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File:KotORII Map Residential 082 East.png
Map of Residential 082 East

Apartment Complex C[edit]

You've been taken to Apartment Complex C at the bottom right end of the Residential 082 East module, and your quarters are Apartment C3. You can use the middle bed by your apartment's top wall:

Bed: Would you like to rest? 1. Yes. 2. Maybe later.

The door to Apartment C3 is in the top right corner:

Citadel Station uses this sort of heavy pressure door in many roles. They provide a high level of security to occupants... and allow apartments to function as comfortable holding cells.

You can also speak to Atton and Kreia, but if you don't answer the communication console in the top left corner:

Atton: Why don't you answer the terminal? Doesn't sound like they're going to leave us alone. 1. All right, I'll get it.


Communication Console: - INCOMING CALL -

ID: Soka Linu, TSF Officer
2. Do not accept call.
Atton: Maybe we can get back to sleep now.
Journal Entry Added The Caller
TSF Officer Soka Linu called your quarters, but you refused the call.
1. Accept call. TSF Officer: Excuse me. You have a caller - Moza, representing the Ithorian planet-restoration interests on Telos. Lieutenant Grenn's cleared him, if you'd like to speak with him.
2. What does he want? TSF Officer: He says he wishes to speak with you on behalf of Chodo Habat. That's all he will say.
3. No, I don't wish to speak to anyone now. TSF Officer: Very well. I'll inform Moza and send him on his way.
Journal Entry Added The Caller
TSF Officer Soka Linu told you that Moza, representing the Ithorian planet restoration interests on Telos, came to speak with you... but you don't know why.
1. Yes, please send him in. 1. Fine, send him in. TSF Officer: Very well, I'll let him in now.
Moza: Thank you for seeing me. I am Moza, and I have come to see you on behalf of Chodo Habat, our leader here.
4. Get out. Journal Entry Added The Caller
Moza, representing the Ithorian planet restoration interests on Telos, came to speak with you... but you sent him away.
3. Why didn't he come himself?
Moza: As our leader, he has many tasks before him, and regrets that he could not come himself. The healing of the planet consumes all his time. He means no offense by sending me, his chief assistant.
1. What is this about? 2. What does Chodo want with me?
Moza: Are you familiar with the restoration project on Telos?
1. No, could you explain it to me? 2. Yes, go on.
Moza: The surface of Telos was destroyed during the Jedi Civil War a few years ago. This - Citadel Station - is part of the Republic's planetary restoration initiative. Citadel Station uses energy fields to seal off portions of the planet's surface, then generates and controls the weather patterns over each area. Once the weather in a zone is stabilized, new animal and plant life is introduced to restore the ecosystem. Recently, however, we have run into contention with the corporation known as "Czerka." Perhaps you have heard of our recent troubles? Moza: Then perhaps you have heard of our role in the restoration, and our troubles with the corporation known as "Czerka?"
1. No, what troubles have you had? 2. Yes, go on.
Moza: Ithorians are well-known as ecologists and agricultural engineers. The Telosian government asked those of my herd to help restore their planet. Things went smoothly at first. The Republic funded us generously, hoping Telos would be a model for the restoration of planets damaged by the war. The funding enabled us to purchase flora and fauna from Onderon. Upgrades to Citadel Station's shield network have allowed us to purify and reseed small portions of the surface. Then the troubles began. Republic relations with Onderon began to deteriorate, increasing the purchase and transport costs of our biological materials... and as the station grew, the Telosian Security Force was no longer large enough to police the entire station. Czerka approached the Republic and offered supply and security contracts. Their paramilitary security division now polices two-thirds of Citadel Station.
Moza: Czerka has integrated themselves into the Telosian political system and economy. They are currently pressing to be awarded our planet restoration contracts. Their efforts hinder our cause greatly, and will have terrible consequences for the planet's restoration.
1. How is Czerka harming the restoration project?
Moza: Czerka recently wrested control of a number of Restoration Zones on the planet's surface from us. These zones began to deteriorate within weeks. If this continues, the restoration process will be brought to a halt, and the Republic will not be willing to continue the funding needed to resurrect it. Telos will remain dead forever.
1. Why would Czerka do this?
Moza: I wonder that myself. What does one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the galaxy want with planet restoration contracts? Perhaps they seek unrestricted access to Telos' surface, which is normally forbidden. Even we can land only at our established landing sites.
2. How did they take the Restoration Zones?
Moza: Through a combination of legal loopholes, purchased political favors, strong-arm tactics, and sabotage. We Ithorians are simply not prepared to deal with such. We are a passive people... we wish only to help restore the natural beauty of Telos.
2. So how could I help? 3. Could you get to the point?
Moza: Chodo Habat is a powerful priest, our spiritual leader. He sensed something upon your arrival... a disturbance, an echo in the Force. Chodo felt you might be able to aid us. He bid me tell you that if you could help heal Telos, it may be possible for him to heal you.
1. Heal me? 2. What do you mean? 3. I don't understand.
Moza: I am unclear as to what Chodo means by this. He says the echo he felt upon your arrival suggests that you yourself are damaged. He can feel the pain through the Force.
Kreia: Perhaps Chodo Habat should turn his eyes to his own people, if they truly suffer so.
Moza: Forgive me. I am unclear as to Chodo's message, and I may have related it incorrectly. If this offer of mutual aid interests you, please go to the Ithorian compound here in Residential 082 when you are able. Chodo Habat would be most pleased to see you.
1. I'll speak with your leader when I'm freed. 2. I'll consider it. 3. No, it doesn't sound worth my while.
Moza: Ah, this pleases me. Perhaps we will speak later, then. Farewell. Moza: I do hope so. Farewell. Moza: I do not wish to press you. But please, speak with Chodo Habat before you make your final decision. Farewell.
Journal Entry Added The Caller
Moza, representing the Ithorian planet restoration interests on Telos, wants you to come to the Ithorian Compound in Residential Module 082 West and speak to Chodo Habat.
Kreia: Now, perhaps we will be able to rest uninterrupted.
1. (Rest.) Communication Console: *ring* *ring*

If you try to use your bed before answering:

You can't rest while the wall terminal is ringing.

Czerka Calling[edit]

