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Honcho's Airship[edit]

Follow the path collecting the coins until you come out into the open. You will come to a door that will open when you get close, but you can't enter as the inside is full of flames. Reach the cannon a little further ahead and enter it. There are several of them in this level. You can change its orientation with the directional buttons and then press the action button to have it shoot in the desired direction. By aiming it all the way to the right you can reach a red coin above the burning entrance. Then aim the cannon all the way to the left and let it shoot you to reach a door. Behind it is a spiral path full of coins. Follow it all the way to the end to return to where you started the level. Go back to the cannon and get shot slightly to the left. You will find another cannon that will allow you to reach some coins above. After taking them, enter the door on the left and take the key. A shield will appear right above the door. Take it and quickly return to the fiery entrance you saw earlier. Thanks to the shield, you can enter. You will be pushed into a hot air balloon where you will find many coins and a Gold Rimmed Heart right on top. Then drop down into the hole at the bottom to go back. At this point, go back to the cannon on the left and get shot up to reach the mast of the ship. Go along it, taking the coins and defeating the enemies, then go down the other side. Drop down the trap door and enter the huge cannon to be shot at the next area.

Here you encounter small airships that cannot be destroyed by jumping on them, so if you don't have a weapon, just avoid them. The route is quite linear and does not present any major surprises. Continue, paying attention to the flames and hot air balloons that target you. There are many coins to collect and a heart. Further on you have to be shot by other cannons to continue and collect the coins you find. Continue proceeding, paying attention to the hot air balloons that target you. You will find another heart and a key that will make many coins appear nearby. After a stretch where you have to avoid many airships, a cannon will take you to the highest level. Here you can find a useful Fireball under a shed. Continue moving forward, killing enemies and collecting coins until you reach the last area.

Here, after a few steps, a magical portal will transform you into a dragon. This part is quite easy and fun. You can explore the entire area, similar to a stone labyrinth, flying wherever you want. There are a lot of coins to collect, so you might want to explore it all. You will also find many mini airships, which you can destroy with your flames and therefore should not cause you any problems. By breathing flames, you can also destroy some fragile walls made up of spaced stone blocks (you will have no problem recognizing them) and access hidden areas, where more coins are found. You will also find a heart and a key that will open access to a vertical area full of coins. The exit portal is located in the top left of this area. Just before reaching it there is the only slightly treacherous point in the area, with some rocket launchers firing missiles. To get to this point, you have to break down two stone walls. Immediately after taking them down, fly up to find an extra life. After the rocket launchers you will find a heart instead. Continue right to find a portal that returns you to your normal appearance and the exit portal immediately after.

Dragoon Skyfort[edit]

Follow the path, avoiding the small airships and collecting the coins. You will come to a hanging platform that leads you further. Here you have to jump on some clouds and get shot by some cannons like the ones in the previous level to proceed. There are two types of clouds: the bigger ones make you bounce, while the flat ones fall apart after you climb on them, so be careful. You will also encounter a new and quite insidious enemy, a flying fish that chases you. Eliminating it by jumping on it is not easy. Continuing, you have to jump on some small hot air balloons to move forward. Hurry, because when you get on them they start to climb quickly, so it is easy to miss the jumps and fall into the void. Further on you have to move carefully between some holes in a wall from which missiles come out. Do it calmly and without rushing. You will then come to another suspended platform, which will take you forward for quite a while. In the meantime, try to get as many coins as possible and avoid the flying fish. Just before the arrival of the platform, at the bottom there are many coins and a heart, you can easily get them by jumping on the clouds. Then continue right and a door will close behind you.

Collect the coins you find, paying attention to enemies and small airships. You can't open the next door, so take the lower left passage where the arrow points to and go down. There is a Freeze Ray to collect. You can also ignore the next moving platform and drop straight down to collect the coins. Be careful of the claws on the floor though. Ahead use the small hot air balloon to go up, there are more coins and a heart on the left. You then have to overcome a rather difficult point, climbing onto a hanging platform while hot air balloons bombard you with missiles. However, at the bottom left there is a heart to collect. Continue and use the flying enemies to reach a purple coin. A little further on you will find another heart, but watch out for the missiles. Finally, as you move forward, the passage will close behind you.

After a few steps there is a portal that turns you into a dragon. The next area is similar to the last one in the previous level. Explore it well to find all the treasures. Here, however, there are more mini airships and missiles to avoid. Shortly after the start you will find a heart. Then take the vertical passage above the arrow made of coins to find three hearts and an extra life at the top. In the last part, however, you will resume your normal appearance. Ride the hot air balloon to reach many coins in the upper left. A little further on, a door will close behind you.

