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As its name implies, it's quite easy to become lost in the Lost Forest. It is a very large area, much larger than Elysium Island, and it contains several sections that look very similar to one another. However, the trees and mountains of the forest divide the region into several square areas, as shown by the darker lines on the map below. Understanding how these regions are arranged can help you find your way around immensely.

A - Mar Inn
B - Celeste Inn
C - To Elysion Island
D - Sage's cave
E - North cave
F - West cave
G - To Unicorn King
H - To The Holy Land

There are four primary objectives for you to accomplish in this area:

  1. Locate and speak with the wise sage who knows about the unicorns.
  2. Find the fourth scroll in the North cave.
  3. Find the fifth scroll in the West cave.
  4. Locate the home of the king unicorn and speak with him to obtain one of the sword jewels.
You arrive near Mar Inn.

When you arrive in the forest, you will be in the south east corner. Directly below the cave exit is Mar Inn, which you can use as a base from which to explore the forest. In the Inn, you will notice a particularly expensive item for sale. The Speed Ring will set you back 10,000 gold. It's a very useful item which doubles your walking speed (and characters in this game walk considerably slower than in most others) but the cost is prohibitive. You have three choices when it comes to this ring. The first is to wait until you find enough gold and gear to sell until you reach 10,000 gold. The second is to try gambling for it, but at this point, it could take a long time to achieve that. The third is to find a Speed Ring for free, and you can do just that if you visit the Desert of Mystery. Skip to that section of the walkthrough if you'd like to learn how to find it. However, at very low levels, you are highly advised to sneak past every enemy, as they are likely to kill you.

As long as you are around level 8 or above, the monsters in the forest should be fairly easy to defeat. There are even stationary trees which appear in certain locations. They can't run up to you and attack you, but they can hit you back when you attack them. You may also encounter unicorns in this area from time to time, especially as you travel further west. It is very important that you do not harm the unicorns, as they will not harm you. The only dangerous enemy remains the black knights, who will continue to appear until you reach level 15 and fight one more to earn the Black Ticket. Use your best judgment against them.

The forest sage[edit]

Your first step should be to find the sage that knows about the unicorns in the forest. He lives in a cave and his room is protected by magic. To find his cave, you must walk due west from Mar Inn. After you pass below a trio of stationary tree monsters, follow the path as it leads north. You will eventually find the entrance to the sage's cave. You will arrive in the lower left corner of a large room. In this corner, you will be surrounded by four skeletons who guard a teleportation tile in each direction. Before you concern yourself with them, walk up and to the right until you discover a fountain. Below the fountain there is a chest but it is locked and cannot be opened. Below the chest is a teleportation tile in the bottom right corner that takes you out of the cave and back to the forest.

This tile is different from the others.

Drinking from the fountain will restore your health. As you walk around the fountain, many skeletons will appear and attack you. They provide a good amount of experience points. If you are patient and take your time, you can fight the endless number of skeletons that appear, and heal any damage by drinking from the fountain. You will rise in levels quite quickly, and can easily go beyond level 10, even to level 15 or 16.

When you have increased to the point where you are no longer taking damage from the skeleton attacks, walk back to the lower left corner where you arrived. (Make sure that you have just recently risen in level before you continue.) If you attack each of the four skeletons, you can stand on the teleportation tile they guarded. If you stand on the north, west, or south tiles, you will return to the center of this corner of the room. However, if you stand on the east tile, something different happens. You arrive only a few tiles away from the tile.

Speak with the sage.

If you wander around the room and explore, the locked chest below the fountain is gone. In fact, the fountain now harms you if you drink from it. Instead, you will find a locked chest in the upper right corner of the room, along with a teleportation tile that wasn't there previously. If you step on it, you will be transported to the sage's room. Walk around the wall and speak with the sage. He will tell you about the unicorns, and automatically bump you up to the next level for free. When you are done, step on the teleportation tile in his room. You will be whisked back to the locked chest that was originally below the fountain, only it is no longer locked. Open the chest to obtain a Heal +5 potion, and then step on the teleportation tile below to exit the cave. (If you return to the room with the harmful fountain, you can open the locked chest there for a Magic +5 potion.)

Scroll 4[edit]

The entrance to the North Cave.

On your way to the cave which contains the fourth scroll, you should make a visit to the other inn in the forest, Celeste Inn. To reach it, head north from the sage's cave until you can venture further to the west. Continue walking west, and the inn should appear on the screen. Consider buying any equipment that might be an upgrade to whatever you currently have, and stay for 40 gold if you need to recover health and magic. To the west of the inn is a cave entrance that leads to the Holy Land. The monsters there are quite dangerous, so you should avoid that area for now.