Communication Console: - INCOMING CALL -

ID: B-4D4, Czerka Corporation, Citadel Branch
2. Do not accept call.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Calling
B-4D4 called your quarters from the Citadel Station branch of the Czerka Corporation, but you refused the call and so don't know why.
1. Accept call. B-4D4: Good day. I am B-4D4, administrative assistant for Czerka Corporation's Citadel Station Branch. I am attempting to connect you with Executive Officer Jana Lorso. May I put you through?
2. What does she want? B-4D4: I am sorry, but I do not know. I am only her administrative assistant. May I put you through?
3. No, I don't want to speak to her. B-4D4: I will relay such to Executive Lorso. I am sorry to have inconvenienced you. Good day.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Calling
B-4D4 called your quarters from the Citadel Station branch of the Czerka Corporation. The droid wanted you to speak with Jana Lorso, Czerka's Executive Officer on Citadel Station, but you refused and so don't know what she wanted.
1. Yes, go ahead. B-4D4: Thank you. I will connect you now. Good day.
Jana Lorso: Thank you for accepting my call. As my assistant no doubt informed you, I am Jana Lorso.
1. Why are you calling?
Jana Lorso: I understand that you were approached by an Ithorian earlier. Doubtless he tried to obtain your help, attempting to purchase it with imposed guilt and veiled threats...
1. "Imposed guilt?"
Jana Lorso: Yes. They play at being downtrodden innocents, having come to you because of these "Jedi" rumors that are going around the station.
1. What sort of rumors?
Jana Lorso: Oh, I'm sure you've heard. That you're a Jedi, one of the last, wanted by the Exchange and who knows how many other organizations for reasons good or ill. But that's of no interest to me. The Jedi and your standing with them have no bearing on this discussion.
2. I don't recall him threatening me.
Jana Lorso: Oh, and I suppose he didn't mention the Exchange? "Helping" you with any problems here? In other words, the Ithorians won't lead the Exchange to you if you work with them?
1. No, he didn't mention anything like that.
Jana Lorso: Well, no matter. My apologies - I never intended to waste your time discussing Ithorians.
3. Go on.
Jana Lorso: I believe you're a person of influence. Someone I'd like on my side, rather than aiding the Ithorians, whose quasi-mysticism and bumbling foolishness is standing in the way of progress and profit. I'm not asking for your help, though. I'm offering you a job. Work for Czerka, and be handsomely rewarded. You'd be helping yourself. If you're interested, please visit our offices here in Residential 082. B-4D4 will know what to do when you arrive.
1. How are the Ithorians in the way of things?
Jana Lorso: Their plans for the restoration of Telos are aimless and meandering. "Restore the sacred, natural beauty of Telos," they say. Just what does that mean? How does that apply to natural resource development and consumption? The proper planning of urban sectors? Resorts and tourism? It doesn't. The Ithorians are spending billions of Republic credits on a plan with no defined profit. If it continues, they'll drive the Republic into irreparable debt, and have nothing to show for it but a few meadows and a weather generator the size of a small continent.
2. What sort of work are we talking about?
Jana Lorso: I'd rather discuss that in person. I'll be more than happy to answer any and all questions when you visit our offices.
3. I'll come by when I can. 4. I'm not interested.
Jana Lorso: Excellent! Good luck with that messy investigation, and I hope to see you shortly. Jana Lorso: That's too bad. Well, you know where we are if you change your mind. Citadel Station is at a crossroads right now, you know. And so are you. Don't take the wrong road.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Calling
Jan Lorso, Czerka's Executive Officer on Citadel Station, wants you to come by Czerka's offices in Residential Module 082 East. She wants to offer you a contract as well as prevent you from aiding the Ithorians.
Atton: We should get back to bed. Whenever they decide to release us, we should get going immediately. 1. (Rest.)

Atton speaks to Kreia by the window in the bottom wall while you rest:

Atton: Explain something to me.
Kreia: I do not have the years required - nor the desire to indulge you.
Atton: If she served in the war... well, Jedi are supposed to be tough. Capable. Atton: If he served in the war... well, Jedi are supposed to be tough. Capable.
Kreia: Yes... and what are they without the Force? Take the greatest Jedi Knight, strip away the Force, and what remains? They rely on it, depend on it, more than they know. Watch as one tries to hold a blaster, as they try to hold a lightsaber, and you will see nothing more than a woman - or a man. A child.
Atton: But to lose so much... I guess I didn't realize how much they relied on it.
Kreia: Do not be surprised. In many ways, even you are more capable than a Jedi. You could survive where they could not simply because you do not hear the Force as they do. It is irony of a sort - and it is why I tolerate your presence now.
Atton: Such a loss of ability - for a Jedi, it seems so extreme.
Kreia: She has been gone from war some time. It is conflict that strengthens us... and isolation that weakens us, erodes us. Add to that that she turned away from war, did all that she could to forget it, and the last piece clicks into place. But we have spoken enough of this - and we do her a disservice by not speaking of this while she is present. Kreia: He has been gone from war some time. It is conflict that strengthens us... and isolation that weakens us, erodes us. Add to that that he turned away from war, did all that he could to forget it, and the last piece clicks into place. But we have spoken enough of this - and we do him a disservice by not speaking of this while he is present.

Ebon Hawk's I&D[edit]

Lieutenant Grenn: I've come to inform you that the Telosian government has completed its inspection of what's left of the Peragus facility. It appears that the Harbinger had indeed been present - though it was gone when our ships arrived - and was responsible for the station's destruction. Logs recovered from the facility's wreckage indicated that the miners perished as a result of sabotage, which began while you and your companions were either incapacitated or incarcerated. As such, you are to be released from house arrest. However, the Republic is sending its own ship. They have insisted that you remain on-station for the duration of their search.
1. Why is the Republic sending a ship?
Lieutenant Grenn: To further investigate the station's destruction and search for their missing ship, the Harbinger.
2. How long will I have to stay?
Lieutenant Grenn: The Sojourn is already en route; likely not more than a few standard days. Feel free to use these quarters during your stay.
1. Is the Ebon Hawk still impounded?
Lieutenant Grenn: The vessel's I&D is complete. Please visit the TSF station in Entertainment Module 081 to complete the necessary paperwork at the front desk. The Ebon Hawk should be transferred from the impound docks by the time you're free to leave.
1. What about my T3 droid?
Lieutenant Grenn: After filling out the paperwork, it'll be transferred with your ship, along with your confiscated weapons and armor.

Lieutenant Grenn leaves:

Atton: Well now what? We can't just stick around. We need to find a way off this station, whether it's the Ebon Hawk or some other ship. We could hit Nar Shaddaa, maybe. If you've got people coming after you, it's where you go to get lost in the crowd.
1. You know that from experience?
Atton: Hey, everyone needs to get lost once in a while. Get away from something, you know? It's no big deal.
2. Why do we need to leave?
Atton: Look, this place is a waste. If Telos wasn't doomed before Peragus blew, it is now - even more so if your 'friends' from Peragus come calling.
1. Why would Telos be doomed?
Atton: Because it depends on Citadel Station, and the Citadel depends on Peragian fuel and the Republic's senators. The Citadel's fuel source went up with the mining facility, and the bickering senators? Heh... not something worth counting on.
3. What do you think, Kreia?
Kreia: It is difficult to say. I feel we came to Telos for a reason, but we may have spent too much time here already. Even if the Harbinger was destroyed at Peragus, more Sith could already be on their way. Still, there is a chance we might learn of other Jedi here, on the planet's surface. Jedi who might help us restore your abilities or sever the link between us.
Atton: Well? What do you think?
1. Stay or explore Telos, we need a ship. Let's find the Ebon Hawk. 3. Other Jedi? I should see if I can find anything out here...
Atton: Makes sense. I'll follow your lead. Kreia: It is unlikely, but we shall see.


2. Why don't we ask the Republic for help against the Sith?
Atton: The Republic? They can't even properly fund and manage a space station, let alone fight an enemy as cunning and ruthless as the Sith. Even if somebody believed us, the Republic won't be any help - believe me, I know. Only the Jedi threw the Sith back last time around.
Kreia: He may be right. But whatever we do, we should move quickly.
Journal Entry Added Ebon Hawk's I&D
Lieutenant Grenn told you the Ebon Hawk's I&D is complete, but you must visit the TSF station in Entertainment Module 081 and complete the necessary paperwork to get it and the rest of your belongings out of impound.


Journal Entry Added Arrested!
Lieutenant Grenn has released you from house arrest, but you must remain on board Citadel Station until the Republic completes its own investigation of the Peragus Incident. You may use Apartment C3 in Residential Module 082 until the investigation is complete and you are free to leave.
Communication Console: - NO INCOMING CALLS - 1. Log out.

You can now open the door to Apartment C3 and enter the bottom left of Apartment Complex C's lobby. Apartment C2, next door in the middle of the bottom wall, is empty, while the door to Apartment C1 in the bottom right wall is locked. There's a female and a male Telosian in the lobby's top left corner:

The war has really inflated prices here in the Outer Rim. Medical supplies are in short supply and high demand. It's good that Czerka's arrival has created new jobs on the Station, but I can't say I'm happy about all the mercenaries they've hired. The restoration project was going well until this latest contract dispute happened. I wish the Council would settle it and let the work continue.
Czerka's mercenaries are getting out of hand and they're too much for the TSF to handle. We need Republic troops to restore order. I heard that a crime syndicate has worked its way into the operation of Citadel Station. Contract negotiations are breaking down between the Council, Ithorians and Czerka. Why doesn't the Republic do something?