The last area is very linear, but also quite tricky. As you continue, you must avoid flashing flames, missiles, and other small airships. While jumping on the clouds you must also be careful not to fall into the void. Then there is a stretch that you have to cross on board a hanging platform. Along the way you can collect many coins, but also carefully avoid the numerous airships. A new platform awaits you ahead, but this one moves vertically. On the right there is a heart and an extra life, but they are really difficult to reach. You also have to watch out for other missiles. At the top, climb into the hot air balloon to get more coins and continue right, onto the clouds. You will thus arrive at the last hanging platform. Avoid dangers. On the clouds below are very valuable coins and a heart, but be careful not to fall if you want to get them. On the other side there are many coins spinning above some clouds, but you have to watch out for more missiles. Finally, climb into the hot air balloon, avoid the airships on the way up and you will reach a golden gate on the right, with the exit portal behind it.

Cloud Citadel[edit]

Use the platforms and air currents to get the coins. Don't forget to go down and take the heart at the bottom left. You must then pass over a kind of rainbow that appears intermittently to continue, you will encounter several in this level. Try to continue as far as possible without falling, then, when you see a barricade below, drop down and try to grab as many coins as possible, while a current of air takes you back. After taking them all, climb the clouds, there are many coins on the left. Then continue on the right to pass the barricade. Take the key to continue. Here too, continue as far as possible without falling, then before the next barricade, drop down to get the coins. Continue until you reach a platform that will transport you higher. Walk along the top of the wall (there are many coins to collect along the path) until you enter inside.

In this area you have to climb upwards, passing alternately inside and outside the castle, through special openings. There are many ways to reach the summit, so you can do as you like. However, it is advisable to explore both the inside and the outside well to obtain many coins and other treasures. However, be careful of the small tornadoes, which you cannot defeat by jumping on them and do not fall to the bottom while you are outside. The objective, however, is to reach a point, outside, where you have to use both a cannon and a current of air to rise upwards. There is also an arrow pointing up. Using the cloud on the left and the three flying enemies you can reach a Freeze Ray. Then continue on the right. Climb onto the platform if you want to proceed safely, but without taking any coins, or stay at the bottom to collect the coins, but be careful of the missiles. Eventually this platform will lead you to the next area.

Drop down into one of the gaps to get the coins at the bottom left. Then use the springs to reach those in the vertical ducts. The key will allow you to make others appear. Then continue right and take the key to make the block of ice blocking the road disappear. Another key will make clouds appear. Use them to reach another key that will open the ice door, but don't forget to take a purple coin on the left. Continue, jumping on the clouds. There are some coins further down, you can go down to get them and then use the air currents to go back up. Additional coins are found at the top left, after the second row of clouds. Then continue to the right, avoiding the small tornadoes and flying fish. You will then have to pass some small airships moving in circles. Here too, however, there are some coins further down and some air currents that allow you to return to the upper path. Carefully jump onto the hot air balloons and you will come to a teleportation cabin. Enter it and you will be taken to another cabin. Go right, go down and first take the coins on the clouds on the left. Then continue to the right. You will come to another cabin, enter it to be teleported. Avoid the claws and tornadoes and use the moving cloud to get the spinning coins. Then enter the next cabin. Carefully jump onto the rainbow and clouds ahead. There are some coins to grab, but be careful not to fall. You will thus arrive at the last cabin. Once teleported, continue right. At the bottom you will find the exit portal.

Efreet Palace[edit]

Grab the coin behind you and continue right. Jump onto the cloud and enter one of the tower windows on your left to access a secret passage. Take all the coins and the heart then go back. Continue and enter the strong air current. You can't go back (except for the last stretch), so try to get as many coins as possible by jumping on the clouds. Go forward and use the moving platform to avoid the spikes. Another platform will lead you up. Then enter another air current to climb further, trying to also take the coins. You will then come to a large room where there are air currents going all around the perimeter. There are many coins to collect here, some of great value, so it's best to grab them all before moving on. Just pay attention to the spikes on the bottom right. You will have to enter another air current on the right, take the coins and the key along the way. The current will take you back. Take the key at the bottom right to open a new passage on the right. Enter it. Now you have to pass over some ascending air currents that prevent you from falling into the void. There are some coins along the way, but also some flying fish so be careful. Continue forward, using the moving platform to get over the spikes and get the shield. The shield will allow you to overcome unharmed the following descent, which is full of dangers. Enter the door at the end to reach the next area.

