Test Drive 6/Prize Money

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For single races, the prize money is as follows:

  • 1st Place: (bet) x 3.5
  • 2nd Place: (bet) x 2
  • 3rd Place: (bet) x 0.5

So your earnings per win (1st place finish) will be: (bet) x 2.5

For tournament races, the prize money is as follows:

  • 1st Place: (bet) x 1.75
  • 2nd Place: (bet) x 1
  • 3rd Place: (bet) x 0.25
  • Pot Money: (bet) x 3

So your earnings per win will be:

  • (bet) x 0.75

If you win the tournament and win all the races, your earnings jump to:

  • (bet) x (number of races) x 3.75

This makes your earnings per win average out to:

  • (bet) x (3.75)

to compare the two earning rates, divide one by the other:

  • 3.75(bet) / 2.5(bet) = 1.5

Winning tournament races is exactly 50% more lucrative than winning single races.