The door to Apartment Complex C is in the middle of the lobby's top wall. If you didn't accept the first call, or you did but then said you don't wish to speak to anyone now, then Moza, an Ithorian, is waiting outside:

Moza: Pardon me - I attempted to contact you earlier, but was unsuccessful. I am Moza, come to see you on behalf of Chodo Habat, our leader here.

To get the Ebon Hawk and the rest of your belongings out of impound, you need to use the Shuttle Bay Elevator.

Batono Has Vanished[edit]

If Chodo Habat in Residential 082 West's Ithorian compound has revealed the Ithorians hid Batono in Apartment C1, then you can now use the passkey he gave you to unlock that apartment:

Batono: What the-? Hm, you're not CSD, what are you doing here?

Whatever your intention, if you threaten to report Batono then you can take 500 credits from him first:

1. You're Batono, right?
Batono: What? No, you must be mistaken. You're probably looking for the previous tenant or a neighbor.
1. Lieutenant Grenn sent me to look for you.
Batono: Dol sent you? Can't say I'm surprised, he was the one who wanted me to come forward in the first place.
2. Maybe I should just report you to Czerka, let them sort it out. 2. If you don't come forward, I'll turn you in to Lorso. 3. It doesn't matter, I'm going to report you to Lorso anyway.
Batono: No, wait! You can't tell Czerka where I am. They'll kill me for sure. Batono: You'd be signing my death warrant.
2. Doesn't matter to me. It only matters that I get paid. Lorso or Grenn, take your pick.
Batono: Fine, then. Here's 500 credits. Take them and forget you ever met me. And if Grenn really did send you, tell him thanks.
Credits Received: 500

If you agree to forget you ever met him then you can only complete this quest by killing him, but you can keep your options open by telling him to stay here:

1. He'll be disappointed to hear I never found you. 2. Thanks. Lorso will be happy to know I've found you.
Batono: Well, I'm glad we understand each other. Now get out of here.
Batono: You again? What do you want now?
1. I've decided to kill you and see how much Lorso will pay me. 2. Nothing - I'll be going now.


3. [Lie] Stay here. I'll go to Grenn and have him make arrangements.
Batono: Don't be too surprised if I'm not here when you get back.


1. It's the right thing to do. 1. That's why you should come forward.
Batono: Easy to say that, but you're not the one Czerka will send its assassins after.
1. If it's your safety you're worried about, you shouldn't. After Czerka is exposed, they won't dare to move against you.
Batono: Sure, but everything takes time - testifying before the Council, the Council's deliberation... time that Czerka could use to rub me out.
1. The TSF can put you under its protection. 2. The TSF can keep you safe better than you can.
Batono: You might be right. I don't think Czerka has gone so far that it's willing to openly clash with the TSF. But Czerka has eyes everywhere. I'm not even sure I can leave this apartment safely.
1. I can protect you.
Batono: You? Look, I'm sure you can handle yourself, but I think this might be a little out of your league.


2. Do you want to live in fear for the rest of your life?
Batono: What would you know? It's more attractive than the alternative.
1. I know better than you think. The only way you can protect yourself is to strike back.
Batono: You're right, of course. It's not easy to sit around in this apartment, afraid of anything and everything, jumping at shadows. But it sure would feel good to put a little fear into Czerka. See how Lorso likes a few sleepless nights of her own. All right. You've convinced me. Can you escort me safely to the TSF office?

In either case:

1. I was a Jedi. I will see you safely to the TSF office. 2. TSF officers patrol the modules, I don't think you have much to worry about.
Batono: A Jedi? Jedi or no, Grenn wouldn't have sent you if he didn't think you could get the job done. All right, fine. But we need to get moving. Batono: You obviously haven't been on Station for long if you believe that. But I guess it's a risk we'll have to take. Lead the way and let's get this over with.
1. Come with me. Batono: Lead the way, I'll watch your back.


2. [Lie] Stay here, I'm going to go tell Lieutenant Grenn to make arrangements. I'll come back to get you. 3. I'll be back soon.
Batono: Good idea. I'll wait here, but hurry, I'm starting to feel very exposed here. Batono: I'll be right here, waiting.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
You found Batono in the apartment furnished to him by the Ithorians.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Found Batono

If you don't kill Batono or tell him to come with you, then you can return to Jana Lorso in the Czerka offices:

1. I've found Batono.
Jana Lorso: Finally. He's eluded Czerka's best agents, and I'm glad to hear of your success.
2. Unfortunately, I won't be disclosing his location to you.
Jana Lorso: A suggestion, then. Czerka has many resources at its disposal, and I do not take such insults lightly.
1. I'll be going now.
Jana Lorso: Yes, you will be going now.


1. He's hiding in one of the apartment blocks.
Jana Lorso: I see. Then all that remains is to finish this business.
2. "Finish" Batono? I thought you said you'd just try to pay him off.
Jana Lorso: Yes, of course, that's what I meant. Finish this business with him. If you could bring him here, I could discuss a method of payment with him.
1. I see.
Jana Lorso: I will bring him, then.


3. What you do with him is not my concern.
Jana Lorso: Are you sure? I would be more than willing to compensate you for seeing this business through to the end.
1. Sounds like you could use some help with that. 1. What would you have me do?
Jana Lorso: I could certainly use your assistance, if you are offering it. Jana Lorso: I have a plan that would serve my ends quite well.
Jana Lorso: You could bring Batono out of his apartment, and lead him into a trap. I will send some mercenaries to intercept you. And likely no one would suspect your involvement. Yes, that is a good plan.
1. I'll bring him. 2. I won't kill him, or be a party to his murder.
Jana Lorso: Lead him into our little snare, and my men will take care of the rest. Jana Lorso: I see. It makes little difference, you understand. You can hardly stop the will of Czerka when it comes to a matter of this sort.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
You informed Jana Lorso of Batono's hiding place. She asked you to help her silence Batono.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Informed on Batono

Return to Batono when you're ready to take him to Lieutenant Grenn:

Batono: You're back. Are you ready to get going?
3. No, I've decided to kill you and see how much Lorso will pay me, instead. 4. Not quite yet.
Batono: Every minute we wait is a minute Czerka gets closer to finding me.


1. Yes. It's time. Lieutenant Grenn will be happy to see you. 2. [Lie] Yes, I'll be taking you to Lieutenant Grenn now.
Batono: All right, let's get going.
Lead the way, I'll watch your back.

Two mercenaries now wait outside Apartment Complex A. If you informed Jana Lorso of Batono's hiding place and told her you'll bring him:

Mercenary: Right on schedule, here's the Jedi with Batono.
Batono: "Right on schedule?" I knew I shouldn't have trusted you.
Mercenary: You should have stayed in hiding, Batono.

If you decide to kill Batono:

Batono: You wouldn't dare. 3. Batono's all yours.
1. Like I said, it only matters that I get paid. Batono: So this is how it ends... When Czerka kills this planet again, you'll remember this moment, believe me.
Batono: What good are credits, if you aren't around to spend them? 1. Let's get this over with.
Batono (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 80 (light)
Awareness 6
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 16 +3
Vitality 57
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 13
Reflex 12
Will 11
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 14 -
Sonic 3-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 10 -
Bludgeoning 2-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Sonic Pistol On Hit: Attribute Damage, Dexterity14 + Long Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Targeting II Power Blast12


Batono doesn't have Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol despite having Weapon Specialization, nor does he have Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons (so he can't use the Long Sword in his inventory).