To find your next destination from Celeste Inn, walk back to the east for about a screen and a half distance, and then start walking north. Walk as far north as you can and then start heading west. You will see the entrance to the North cave at the top of the screen. Inside, you will find a single floor dungeon. It's quite large and extends from the central entrance in many directions. The monsters that you find are a bit stronger than the variety found outside, but if you took the time to level up in the sage's cave, they won't give you too much trouble.

Explore every passage.

What you're very likely to notice is the large number of treasure chests strewn about the dungeon. It is in your best interests to cover every inch of the dungeon and examine every chest that you can find. Do be aware, however, that a good number of the chests are trapped, so you may be afflicted with Poison or "Old" when you open them. (Also be aware that some of the chests that you see are really Mimics, monsters who disguise themselves as chests and attack when you approach.) If you don't have great equipment, you may be quite happy with some of the upgrades you can find. When you've collected as much as you can carry, you may have to drop ordinary inexpensive items if you wish to collect the more valuable items found in some of the chests.

There's only one hidden treasure chest in the dungeon, and it can be found in what appears to be an empty alcove in the lower left corner of the dungeon. To get started on the correct path to this alcove, take the path that leads up directly above the staircase entrance in the middle of the dungeon. When you get close enough, the chest will appear. Open it to find the fourth scroll. When you are done, head out of the cave. It would be a good idea to return to Celeste Inn and sell off all of the equipment that you don't need. Additionally, while you are there, you should purchase a set of Needles if you don't have one yet. You'll be needing it to collect the next scroll.

Scroll 5[edit]

The entrance to the West Cave.

When you're ready, return to the entrance of the North cave and continue walking to the west. Follow the southern terrain as it travels south, a bit to the west, and then back to the east. If you hug the boundary created by the trees and mountains, you will find the entrance to the West cave. Standing very close by to the entrance is an old man. Speak with this old man, and he will give you a password to continue your game with. You will find more such sages, and you will return to the location of the last sage you spoke with whenever you die. If you wish to return to the castle, it's best to pay a visit to the king after you reach level 13, as he will give you the Fairy Wings, which will transport you back to the castle no matter where you are.

Fire Needles at the barrier.

The interior of the West cave is less complicated than the North cave, featuring a series of rooms connected by a few passageways. It won't take long for you to explore the entire cave. The monsters that you face inside are similar to those found in the North cave. The only unique thing about this cave is the sealed off room in the center. You may recall seeing a similarly discolored wall in the room of castle dungeon where you collected the second scroll. And if you stayed at an inn, you may have been told that Needles are good for breaking things. This is where the Needles you bought come in handy. Equip them and attack the wall. You will eventually wear it down and gain access to the room. Step inside, and a hidden chest will appear. Open it to discover the fifth scroll.

At this point, it is a good idea to return to the Celeste Inn and sell off any items that you don't need, in order to make more room in your inventory. Even sell your Needles; you'll need another set, but at 40 gold they're easy enough to afford.

The Unicorn King[edit]

With both scrolls in your possession, there is only one task left: speak with the Unicorn King. To find him, you must travel as far south from the West cave as you can, before heading further west. Eventually, you should find a cave on the left. Step inside and walk through the tunnel to be transported to a different location. When you arrive, you will be in a field. The field will have a lot of the monsters that you've encountered already, but it will have a greater number of unicorns. It is extremely important that you do not kill any of the unicorns. If you do, the Unicorn King will not tell you what you need to hear until you leave the area and return.

Speak with the Unicorn King.

You will notice a lot of treasure chests scattered around, but all of them will be locked until you successfully speak with the Unicorn King. Ignore them for now, but note where you find them so you can return and open them after you've spoken with the Unicorn King. To reach the king, travel as far to the north as you can before heading west. Near the north west corner of the field is another wise man who will offer you a password and cause you to return to him if you happen to die. Take the path below him that leads to the south, and follow it until you reach the king (he is colored differently than all of the other unicorns.) Speak with him and as long as you did not kill any unicorns, he will tell you about a fairy who flew to him and gave him one of the Holy Sword jewels. He will tell you to take it, along with the horn, and to use the horn when you are close to Baal. For speaking with him, you level will automatically increase by one.

To obtain the jewel and the horn, walk back to the left and examine the two chests in the small enclosure. When you obtain the Lieb jewel, go to your equipment screen and use it. The title screen will reappear, but now a red jewel will appear in the hilt of the sword. When you return to the game, you will find that all of the treasure chests have been unlocked. Take your time and explore the entire area to locate every single chest and obtain their contents. Be sure to equip any item that you find which appears to be an upgrade over your current weapon and armor. However, be aware that there are certain weapons that are heavy, but are actually fake and less powerful than legitimate weapons. Be sure to check your attack power before and after equipping a new item to make sure that it is actually increasing.

Once you feel that you have obtained every item to be found, you are finished with the Lost Forest. If you have obtained the Fairy Wings from the king already, go ahead and use them now to return to the castle. Otherwise, start walking back to the cave above Marin Inn, and travel through it to return to Elysion Island.