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You will first have to connect your Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, MSX or Commodore Amiga (and cassette recorder, in the case of the 8-bit versions) to your television, then switch all three (or both, in the case of the Amiga version) of them on; you'll then have to place the cassette (or disk, for the Amiga version) of Gremlin Graphics and ReLINE Software's Magic Bytes and Micro-Partner-developed 1988 action game, Pink Panther into the cassette recorder (or the console itself, in the case of the Amiga version), type LOAD "" (without leaving a space between the quotation marks), and press  Enter  to load the program into the console (or wait for it to load automatically in the case of the Amiga version). You will then have to press the button on the joystick to start the game as none of the five versions of it support keyboard control - and the Pink Panther can either go to the "Jobs" billboard on the left side of the start screen or into the supermarket in the centre of it (but if you choose to make him go to the island on the right side of it, you will have to reset the console!). If you make him go to the "Jobs" billboard, he can look through the job offers and choose an employer; however, you make him go to the supermarket, he can buy various items to impress his employers (as he needs a top hat for the first one, a pocket watch for the second, a fake reference for the third, and a car for the fourth, so when you make him go back to that "Jobs" billboard and select an offer, his employer will not send him away when he asks for the required item). All four employers also look like the character known only as "The Man" from the cartoons.

Level 1[edit]

This level contains eight vases (worth $25 apiece), five three-sets of gold nuggets (worth $13 apiece), and three rings (worth $2 apiece); to redirect his employer, the Pink Panther has to face him and ring the bell, or stand in defensive position so that he will change direction on walking into him. He will also have to inflate catapults or ramps to prevent his employer from tripping over the bear rugs, use the doors to warp past the gramophones, and use an alarm clock to wake himself up if he gets too tired - and the total amount of all sixteen of the items the Pink Panther must steal on this level is $269.

Level 2[edit]

This level contains nine three-sets of gold nuggets, one alarm clock (which is not worth anything, but it still has to be stolen), four vases and two rings; the total amount of all sixteen items the Pink Panther must steal on this level is $221 (so in addition to the $269 he already had, he'll have $480 in all).

Level 3[edit]

This level contains one book (which is not worth anything, but it still has to get stolen), one alarm clock, seven vases, eight three-sets of gold nuggets, and two rings; the Pink Panther shall also have to inflate a dummy of himself to redirect his employer on two occasions, and inflate two more ramps to prevent him from tripping over the rugs, as well as use the doors to warp part the gramophones again. The total amount of all nineteen items the Pink Panther has to steal on this level is $281 (so in addition to the $480 he already had he will have $761 in all) - and there is only one more job left to go.

Level 4[edit]

This level contains seven vases, six three-sets of gold nuggets, one alarm clock and two rings; the Pink Panther will also have to inflate a fourth ramp preventing his employer from tripping over a third bear rug, and a dummy of himself to redirect him on two more occasions (as well as a hole to make Inspector Clouseau, who is not accompanied by his Spanish assistant Sergeant Deux-Deux, fall into it). The total amount of all sixteen items the Pink Panther has to steal on this level is $257 (so in addition to the $761 he already had, he will have $1018 in all) - and you will then be treated to a static image of the Pink Panther relaxing on an island (which is the same one from the start screen, and it will stay on screen until you turn off the console).