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Batono (level 9)
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
You killed Batono. Jana Lorso will want to be informed about this development.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Batono
Mercenary: Well, it's been a pleasure doing business with you. Executive Lorso asked me to tell you that your payment is waiting with her. I think it'd probably be a good idea for us to get out of here before the TSF starts asking questions.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
You led Batono into a trap and helped Czerka mercenaries kill him.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Batono

Return to Jana Lorso for your reward:

1. Batono is taken care of.
Jana Lorso: Truly? I hadn't heard that from any of the searchers in my employment. Jana Lorso: I am glad to hear of it. Don't worry. I'll be sure that the TSF has no way of learning of your connection to the incident.
1. That's because I killed him.
Jana Lorso: Hm. That was very proactive of you. In that case, let me thank you for taking care of that unpleasantness for me. I am in your debt.
Jana Lorso: And of course, here is your payment. Czerka Corporation thanks you for your assistance.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
Jana Lorso rewarded you for your part in dealing with Batono.
Credits Received: 200 Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Informed Jana Lorso

Otherwise, if you change your mind or never told Jana Lorso that you'll bring him:

1. I don't know what he's talking about. I had nothing to do with this. 2. [Lie] I've never met these men before, Batono.
Batono: Then it's time for you to earn your keep and protect me.
Mercenary: Hm, what do we have here? Batono, if I'm not mistaken. You've been a hard man to track down.
Batono: Who are you?
Mercenary: It doesn't matter who I am. It's you we've all been looking for. Executive Lorso sent me to take care of some unfinished business.
1. Lorso isn't taking Batono anywhere. 2. I'm taking him to Grenn, and you're not going to stop me.
Mercenary: So you say. But I'm stubborn. So we're going to try just in case.
Mercenary (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 39
Force -
Defense 24
Fortitude 10
Reflex 8
Will 8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 4 -2
Energy 1-81-7
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Blaster Pistol(2)

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


Mercenary (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 39
Force -
Defense 24
Fortitude 10
Reflex 8
Will 8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 8 -
Unstoppable 1-10-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Battle Armor Disruptor Rifle

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Mercenary (2) (level 9)
Batono: That was a close one. We need to keep moving. Let's leave this mess for the TSF guards to sort out.
1. You're right, let's go.

You now escort Batono back to Lieutenant Grenn in Entertainment 081's TSF station.

Shuttle Bay Elevator[edit]

To get the Ebon Hawk and the rest of your belongings out of impound, you need to visit the TSF station in Entertainment Module 081, taking the shuttle bay elevator found in the middle of the top wall of Residential 082 East's main hall.

However, before doing so make sure to use the information terminal in the middle of this main hall, below the shuttle bay elevator, which can be used to download an area map, and transit to another module once you've used the information terminal there:

Information Terminal: - RESIDENT MODULE 082 EAST -

Please enter command.
Information Terminal: - RESIDENT MODULE 082 EAST -
Please enter command.
1. Download area map.
Information Terminal: - DOWNLOAD AREA MAP -

Area map downloaded to personal datapad.

Please enter command.
Information Terminal: - DOWNLOAD AREA MAP -

Area map already exits on personal datapad. Overwrite?
1. Yes. 2. No.
1. Return to main menu. 2. Transit to another module. Information Terminal: YOU ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED IN:
3. Log out.
1. Select Dock Module 126 3. Residential Module 082 West. Ithorian Compound
2. Entertainment Module 081. Information Terminal: DESTINATION CONFIRMED.

You may also want to visit the Czerka Offices in this module to respond to Czerka's call, and the Ithorian compound in Residential Module 082 West to respond to their caller: there's no combat in either area at this point, so you can even visit before getting your belongings.

Telosians wander the main hall, as does an Ithorian:

The Telosian Council's inability to stand up to Czerka comes at great cost to our herd.
These contract disputes are quite distressing. The planet will not grow strong while we bicker with Czerka.

Czerka Offices[edit]

The door to the Czerka Offices is in the main hall's bottom wall, to the left of Apartment Complex C.

Residential Module 082 West[edit]

The Residential 082 West module is at the left end of the main hall.

Apartment Complex A[edit]

The door to Apartment Complex A is opposite Apartment Complex C, in the top wall at the main hall's right end. The lobby beyond has doors to Apartments A1, A2 and A3 in its top wall, from left to right. Apartment A3 is currently empty except for a footlocker in its top right corner. Apartment A2 is similar, but if you get items from its footlocker then a Telosian enters:

Item(s) Received Footlocker (2)
  • ?
Telosian: Hey! What are you doing in my apartment?
1. Just looking around. 2. Helping myself, what does it look like?
Telosian: Looked like you were doing more than just looking. Telosian: You think I'm just going to let you get away with this?
1. Sorry, I just figured... Telosian: Figured what? You'd just break into my apartment and take everything I owned? Are you crazy?
1. When you put it that way... Telosian: Yeah, I thought so. Get out of here before I get the TSF.

Otherwise, if you said you were helping yourself:

2. If you're smart, you will. Telosian: Oh, and now I'm supposed to be scared of you, on top of everything else.


2. And? You're going to stop me? 3. I'll be going now.
Telosian: Yes, I will. I'm not going to let you push me around in my own place. Telosian: Yeah, you will.
Telosian: Now get out of here before I get the TSF to throw you in jail.
3. I'll be going now. Telosian: You again? Did you not learn your lesson the first time? Get out of here.


2. I'm not going to take that from you. Telosian: Why not? You didn't seem to have a problem taking everything else.
2. You're right. I guess I'll take your life, too. Telosian: What? You are crazy! Dark Side Points Gained: -3
Telosian (main character level 9)
Set 2
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 39
Force -
Defense 15
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 8 -
Bludgeoning 1-3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Telosian (level 9)

This is psychotic.

Czerka Mainframe[edit]

If you work for the Ithorians then once Chodo Habat has asked you to access the Czerka Mainframe and you've found the disgruntled Czerka employee Corrun Falt in Entertainment 081's cantina, if you don't persuade him to tell you everything without payment and then try to persuade him not to waste your time, you can follow him home to Apartment A3:

Corrun Falt: Who--? What are you doing here?
1. I thought you might be convinced to be more helpful.
Corrun Falt: Is that a threat? I could have Czerka security here in seconds. You don't scare me.
1. Look, just tell me how to access the mainframe and I won't need to hurt you. 2. Call them and all they'll find is your blaster-ridden corpse.
Corrun Falt: Heh. Let's not be hasty, huh? I just don't want to stick my neck out for nothing. Come on, we can work out a deal, one businessman to another. Corrun Falt: There's no need for that, I want to help. Put your weapons away.
1. Stop stalling and start talking.
Corrun Falt: Stalling? I don't know what you mean. You're the one who's stalking me!

You have Precognition of Czerka security entering Apartment Complex A:

1. I didn't want to hurt you, but you asked for it. 2. That's it, you're out of time. Speak up or those will be your last words.
Corrun Falt: Wait! I'll help you! Just... just don't hurt me. All right. Other than Jana Lorso, only B-4D4 has free access to the mainframe. He's a protocol droid, her administrative assistant. If you controlled B-4D4, you could walk right in.
1. But how would I get access to B-4D4?
Corrun Falt: Nearly all the Czerka technicians are planet-side these days, working the Recovery Zones we've taken from the Ithorians. We've contracted out the maintenance for the office's protocol and utility droids. The guy, Chano, lives in the apartments in Residential 082. Unit 2B, I think. If you had his credentials, B-4D4 would leave with you willingly.
1. I see. Thanks for the help, but now it's time to die. 2. See that wasn't so hard. I'll be going now.
Corrun Falt: You won't be going anywhere, I think.
Czerka Security: Czerka security! We're coming in there.
Corrun Falt: You should have taken my deal when you had the chance.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
Corrun Falt told you that if you could get access to the Czerka office's protocol droid, B-4D4, you could access the mainframe. A technician named Chano, located in unit B2 in Residential Module 082 East, handles Czerka's droid maintenance.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Told B-4D4 could access mainframe
Corrun Falt (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 48
Force -
Defense 18
Fortitude 12
Reflex 10
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 10 -
Bludgeoning 1-4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Czerka Security (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 7
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 68
Force -
Defense 18
Fortitude 13
Reflex 11
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 10 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 11 -
Piercing 2-7-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Czerka Security (main character level 10)
Set 3
Level 7
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 54
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 11
Reflex 13
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 12 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 11 -
Piercing 2-7-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Corrun Falt (level 10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Czerka Security (2) (level 10)

Apartment Complex B is at the right end of main hall outside, where Opo Chano can indeed be found in Apartment B2.