Now you are in a circular room with an air current that drags you all around. There are many coins (and a heart) to collect, but getting them is not easy. You have to skillfully jump on the clouds. You must take three keys one after the other to open a door leading to the next area. First, however, try to trigger all the levers in the room, to make a myriad of coins appear. After taking them, go through the door.

Enter the ascending air current, taking the coins. Additional coins can be collected as you fall. Continue across the rooftops, taking more coins. A key will open a door below you, allowing you to reach some hidden coins. Go up the stairs defeating the enemies. Here too there are vortices that allow you to reach other coins. Use the cannons to continue. Go carefully over the rainbow. Below is a Shrink Ray. Grab it and use it to take out the small tornado on the left. A heart will then appear. Continue and take the shield, which will allow you to overcome the next obstacle more easily. There is also a Fireball to collect. Reach the next cannon and get shot up, take the heart on the right and enter the compartment below. You will then arrive in an optional area where you can get many coins. There are teleportation booths similar to the ones you saw in the previous level that allow you to move around this area. The last cabin at the end will take you back. Drop to the right. You will now find yourself on an immense upward current. Grab the Fireball and use it to take out the annoying airships and flying fish. Further on on the right there is also a heart to collect. Finally, just before the end of this air current you will notice a long row of coins above you. To get them, you have to enter a cavity on the right, where the air current is much lower. By skillfully using these currents, you can be carried very high, taking all the coins, the highest ones have great value. You will also notice another item even higher up, a little further to the left. It is the latest Gold Rimmed Heart. To reach it, you must perform a perfect jump, in the same way. Getting it isn't easy, but keep trying until you succeed. Once you get it, continue right. The exit portal is just ahead.

Frozen Cavern[edit]

Go down the slippery slope and get the coins. Grab the Fireball in the top left and use it to destroy the green crystals on the right. Kill the two small tornadoes and get the extra life. Then climb up and take the coins. At the top right is a heart, as well as other coins. The button further ahead allows you to change the direction of the air flow. Use it to continue (you can't go back after that, so get as many coins as you can). Use the tornado to go up and continue right. You will find another Fireball. Use it to destroy the green crystals, inside one of them you will find a shield, which allows you to easily overcome the descent ahead. You will arrive in a room full of air currents. Use them to collect all the coins. There are also some annoying airships, but thanks to the Phoenix Fireball above you can eliminate them all. To continue you must take the key in the center. Go downhill. Here you find another Phoenix Fireball. Destroy the green crystal to reach the button and press it. Use the air current to continue passing over the spikes, taking the coins along the way. You will come to another area full of air currents and coins, similar to the one you just passed. After getting everything, continue and jump where the arrow points to enter the next area.

After a few steps you will be transformed into a dragon. Continue left. The route is easy and linear. If you want to get the coins that are in the middle of a row of airships, you have to reach them without breathing flames to clear the obstacles, or the coins will go away. You then have to overcome a long downhill stretch, full of airships. Try to get all the coins, including the ones behind the green crystals on the sides. Afterwards you will resume your normal appearance. Jump down to reach the final area.

Here too you will find a Phoenix Fireball. Eliminate the enemies in the area and take the coins, using the springs. Make good use of the air currents on the right to also reach a heart and a Freeze Ray. Then continue to the right. Now you have to overcome a rather difficult point, taking advantage of the air currents to overcome precipices without falling into the void. The airships won't make things easier for you, so take them out first with your weapons. Destroy the green crystal to get a heart and use the spring to reach a shield. This way you can easily overcome the next descent. Use the springs and air currents to climb upwards, paying attention to the airships. If you still have a weapon with you, it will be very useful. Continue right and press the button. Use the air currents to climb further, avoiding the airships. At the top left there is a spot where a heart is located between two red coins. Use the current next to you to climb to the top and continue left. You can then get an extra life and a purple coin. Go back down and use the air currents again to return to the top. This time go right, to reach the exit portal.

Storm Temple[edit]

Ignore the coins and the key behind you and proceed by jumping over the large storm orb. As soon as you pass it, the orb will start chasing you. Quickly run forward, jumping over obstacles, until you reach an open cabin. Stay inside. When the orb reaches you, the cabin will automatically close, protecting you. When the orb has passed, continue collecting the coins and defeating the enemies, but hurry, because another stormy orb will come from behind. You have to get to a point where a current of air will allow you to climb onto the platforms at the top left. Here, temporarily safe, you will find a heart. Continue left, jumping on the clouds, being careful not to fall, until you reach the coins and the key you saw at the beginning. After getting everything, go back to where the air blast is. Use it to overcome another stormy orb that will come towards you and continue to the right. Take the key to open the door and enter.

