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Reminder: The screenshots below are taken from the graphically enhanced X68000 versions. The floor setup and solutions are identical to the Famicom and Game Boy Color versions.

Stage 17[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 2
Bats 0
Babelz 1
  • Ideally you should start by luring both priests near block one. As they are climb up the structure from the right, lift up block 1, and allow both priests to fall into the gap. Replace the block to cover the gap, and the priests will be out of your hair for the rest of the floor.
  • Climb down to block 2, and lift it up. Drop down when the floating platform is beneath you, collecting the crystal on the way.
  • Make your way to the center vine, climb up, and make your way to block 3. When the Babelz is walking over to the right, lift up block 3 and drop down to the platform below. Climb up the left vine, and cross all the way over the top of the block structure to the other side. Drop down the right side and collect the crystal at point 4.
  • Return to the center vine, climb up, and move right so that you can hitch a ride on the floating cloud. Ride the cloud until you can grab the vine overhead. Travel left across the vine to the vine below and make your way to the door.

Stage 18[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 1
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • You do not need to travel to a majority of the platforms on this stage. Run immediately to block 1, lift it up, and toss it over the right side of the platform, to the small platform below. Drop down to collect the crystal beneath you.
  • From the block you land on, jump to the moving platform. You need to pick up the block you landed on, and you may need to ride the platform back and forth once before you can pick it up. Carry the block to the small platform on the left.
  • At point 2, wait for the cloud to begin rising again, and walk over to it when it is just about level with the platform. Ride the cloud to the top, collecting the crystal along the way. Still carrying the block, drop off to the small platform on the right.
  • Wait for the long floating platform to arrive and jump on to ride it across to the right. Exit on the platform beneath the door, and drop the block below the door so that you may climb up and escape.

Stage 19[edit]

Power 30 Password
Priests 2
Bats 0
Babelz 1
  • Neither crystal in this stage takes any work to collect, but preventing the priests from bothering you is a simple enough task that you should start out right away by reaching block 1, and trapping both priests inside the gap below, just as you did in Stage 17.
  • Once they are contained, you can collect both crystals (collect the high one by dropping off the vine above it). Now you simple need to reach the door.
  • The Babelz above you will drop one block to the left every time it reaches the edge of the ledge. You must keep it on the screen in order for this to happen, or the block won't drop. Allow a block to drop and stack on the existing block. Pluck it off the staircase and put it aside for later.
  • After four blocks have been dropped, take the other three blocks that you put aside, and build up the remainder of the staircase so that you can reach the door.

Stage 20[edit]

Power 15 Password
Priests 0
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • The hardest part of this stage is arranging blocks 1 and 2 so that they form the basis of a staircase that you will build upon throughout the rest of the floor. Drop block 1 to the right of block 2. Then turn block 2 around and place it precisely where it started to form the base of the stairs. Then take block 1 and stack it on top of block 2.
  • Now climb up to block 3 and toss it over the left edge to stack up on the staircase.
  • Climb up to block 4 and lift it up so that the remainder of the staircase falls and stacks on top of the existing staircase below. Do the same with blocks 5 and 6 to continue to build the staircase closer to the door.
  • Finally climb to the top of the vine and ride the moving platform to the highest block. Toss it over to the left and fall down on top of it. Pick it up, and carry it to the bottom of the stairs, drop it adjacent to the bottom step, climb over it, and pick it up from the other side. Then carry it to the top of the stairs and exit the floor.

Stage 21[edit]

Power 15 Password
Priests 1
Bats 1
Babelz 0
  • The lone priest can be slightly annoying, but you can prevent it from bothering you by luring it to the bottom platform where you begin, create a space between the two bottom blocks, and let it fall into the gap.
  • Climb all the way up to the top of the floor and collect the crystal from the top platform. Then climb back down to the right, and lift up the stacked block (one block above the tops of the vines) so that you can fall inside the "skull" and land on one of the eyes.
  • At point 2, lift the block above the crystal, and toss it off the right side of the block to the right of the crystal. Drop down and collect the crystal. The pick up the block to the right, and place it where the crystal was. Now you can escape and repeat the exact same process on the other side to collect the left crystal.
  • Once both crystals are collected, reach the vine that is beneath the floating clouds (taking care to avoid the bat) and hang from the vine until the floating platform arrives beneath you. Drop down to the platform and it will help you reach the door.

Stage 22[edit]

Power 20 Password
Priests 1
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • This is a deceptively difficult level that takes a little thinking through. Start by arriving at block 1. You may wish to lure the priest over to you so that you can squash it and remove it temporarily. Then lift block 1 and drop it on top of the highest block of the staircase you just climbed.
  • Quickly climb up the vine and stop in front of the block to the left of the door. Lift it up so that block 2 trembles and falls to the ground below. Drop down with it, and stack it on top of block 1 so that you can climb up and reach the crystal.
  • At this point, the priest is probably bothering you again. Pick up block 2 and use it to squash the priest again. Then place it one square to the right of where block 1 began. Run back to block 1, and stack it on top of block 2. Climb up the new stairs and run over to the vine. Climb the vine and lift up block 3 so that the rest of the stairs falls on the staircase that you just built.
  • Carry block 3 and climb up the fallen staircase. Stack block 3 on the top and you will be able to reach the door.

Stage 23[edit]

Power 20 Password
Priests 1
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • The priest on this stage will have a considerably easy time tracking you down, so try to lure it out of the way before you execute this floor's solution. Start by climbing up to block 1.
  • Lift block 1, and carry it over one space to the right so that you can stack it. Climb up block 1 and fall to the right to collect the crystal at point 2.
  • Now return to the left, and pick up block 3. Be prepared to stack it on top of block 1 in such a way that the floating platform becomes stuck between block 3 and the platform to the right. If you time it wrong, lift the block and try again.
  • Climb up the vine on the right, and make your way across the top to the left. Climb up the staircase to the left, and pick up the top block. Turn around and place it to your right so that you can climb up and reach the crystal at point 4.
  • With the door open, safely make your way to the smaller floating platform towards the bottom. Catch a ride on it when it is moving left and let it carry you to the door. Watch out for the priest if he's lurking nearby.

Stage 24[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 0
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • Revealing the symbol will require more than just pushing the controller. After you reveal the symbol, collect either block, and bring them over to the door on the right.
  • Stack the two blocks so that you can climb up and reach the door.
Big Password Symbol

Lift up one of the blocks over your head, and hold Right dpad on the control pad until the symbol appears.