High Stakes[edit]

Apartment A1 is in the top left corner of Apartment Complex A, where a Twi'lek named Harra stands at the desk by its top left wall. You can speak to him:

Harra: Hello, there.
1. Who are you? Harra: My name is Harra, I am an employee of Czerka Corporation.
3. I'll be going now. Harra: Hello again.
2. What do you do here?
Harra: I am a data processor. It is a thankless job and the pay is poor, but I have no choice but to take it. I have desperate need of credits, and there is little else for me to do. That or gamble, but that is what got me into this predicament in the first place.
2. Let me guess - you have a gambling debt you must pay off.
Harra: You are half right in your guess. I did at one point have a gambling debt, but it was repaid, and there is no creditor that looms over me.
1. What is this predicament? 1. Then what's the problem?
Harra: I... I used Ramana - the girl of my heart - as collateral. I have a weakness for pazaak! You must understand... my hand was unbeatable. There was no way I could lose.
1. But you did. 2. Perhaps he cheated? 3. You should never wager more than you can afford to lose.
Harra: Indeed, I did, and now Ramana is indentured as a dancer to Doton Het, and no doubt she hates me. Harra: Even if he did, I had no way of proving it. Doton Het is a powerful man, there was nothing I could say. I could only sit and stare as he took Ramana away from me. Harra: Ah, wisdom was lost in the heat of the moment, however. My weakness... I will never play a game of chance again!
1. Of course, you did make her a slave.
Harra: That is why I am working - day and night - selling my own life to Czerka, that I might buy her back from Doton. But it will take months - maybe years - for me to amass those credits. Doton could take her away from here.
3. Good luck, I won't save you from your own stupidity.
Harra: Even if he did, I had no way of proving it. Doton Het is a powerful man, there was nothing I could say. I could only sit and stare as he took Ramana away from me.


1. Perhaps I could be of assistance. 2. What is the price for her?
Harra: You would do that for a stranger? Like I said, the amount is not small. Doton Het demands 2000 credits for her freedom. Harra: 2000 credits. I was foolhardy and confident. Every penny I had, I bet on that game.
1. What will you give me to intercede on your behalf?
Harra: I would have little to give you. I would give you all the credits I have saved, but that is hardly enough. You would have my word I would repay you for your kindness.
2. I think I can persuade Doton to see things our way. 3. I'll see what I can do.
Harra: Truly? Then I wish you good luck, for no amount of pleading, begging or otherwise has worked for me.
Journal Entry Added High Stakes
Harra told you about Ramana, a Twi'lek owned by Doton Het, who dances in the cantina. He wagered her in a Pazaak game and lost and is trying to get her back.

If you speak to Doton Het on the top right side of Entertainment 081's cantina but don't pay or wager for Ramana, then on returning:

1. I wasn't able to convince Doton Het to give me Ramana.
Harra: As I told you. Doton Het is a hard man to deal with. A thought occurs to me. Given the nature of his business, it is possible that he is working without the sanction of the Exchange. I understand that the Exchange's reach is considerable here on Citadel Station. Perhaps they would have some interest in Doton.
1. I'll see what I can do. 2. I need 1,000 credits to wager on a pazaak game for Ramana.
Harra: And I will continue to work. One way or another, I will have Ramana again. Harra: While I have credits, I won't give them to you to wager on a pazaak game with Doton. That was my undoing, I won't let him take advantage of me twice.
Journal Entry Added High Stakes
Harra suggested that perhaps the Exchange could be convinced to put some pressure on Doton Het, given his unsanctioned dealings.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Harra suggested Exchange could pressure Doton Het

If you do pay or wager for Ramana, then bring her back here:

Harra: Ramana! This can't be true. I thought I had lost you for sure.
Ramana: Don't sound so pleased, Harra. It's not as though you had anything to do with getting me free.
Harra: Aren't you at least a little happy to see me?
Ramana: I couldn't care less. If she hadn't asked me to come, I would have been on the first shuttle out of here. Ramana: I couldn't care less. If he hadn't asked me to come, I would have been on the first shuttle out of here.
2. You're free now, Ramana, you can go with Harra. Light Side Points Gained: +2
Ramana: I have no desire to go with him. He means nothing to me.
1. Then you can do whatever you wish. 3. You can go, but you'll have to pay me. 2. You will go with Harra, or I will sell you to slavers on Nal Hutta.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Ramana: Thank you, you have given me a new life, and that I am thankful for. Credits Received: 500 Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Ramana: Fine, these are all the credits I have from my dancing. Take them. Now I'll be going. Ramana: So this is my benevolent rescuer. I'll go with you, Harra, but only because of this madman.
Harra: No, Ramana! Don't leave! Please!
Harra: I don't know whether to thank you or to strike you. I guess we'll just leave it at that.

They both leave, and Ramana is replaced by another Twi'lek dancer back at the cantina. Otherwise:

1. It doesn't matter, anyways. Ramana, you now belong to me. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Harra: What are you talking about? Aren't you going to set her free?
1. Why would I do that? I invested a lot in her. 2. Only if you can afford to pay me... 3000 credits. 3. Yes, but only if I am paid 2,000 credits.
Harra: You can't be serious! Ramana, let's go. Harra: I couldn't even pay 2,000 when Doton asked for it. You are scum, but still, I will find a way.
Ramana: No, Harra, I won't go with you. I want nothing to do with you. Ramana: Don't bother, Harra, I have no desire to be with you anyways. Take your credits and leave.
Ramana: I will return to the cantina to do my work. Harra: I will get you for this, mark my words.

Although Ramana returns to the cantina to work, you cannot collect her earnings.

Otherwise, if you follow Harra's suggestion and return to the cantina to speak to Luxa about Doton Het and get her to help, then he and Ramana are brought back here by Luxa's Gamorrean bodyguards, where they beat him:

Doton Het: No please, stop! I never meant to make enemies of the Exchange!
Ramana: This is crazy! Harra, make them stop this!
Harra: No, Ramana! This is what the thief deserves. He cheated me in that pazaak game, he stole you from me!
Ramana: You don't get it, do you, Harra? This isn't about the stupid pazaak game. Even if you had won it, I would still hate you. How could you have even thought of wagering me!
Harra: I should have won! What he did was impossible.
Ramana: I have nothing more to say to you, Harra. Get out of my life. And please, will you call off these animals?
1. Let him go, he's had enough. 3. She'll be free when he's dead. Kill him.
2. Only if he agrees to free you. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Doton Het: Yes, yes! Let me go, you can have the girl, take her! Doton Het: No! Wait! I will release her, just let me go!
2. You're free now, Ramana, you can go with Harra.
Ramana: I have no desire to go with him. He means nothing to me.
1. Then you can do whatever you wish. 3. You can go, but you'll have to pay me. 2. You will go with Harra, or I will sell you to slavers on Nal Hutta.
Light Side Points Gained: +1 Credits Received: 500 Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Ramana: Thank you, you have given me a new life, and that I am thankful for. Ramana: Fine, these are all the credits I have from my dancing. Take them. Now I'll be going. Ramana: So this is my benevolent rescuer. I'll go with you, Harra, but only because of this madman.
Harra: No, Ramana! Don't leave! Please!
Harra: I don't know whether to thank you or to strike you. I guess we'll just leave it at that.