However, not even the door will stop the orbs. Quickly run right taking the coins. Grab the Phoenix Fireball and use the air blast to reach the upper platforms. The orb will continue to chase you, but by using the air jet you can jump over it, in order to have a good advantage on the next one. Use your weapon to destroy the green crystals and get the coins. The last jet of air will take you very high. Continue right to finally get rid of the orbs.

Continue by jumping on the clouds. Here there is another danger: flying enemies similar to dark masks, who chase you. On the lower cloud there is a Shrink Ray that allows you to eliminate them more easily. Continue remaining at the bottom for the moment and collect all the coins present. There is also a Fireball. Next to it is a lamp that, when activated, temporarily keeps the menacing masks away. Then use the jet of air to climb up some clouds above, where you will also find a Fireball. Use these clouds to reach the suspended platform above, where you will find many coins, a key and a shield. Take everything, then quickly go down and continue right, taking another key to open the door immediately ahead. However, make sure you are still invincible, because another orb will come out of the door to welcome you. Go through the door to reach the next area.

Here too there are black enemies. However, along the way you will find several lamps to keep them away. There is also a Phoenix Fireball after a few steps. Go down the slope and before climbing up using the springs, follow the path to the end to find some coins. Go up and you will find another Phoenix Fireball just ahead. There are some smaller storm orbs here, which stay put and flash beneath them, which you can easily avoid. At the bottom you will find a heart. Climb up using the spring and the moving platforms and drop down on the other side. You will find another Fireball. Here the path is very linear, but further on you have to overcome other stormy orbs that move towards you, using simple humps in the ground. Further on, carefully avoid the flashes emitted by the small orbs and climb higher. In a niche there is a purple coin and a shield. The air current then allows you to return to the route. You will then cross another area with many coins, a Fireball and lamps to keep the threatening masks away and another bumpy path where you have to avoid the orbs. You will then arrive at the last area.

Here there are very strong intermittent gusts of wind, which you can avoid using special cabins similar to those you saw at the beginning of the level. The first is very easy to reach, but then you have to continue on precarious suspended platforms and reaching the next cabin before the gust of wind is not easy. Even reaching the third cabin is not easy: you have to take advantage of a tornado suspended in the air. When the gust of wind has passed past the third cabin, you will want to continue directly to the right as quickly as possible. There are many coins along the path, but if you delay to take them, you will inevitably be dragged back by the violent wind and risk falling into the void. If you are quick enough and skillfully overcome the obstacles, you can reach the exit portal before the next gust.

Boss Fight - Wishing Engine[edit]

Even if you have reached the Winshing Engine, you have to deal with a final boss before you can speak a wish. The battlefield is circular, as with the previous two bosses. The battle consists of two phases. The first is very easy. The boss, a huge eyeball, is in the center and targets you with a cannon. Its attacks are easy to avoid, just keep moving. In this phase you must activate four interlocks that are located around the battlefield, above. To reach them you must take advantage of the green devices found on the ground, which emit a jet of air that can project you upwards. You can also move them by walking against them. In this way, you can easily reach the interlocks, similar to lanterns, and activate them. You will also notice a luminous triangle, even higher up, to reach which you must use two air currents one after the other. For now, ignore it. Once the four interlocks have been activated, the second phase of the battle begins, which is decidedly more difficult. The boss will grow claws and start moving around the battlefield, moving from one side to the other. As with Goon Honcho, you can avoid it by ducking and letting it pass over you. However, the boss attacks you by shooting energy beams at different heights, which are very fast and not so easy to avoid. Sometimes you have to duck and other times jump over them. To attack the boss you must use the same cannon he used before. Where there was a red glass on the battlefield, there are now two buttons with a wheel between them. Jump on the buttons to activate the cannon and then on the wheel. By walking on the wheel you can direct the cannon in the desired direction. Hitting the boss with the cannon is not easy, because the boss keeps moving, while the cannon fires at specific time intervals. You must therefore calculate the times well and orient the cannon accordingly. Every time you hit it, the boss changes direction of movement. The ideal would be to never let him get close to your position. In fact, if it gets close, it can hit you with its attacks. Even every time it reaches your position, the boss changes direction, but you better move quickly before it reaches it, or you will certainly be hit. As if this wasn't enough, after firing a certain number of shots, the cannon will discharge. To recharge it, you need to reach the glowing triangle mentioned above, which is located in the opposite location of the battlefield. Obviously, you have to move in order to avoid the boss and its attacks. Once the cannon is reloaded, return to the attack station, jump on the buttons to activate the cannon and resume attacking the boss. When you have hit the boss 10 times, it will die and you can enjoy the ending of the game. Congratulations!