to the ion engines. Engine Console: UNLOCKING MAINTENANCE DOOR
2. Log out.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Opened maintenance doors to ion engines

Engine Control[edit]

The corridor to your right at the second junction leads down and to your left, where there's a locked maintenance door at its right end which can only be opened using the Storage Room's engine maintenance console. The passageway beyond winds down and then up to your right, until you see the console for main ion engine control on the left:

1. Activate Engine Maintenance Procedure.
2. Log out.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Activated Engine Maintenance Procedure

This unseals the engine hatch in the right wall above, otherwise:

Security Engine Hatch Lock DC 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -

Peragus Fuel Depot[edit]

As you step through the open engine hatch at the top right end of the passageway beyond engine control:

Atton: Tell me you're joking. We are not going to cross back into the Peragus facility through the fuel line - that's crazy!
1. It's the only way to get around the sealed door and into the hangar where the Ebon Hawk is. 2. Atton, you need to trust me. Come on. 3. The past few hours have been crazy, in case you were sleeping. Now keep moving.
Light Side Points Gained: +1
Atton: Alright... but I know I'm going to regret this.
4. Then stay here and die. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Atton: Oh, hell - better the death you know... I'm right behind you.

Meanwhile, Kreia confronts the Sith back at the first junction:

Up close and personal with Darth Sion.
Darth Sion: I sense you, my Master. Faint... weak.
Kreia: Your senses betray you. As you betrayed me.
Darth Sion: After all that has happened, still you live. You are difficult to kill.
Kreia: For one as limited as you, perhaps. To have fallen so far and learned nothing - that is your failing.
Darth Sion: The failure is yours. No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull. No longer do I suffer beneath teachings that weaken us. And now you run in search of the Jedi. They are all dead, save one - and one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness that is to come.
Kreia: Perhaps. We shall see.

He spins and severs her hand with his lightsaber, and you clutch your own hand:

Atton: Wh- what's wrong? Are you all right? Dammit, hold on! It's only a little further. Don't give up on me now!
Atton: What happened to you?
1. My hand... felt like it was being dipped in molten carbonite. 3. I... don't know, but we need to keep moving. 4. Nothing - let's keep moving.
Atton: You look fine - come on, we need to keep moving. Atton: Alright, then - if you're sure.


2. Kreia... I think she was wounded... badly.
Atton: Huh? How do you know that?
1. I just do. 2. Call it an instinct reaction. 3. I... think it was through the Force.
Atton: Look - if she's in pain, then that pain's buying us time we can't afford to waste. Especially if sleeps-with-vibroblades gets tired of playing with her and decides to use us for practice next.
1. All right... let's go. 2. I'm fine. Keep going.

Enter the fuel line in the top wall at the right end of the passageway to cross back to the fuel depot.