They both leave, and Ramana is replaced by another Twi'lek dancer back at the cantina. Otherwise:

1. Ramana, you now belong to me. Harra: What are you talking about? Aren't you going to set her free?
1. Why would I do that? I invested a lot in her. 2. Only if you can afford to pay me... 3000 credits. 3. Yes, but only if I am paid 2,000 credits.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Harra: You can't be serious! Ramana, let's go. Harra: I couldn't even pay 2,000 when Doton asked for it. You are scum, but still, I will find a way.
Ramana: No, Harra, I won't go with you. I want nothing to do with you. Ramana: Don't bother, Harra, I have no desire to be with you anyways. Take your credits and leave.
Ramana: I will return to the cantina to do my work. Harra: I will get you for this, mark my words.

Although Ramana returns to the cantina to work, you cannot collect her earnings.

Gamorrean Bodyguard: Boss, what should we do with him?
3. 2,000 credits, and I'll let you live. Doton Het: But I gave her back, I freed her! Fine! Here, take it all, just let me go.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1 Credits Received: 2000
1. Get out of here. 2. Let's finish him. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Gamorrean Bodyguard: Yes, boss.
Journal Entry Added High Stakes
With help from Luxa's Gamorrean enforcers, you "convinced" Doton Het to give up Ramana.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 "Convinced" Doton Het to give up Ramana
Don't worry about the mess. We'll take care of it.

If you let Doton Het get out of here, he only returns to the cantina if Ramana doesn't.

Apartment Complex B[edit]

The door to Apartment Complex B is at the right end of the main hall. There are a male and female Telosian in the lobby beyond, and doors to Apartments B1, B2 and B3 in the back right wall, from top to bottom. The door to Apartment B1 can be bashed open, but it's empty, while Apartment B3 is locked.

Security Apartment B1 Lock DC - Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Arms Dealing[edit]

If you're engaged in Arms Dealing while working for Czerka and the Exchange, then once you've accepted the call on the communications terminal in Residential 082 West's medical facility you can enter Apartment B3. However, you must come alone:

Apartment B3: You were told to come alone. Please do not take us for fools. Leave your companions and return. Do not try our patience. Apartment B3: Good, you have come alone. The doors will be opened. Please enter and await further instructions.

Once you enter the apartment, the door closes and locks behind you. The apartment is otherwise empty until the door opens again and a Transoshan and a Rodian bounty hunter enter:

Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: So Luxa has chosen to send one of her underlings instead of coming herself. I should not be surprised the Exchange would treat those not of their membership with such disrespect. But business is business, is it not?
1. Indeed. Upon transfer of credits, I was instructed to supply you with the contents of this case.
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: Please extend my thanks to your employer. Because of the TSF's regulations, acquiring the tools of our trade has become rather difficult.


2. What is your business, anyways?
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: You are a new hand at this, aren't you? A suggestion, then - if there is something you are not told, you do not need to know it. Questions can be dangerous in our line of work. However, in this instance, I will tell you what our business with your employer is. The TSF's regulations as to the possession of weapons aboard the station make it impossible for anyone to arrive armed. Thus it is necessary for us to purchase weapons from a supplier on station. In this case, the Exchange.

In either case:

1. I see. Let us finish our business, then.
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: Indeed. If you will hand the case to me, my associate will provide you with the credits agreed upon.
Rodian Bounty Hunter: Here are the credits. Credits Received: 500
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: You've made our job quite a bit easier.
1. Easier?
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: We would not have thought our fortune so good that our target would deliver not only herself, but weapons to us. Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: We would not have thought our fortune so good that our target would deliver not only himself, but weapons to us.
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: And now you will die.
Trandoshan Bounty Hunter (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 9
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 5
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 54
Force -
Defense 21
Fortitude 11
Reflex 15
Will 11
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 14 -
Energy 1-10,+1-
Threat 19-20,x3-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Rodian Bounty Hunter (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 5
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 51
Force -
Defense 21
Fortitude 10
Reflex 13
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 11 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Bounty Hunter (2) (level 9)
Item(s) Received Trandoshan Bounty Hunter
Journal Entry Added Arms Dealing
You killed the bounty hunters after it was revealed that they were on Citadel Station to collect the bounty on your head. The transaction was still completed, however.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Killed bounty hunters

You can now return to Luxa in Entertainment 081's cantina to complete Arms Dealing.

Opo Chano[edit]

Save game before opening Apartment B2. Inside, the Duros droid technician and merchant Opo Chano stands between a counter and a Workbench in its bottom right corner, and he speaks as you enter:

Opo Chano: What the-?! I told your boss already, I am getting your credits. I have a good contract with Czer... eh? You are not from the Exchange. What do you want?
1. What does the Exchange want with you? 3. Never mind.
Opo Chano: Nothing, nothing at all! Opo Chano: Do you need a droid repaired? Because if not, I have much work to do.
2. Do you sell droid parts? Opo Chano: Yes, I do.

Most of his inventory was selected the first time he spoke, but there are some items you can always buy:

Opo Chano
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Repair Kit 25 Infinite Parts 200 Infinite
Computer Spike 250 Infinite


His remaining selection is limited to droid equipment: only the first 9 utilities, special weapons and plating can be selected, as can all shields (but no sensors).

Utility Special weapon Plating Shield
01 Droid Optimized Interface Droid Neural Pacifier Droid Impact Armor Mark I Droid Deflector Mark I
02 Droid Stabilization Subroutine Droid Repulsor Droid Modular Plating Mark I Droid Deflector Mark II
03 Droid Machine Interface Droid Flame Thrower Droid Impact Armor Mark II Droid Defense Barrier
04 Droid Lockout Bypass Droid Toxin Emitter Droid Desh Plating Droid Energy Collector
05 Droid Parabolic Guides Droid Neural Scrambler Droid Impact Armor Mark III Droid Deflector Mark III
06 Droid Motivator Booster Droid Ion Striker Droid Modular Plating Mark II Droid Unity Grid
07 Droid Durability Upgrade Droid Molten Cannon Droid Modular Plating Mark III
08 Droid Agility Upgrade Droid Carbonite Projector Droid Agrinium Armor
09 Droid Wisdom Upgrade Droid Plasma Thrower Droid Dura Plating Mark I

You can also sell your items for 55% of their base cost, the standard (but not best) rate.

If you're working for Czerka and the Exchange, then when Luxa asks you to collect Opo Chano's debt:

2. Actually, I am. Luxa has sent me to collect your debt. 1. Luxa sent me to collect your debt to the Exchange.
Opo Chano: But, I do not have the credits with which to repay her.
1. That is not my concern. You've had more than enough time to get them. 2. Look, I need to pay your debt to Luxa or kill you, I don't have a choice.
Opo Chano: Why? 1. Because if I don't, she will not get me a meeting with Loppak Slusk.
Opo Chano: You would kill me for that? I'm sorry, but I do not have the credits, so I cannot pay you.
1. What if I repaid your loan? Opo Chano: You... you would do this? It is many credits – 2500.
3. No, I'm sorry, that is more than I can afford. 4. I will find a way.
Opo Chano: You see my problem? Opo Chano: Please. I have no other options.
2. Perhaps you can just run away? Opo Chano: Run away? How can I get off this station without the Exchange knowing?
1. I don't know. Opo Chano: I didn't think so. Ah, this is such a terrible situation I have placed myself in.
5. I'll be going now. Opo Chano: Do you have a solution?

If your solution is for you to repay his loan:

1. Yes, and I will take the credits to Luxa. 2. [Lie] Yes, and I will take the credits to Luxa.
Opo Chano: Thank you. Now I can finally leave this planet and start a new life. I am eternally in your thanks.
Journal Entry Added Opo Chano
You have agreed to help pay off Opo Chano's debt of 2,500 credits to the Exchange.
Journal Entry Added Opo Chano
You told Opo Chano that you would pay off his debt of 2,500 credits to the Exchange.

