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If you did not successfully collect two blue warp capsules before completing Stage 2, read the descriptions for the stages under Dimension 1. If you did collect two capsules and warped to the next dimension, read the descriptions under Dimension 2.

Common stage notes
  • These are the first stages which features item containers. They take the form of large crystals. The first one you shoot will drop a blue warp capsule. Destroying a crystal is easy since it only takes on shot. However, after it shatters, the debris that falls acts like a shield for any enemy above it until it fully disintegrates. For that reason, you may wish to clear away all of the crystals when you have a chance. Any that remain once the formation is complete will simply disappear from the screen. Remember that collecting a capsule makes you impervious to attack for just a few seconds after you obtain it.
  • This is the first formation you encounter where any of the enemies will dive bomb toward you instead of taking a position at the top of the screen. During the fifth and final wave, two of the Dons in the middle of the squad will break off from the pack and drop down to attack you. Be prepared.
  • If you're attempting to collect two warp capsules in order to warp to Dimension 2 at the next opportunity (at the end of Stage 7) you can wait until you encounter crystals again in either Stage 5 or Stage 6, but you still have the option of collecting one by destroying a combined goei when two goei merge and drop to the bottom of the screen.
  • Depending on the level of difficulty, the zako's along the bottom may transform into four butterflies (shown left). They break off from the zako at an angle, and then drop straight down to the bottom of the screen. When they reach the bottom, the split up and loop around once before dropping off the screen. You are awarded bonus points if you destroy all four of them before they disappear.

Dimension 1[edit]

Stage 4[edit]

Order of arrival Originates Final
/ left + right
/ lower left + right
/ upper left + right
/ lower left + right
() / () upper left + right

Stage 5[edit]

Order of arrival Originates Final
/ left + right
/ lower left
/ lower right
() / () upper left
() / () upper right
Specific stage notes
  • This time, the last two waves contain dive bombing enemies. Destroy the middle enemies if you can before the break off from the group. Otherwise, be prepared to move quickly away from your current location to successfully dodge the attack.

Stage 6[edit]

Order of arrival Originates Final
() / () left + right
lower left
lower right
() () upper left
() () upper right

Stage 7[edit]

Dimension 1, Stage 7 enemy: Taco

In Dimension 1, the second bonus stage features the diminutive Taco enemy. Despite their small size, they cluster up and make easy targets. They are quick, but their tendency to move at right angles makes it easier to shoot them.

  1. Ten Tacos will appear, five from the upper left, and five from the upper right. They move in and out from the sides of the screen to the center in a staircase fashion until they get all the way down to the bottom. Then they start staircasing back to the top, crossing over in the middle in a short diagonal sweep before exiting through the side.
  2. The second wave is the same as the first, except that the enemies fly up from the bottom, staircase to the top, and then staircase back down to the middle.
  3. Five Tacos appear from the lower left, and five from lower right. They swoop up and down, first straight, and then in increasing angles, before zig zagging across the middle of the screen and making their way to the top. After reach the top, they cross over to the opposite side of the screen and bounce a bit back down to the middle before escaping through the sides. Be prepared to start firing on one cluster or the other from the extreme edge of the screen.
  4. The fourth wave is identical to the third, except that they start at the top and come down to the bottom, and four of the enemies are Boss Galagas. Be sure to pour on the fire power to make sure that the Boss Galagas are cleared away before moving on to the other cluster.

Dimension 2[edit]

Stage 4[edit]

Order of arrival Originates Final
/ upper left + right
/ top
/ left + right
() / () top
() / () upper left + right
Specific stage notes
  • As the first opportunity that you have to visit Dimension 2, you will notice that the enemies have changed appearance. However, the behaviors of the goeis, zakos, and Boss Galagas remain the same.
  • The enemy which is new in Dimension 2 are the Nins. They arrive in dark spheres which only hatch when they take their place at the top of the formation. When you shoot a Nin it briefly expands. You must shoot a Nin three times in order to fully destroy it. Watch out for the spread of three bullets which it fires down at you.

Stage 5[edit]

Order of arrival Originates Final
/ upper left + right
/ top
/ left
() / () top
() / () right
Specific stage notes
  • Also like the previous stage, the last two waves contain dive bombing enemies. Destroy the middle enemies if you can before the break off from the group. Otherwise, be prepared to move quickly away from your current location to successfully dodge the attack.

Stage 6[edit]

Order of arrival Originates Final
() / () upper left + right
() () top
() () left

Stage 7[edit]

Dimension 2, Stage 7 enemy: Bee

In Dimension 2, the second bonus stage features the Bee enemy. They move in long snake like patterns. Because many of their paths take them through the center of the screen, you can clear a majority of the enemies, if not all of them, by remaining right in the middle of the screen.

  1. Ten Bees will appear from the upper right, fly across the top of the screen, and then staircase down and to the right until they reach the middle of the screen. Then they start staircasing back to the center, before looping around, flying off to the left and then back up to exit through the upper right corner.
  2. The second wave is the same as the mirror image of the first.
  3. Ten Bees arrive through the middle of the right side of the screen. They cross over to the left before looping around in a circle, and then dropping down to perform a figure-8. Then they staircase up and across the screen to the left before performing a final loop, and then making an S curve before exiting out through the upper right.
  4. The fourth wave is the mirror image of the third, althrough four of the enemies are Boss Galagas.