Do not mean it: actually repaying his loan costs 2500 credits and doesn't even move you any closer to the light side of the Force. Whether or not you mean it, once you leave Residential 082 East Opo Chano does so as well: he can now be found by the traveler on the bottom left side of Dock Module 126's dock lounge. He also leaves Residential 082 for Dock Module 126 if your solution is for him to just run away:

2. You can get passage on a shuttle out of Czerka's docking bay, they do not keep any records or ask too many questions.
Opo Chano: Indeed? I will have to look into that. What credits I have I will have to pay for a ticket to another planet.
Journal Entry Added Opo Chano
You agreed to help Opo Chano get off Citadel Station to escape his debt to the Exchange. You need to speak with Luxa to help cover his escape.

If you speak to him again before you leave Residential 082 East:

Opo Chano: I must make preparations for my departure. I am attempting to sell all my possessions, so tell me if there is anything you want.
1. Do you have any droid parts left? Opo Chano: Yes, I do.

Once you leave, he can be found waiting outside Docking Bay 3. Regardless of where you find him:

Opo Chano: I have arranged to travel aboard the next Czerka freighter. The destination is Nar Shaddaa. I am a little worried, but I believe everything will work out fine.
1. And why shouldn't it? 2. Just stay away from the pazaak table this time. 3. If anyone should ask, I'll keep your secret.
Opo Chano: No, you are right. Perhaps I am overreacting. I am just very nervous, to be going to Nar Shaddaa, where I incurred my debt. Hopefully I will find quick passage to another system. Opo Chano: I will, I promise! I will never step foot into another pazaak den. I am cured of the itch forever. Opo Chano: Thank you, you have been a great help to me, Name.
4. I'll be going now.


3. Then I will just have to kill you. 3. I will just have to kill you.
Opo Chano: I cannot believe you would kill me for so small a thing.
1. I have no other choice. 2. You should have known better than to get entangled with the Exchange.
Opo Chano: You think I indebted myself to them by choice? I had no other options!
Opo Chano: You are a terrible human.
Opo Chano (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 51
Force -
Defense 18
Fortitude 12
Reflex 10
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 10 -
Bludgeoning 2-2,+1-3 piercing
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Energy Baton On Hit: Stun14

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Journal Entry Added Opo Chano
You decided to kill Opo Chano because he could not repay his debt to the Exchange.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Opo Chano (level 9)

This is psychotic, but surprisingly doesn't move you any closer to the dark side of the Force. Regardless of your solution, you can now return to Entertainment 081's cantina and tell Luxa you've settled the matter of Opo Chano's debt.

Czerka Mainframe[edit]

If you work for the Ithorians then once Chodo Habat has asked you to access the Czerka Mainframe and the disgruntled Czerka employee Corrun Falt has told you how to do it, when you next speak to the technician Opo Chano in Apartment B2:

Opo Chano: You are not from the Exchange. What do you want? 1. I want your droid technician credentials.
1. Your droid technician credentials.
Opo Chano: My credentials? What for?
2. It's no concern of yours. Opo Chano: Then you cannot have them! They are my work, my life. Why do you even need them?
2. If you don't give me those credentials, they'll be your death.


1. I need to borrow Czerka's administrative droid. Opo Chano: B-4D4? But why?
1. Because I need him to get some files from Czerka's mainframe to expose Czerka's corruption to the Telosian authorities.
Opo Chano: Expose Czerka's corruption? Oh, I see, I see. That is a good cause, yes. I cannot do that.
2. You can do it if you want to live.


1. You can't? Why not? Opo Chano: Because I cannot afford to jeopardize my contract with Czerka.
1. Your contract? Why is that? Opo Chano: I need the credits.
1. Credits? What for? Opo Chano: For... for a loan.
1. A loan? From whom? Opo Chano: It is no concern of yours.
1. Hey, I answered all of your questions. 2. It is my concern, because I want those credentials. Tell me.
Opo Chano: Yes, this is true.
Opo Chano: I took a loan from the Exchange to cover gambling debts. I had to stay on Citadel Station and do freelance technical work to repay it. The Czerka contract is my best-paying. If I lose the contract, I cannot repay the loan. If I cannot repay the loan, the Exchange will kill me. So I cannot give you my credentials.
1. Slusk and Luxa are dead and the Exchange is in disarray. They won't enforce your debt.
Opo Chano: If only. My loan is owed to Goto, the Exchange boss on Nar Shaddaa. I'll be dead before he lets the debt go.
2. Just say your credentials were stolen. Opo Chano: I do not know if I can lie.
1. Try it. It's easy. Opo Chano: Eh... "I do not have any droid technician credentials to give you?"
1. That's not true. You're lying. Opo Chano: Ah, see? I am terrible at it! I cannot lie!

You can give him an extension on his loan, or repay it for him:

3. I could give you an extension on your loan. 4. What if I repaid your loan?
Opo Chano: You... you would do this? So I could repay you later? It is many credits: 2500. Opo Chano: You... you would do this? It is many credits: 2500.
2. I'll be back when I have the credits.
Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
Opo Chano, Czerka's contracted droid technician, can't give you his droid credentials unless you help relieve his 2,500 credit gambling debt to the Exchange. Without them, you can't take B-4D4.

If you return to Chodo Habat and say you need credits, he gives them to you!

Opo Chano: You do not have those credits to lend me, do you? Opo Chano: You do not have those credits, do you?
2. If you won't give me your credentials, I'll just have to kill you. 4. Not now. I'll return later.

If you tell him you'll repay his loan but you'll be back, then when you give him the credits you don't move closer to the light side of the Force:

1. Here, 2500 credits. 1. Yes, here: 2500 credits.
Credits Lost: 2500
Opo Chano: Thank you. Now I can repay my debt, and you can take my droid technician credentials.
Opo Chano: I will find more work soon. Please return later and I will repay you. 1. I'll be going now.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
1. I'll come back later, then. 2. Keep the money in return for the credentials.
3. Be sure that you do. I'm much worse than any Exchange collector. Light Side Points Gained: +2
Opo Chano: I will. Thank you.
1. Do you have the credits for me?
Opo Chano: No I do not have them yet, but I promise I will repay you when I have them.

Otherwise, you can get his credentials by threatening him:

5. I can kill you horribly now, or you can take your chances later. Your choice.
Opo Chano: What?! You would kill me for them?
1. Why not? Men have died for less. Hand them over. 2. You don't leave me with much choice.
Opo Chano: You are a terrible human. Here, take them. Go. Leave me to die.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2

In every case:

Journal Entry Added Czerka Mainframe
You acquired Opo Chano's droid maintenance credentials and should now be able to convince B-4D4 to return to the Ithorian compound with you.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Acquired Chano's credentials
Item(s) Received Opo Chano
  • Credentials
Opo Chano's droid technician credentials will allow you to convince B-4D4 - the Czerka protocol droid - to accompany you back to Chodo Habat at the Ithorian compound.

B-4D4 is in the reception of the Czerka offices. If you threatened Opo Chano's life, then you can also take it from him before you leave:

Opo Chano: I have nothing more for you to take. Go, leave me to die.
1. Why postpone the inevitable? I'll kill you now. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Opo Chano (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 51
Force -
Defense 18
Fortitude 12
Reflex 10
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 10 -
Bludgeoning 2-2,+1-3 piercing
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Energy Baton On Hit: Stun14

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Opo Chano (level 10)
Kreia: That was ill done. What possessed you of the need to have him killed?
1. We needed his credentials. 2. No one pushes me around.
Kreia: Indeed, but all the same, he was willing to surrender them at the threat of injury. Kreia: I see. From where I stood, it seemed to me that you were the one doing the pushing.
1. I don't believe in empty threats. 2. I didn't want him to be able to report us to the TSF.
Kreia: I can see that. However, had you left him alive, we might have had use of him in the future. It is far better to have such a person, even as pathetic a creature as Opo Chano, to take advantage of in the future. Only kill when there is no further advantage to be gained, and no disadvantage to yourself. Kreia: True, he will not be able to run to Lieutenant Grenn, but I feel that he was sufficiently frightened that he would keep silent.
1. Yes, you're right, Kreia. 1. Perhaps you're right, Kreia. 2. I kill who I want, when I want. 2. But at least this way we're sure.
Kreia: Good, now let us be gone from here, before Grenn finds our involvement in this. Kreia: It won't make any difference unless we get away from here before the TSF comes.

Bumani Exchange Corp.[edit]

The door to the Bumani Exchange Corp. is at the main hall's left end, in its top wall. There's a sign to the right, and a wall terminal and Exchange thug to the left.

Citadel Station uses this sort of heavy pressure door in many roles. It's virtually impregnable.

If you try to use the wall terminal while a thug is present:

Exchange Thug: Hey! Get away from there.

If you speak to the thug:

Exchange Thug: You have no business with the Exchange. Get out of here. 2. I'll be going now.
1. Open that door or you're dead. Exchange Thug: I'm dead if I do open it, human. You're not getting in.
1. Then I guess you're dead. Dark Side Points Gained: -3
Exchange Thug (main character level 9)
Set 4
Level 6
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 69
Force -
Defense 24
Fortitude 13
Reflex 15
Will 13
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 14 -
Piercing 8-18-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

+ Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Exchange Thug (level 9)

If you leave Residential 082 East and then return, another thug now guards the door:

Exchange Thug: If you don't have any business with the Exchange, move along.
1. Do you know what happened to the last Rodian who refused me? Exchange Thug: No...
1. You got his job. Now let me in. Exchange Thug: I still can't open the door for you.

You can keep killing the thugs when they refuse to open the door, but you won't move any closer to the dark side of the Force:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Exchange Thug (level 9)

If you leave and return again, yet another thug now guards the door:

Exchange Thug: Oh, no. Look... they just gave me this job, and I really can't let you in.
1. You know what happened to the last two guards who wouldn't let me in?
Exchange Thug: Yes, but I can't let you in without an appointment.
Exchange Thug (main character level 9)
Set 4
Level 6
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 69
Force -
Defense 22
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 13
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 15 -
Slashing 9-31-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

+ Long Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Exchange Thug (level 9)

Leave and return once more, and a fourth and final thug now guards the door:

Exchange Thug: Go away. You have no business with the Exchange.
1. I'm getting tired of this. Let me in or I'll kill you. Exchange Thug: You mean you'll try.
Exchange Thug (main character level 9)
Set 4
Level 6
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 16 +2
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 63
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 12
Reflex 18
Will 13
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 12 -
Bludgeoning 4-4, +1-6 piercing
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

+ Exchange Negotiator On Hit: Stun18

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Exchange Thug (level 9)
Item(s) Received Exchange Thug

From now on the door remains unguarded, but no less impregnable without an appointment. Once a thug has been killed, you can use the wall terminal:

Wall Terminal: Bumani Exchange Corp.

Due to recent events, admittance by appointment only.
2. Log out.
1. Page receptionist.
Vula: That door can't be opened from there. Is there something I can do for you today? 1. Never mind.

Once you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid and agree to seek out the Exchange boss Loppak Slusk for Czerka's Jana Lorso or the Ithorian Chodo Habat:

1. I need to see Loppak Slusk.
Vula: I'm terribly sorry, but I don't show you as having an appointment. If you need one, they can be made through Luxa.
1. Where can I find Luxa? Vula: At the cantina, most likely. Good day.

Luxa can indeed be found in Entertainment 081's cantina. If you return to an Exchange thug after hearing Luxa's offer but not accepting it:

2. I need to speak with Loppak Slusk.
Exchange Thug: He's not expecting you, so you're not getting in.
2. But I'm the Jedi he's looking for.
Exchange Thug: Sure you are, human. Now beat it.
1. Then how do I set up an appointment?
Exchange Thug: Through his second, Luxa. She's usually in the cantina in Entertainment 081.
1. She wants to have him killed.
Exchange Thug: Everyone wants Loppak dead, human. But no one has the nerve to do anything about it.

Once you've agreed to help Luxa:

2. Luxa sent me. Exchange Thug: I hope you know what you're getting into, human.
Exchange Thug: Vula, a human is here to see Slusk. Everything checks out. Please open the door.

The thug leaves. If there's no thug, then use the wall terminal to page the receptionist:

1. Luxa sent me. I'm to see Loppak Slusk. Vula: Luxa? Well, let me open the door for you, then.

Either way, the door to the Bumani Exchange Corp. is now open.

Ithorian Diplomacy[edit]

If you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid to the Ithorians and agree to speak to the Exchange boss Loppak Slusk for Chodo Habat, and you haven't killed every Exchange thug, then you can ask how you set up an appointment:

1. I'm here representing Chodo Habat.
Exchange Thug: The Ithorian? We have no business with him.
1. Then how do I set up an appointment?
Exchange Thug: Through his second, Luxa. She's usually in the cantina in Entertainment 081.
Journal Entry Added Ithorian Diplomacy
You were refused entry to the Exchange Suites, but the guard said you could try to make an appointment with Luxa, Loppak Slusk's second. He said she can often be found in the cantina in Entertainment Module 081.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Asked how to set up appointment

As you pass the Czerka Offices and approach the Shuttle Bay Elevator on your way to find Luxa in Entertainment 081's cantina:

Kreia: I do not approve of this alliance we have formed with Chodo Habat and his Ithorians.
1. Why is that? 2. I don't need your approval, Kreia. Kreia: Nonetheless, you should heed my advice.
Kreia: Habat has an agenda, and he hopes to tie you into it, to use you to his own ends.
1. I don't sense he intends to do us harm.
Kreia: Be that as it may, it would be best if you avoided such needless entanglements. You are too valuable to be caught up in the struggles of this planet.
2. We need his resources, whatever help we must give in return, is necessary. 2. Perhaps you are right, Kreia. But we need his help, at least for the time being.
Kreia: True, he may be able to help us locate the Ebon Hawk, but still, you must be vigilant.


1. Regardless, Chodo needs our help, and I will give it.
Kreia: I cannot force you to listen to reason, only hope that you will grow past these infantile delusions of right and wrong.


If you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid to Czerka Corporation and agree to work for Jana Lorso, and you haven't killed every Exchange thug:

1. I need to speak with Loppak Slusk.
Exchange Thug: Loppak Slusk is a busy man, he doesn't speak with just anyone.
1. I'm coming on behalf of Jana Lorso of Czerka.
Exchange Thug: Look, if you don't have an appointment, you're not getting in.
2. How do I get an appointment?
Exchange Thug: Try Luxa, his second. You'll find her in the cantina in Entertainment 081, most likely.
Journal Entry Added The Exchange
You tried to enter the Exchange offices in Residential 082 East, but were refused. You were told that an appointment could be arranged through Luxa, Loppak Slusk's second. Luxa can often be found in the cantina in Entertainment 081.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Asked how to get appointment

Luxa can always be found in the cantina. Once you agree to work for the Exchange, the next time you pass through Residential 082 East:

Atton: Do you really think it's a good idea to be working for the Exchange?
1. We don't have a choice, Czerka's going to help us find the Ebon Hawk, but only if we deal with the Exchange.
Atton: Is it really worth it though? I don't know if we can trust Lorso, either. I mean, it takes something to ally yourself with the Exchange.
1. Lorso's a businesswoman. Helping us is good business for her. 2. If she backs out on our agreement, we'll just have to force the issue.
Atton: That woman's a shark, but if you say so, I guess it'll be okay. Atton: As long as you're ready for it. But I hope it doesn't come to that.


2. Do I think working with the most notorious criminal organization in the galaxy is a good idea?
Atton: I don't know anyone who's dealt with the Exchange and had it end well.
1. Don't worry, Atton, we'll get out of this fine. 2. It's a risk, but it's a risk we have to take.
Atton: Well, if you say so, just watch your back. Atton: You're right, of course. I just wish we could find our ship and get out of here.
1. I shouldn't have anything to worry about if you are, right?