Chrono Trigger/Giving Cyrus Rest

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  • Enemies: Cyrus, Base, Defunct, Reaper, Sentry, Departed
  • Items: Tools, Masamune, 2x HyperEther, 2x Elixir, Moon Armor, Nova Armor, Shiva Edge, Kali Blade, Valkerye, Siren, Magic Tab, Power Tab, Gold Rock
  • Purchasables: Tonic, Mid Tonic, Full Tonic, Ether, Mid Ether, Heal, Revive, Shelter
  • Hint about Frog's Sidequest.

    Gaspar's Hint: "There's the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, who haunts the present..."

    This one involves visiting a continent you haven't been able to reach yet without the Epoch. You will also finish off the last of the Sealed Chests. If you haven't already gotten the chests you can get outside of the Northern Ruins, you should do so right away. The continent you want to visit for this quest is in the southeast corner of the map. Things will be simpler if you keep Frog in your party throughout this sidequest.

    For starters, try going to Choras / Northern Ruins in the Present (1000 A.D.) with Frog in your party to meet a surly ghost who seems to recognize him. Although the ghost can be damaged by non-elemental attacks such as Tail Spin or Poyozo Dance, the monster is invincible. Talk to the villagers to learn that the place has been in ruins for years, then head back into the Middle Ages.

    In 600 A.D., enter the Northern Ruins and go down the left path. You will have to clear out a few sets of monsters to proceed. Note that each group of Sentries drops a Full Ether when defeated, a HyperEther can be charmed from each Sentry, that they are weak against fire attacks, and that, if at least one group remains, all three will re-spawn if you leave the ruins and come back. The Sentries will disappear once you begin the next part of this task, so take the opportunity to stock up on these valuable items. After you are done, head back to town.

    Glenn will see Cyrus one last time.

    Go to the Café in Choras and talk to the man drinking soda. He will tell you that his tools were stolen and now he can't continue with his work. So head back to Choras in 1000 A.D. and talk to the soda drinking man in the same Café. He will tell you that you can have his tools, but because he is busy at the moment you will have to go and get them from his wife. Go to his house nearby, get the Tools from his wife, and then go back in time to 600 A.D. again. Talk to the man drinking soda again and give him the tools he needs. He'll be so happy that he can get back to work that he will rush out of the café. Go to his house to find him (same position as the man's house in 1000 A.D.) and talk to him. He will rally the troops and tell you that he is off to fix the Northern Ruins.

    Go up to the Northern Ruins and you will be told that they can't finish work with monsters running around. A few general tips for cleaning up the ruins: Don't pick up the chests just yet, wait until the very end! Most of the monsters in here are only affected by magic, especially weak to fire, although non-elemental techniques such as Ayla's Tail Spin work, and sometimes they cast MP buster, so rest at the nearby inn in between attempts to clear it out. Once you defeat all the monsters in the Ruins go back to the carpenter's house and hire them for 2,000 G.

    The Gravestone now say something else and is proof you completed the Sidequest.

    Put Frog in your party and head back to the Northern Ruins. Once again, the workers couldn't finish repairs due to monster problems. Go to the Ruins and head down the left stairwell. Continue through the Ruins down this path until you see a grave stone, which you should have Frog interact with. This is Cyrus' grave, and a scene will occur between Frog and Cyrus, at the end of which the Masamune will be upgraded into its ultimate form.

    Once you eliminate all enemies in the Ruins, hire the carpenters again (for another 2,000 G) to finish repairing the Ruins. They will repair the last section of the Ruins so you can reach the rest of the items, although you'll have to fight off a few more monsters to get there. Once you have access to all 3 sealed chests you have cleared the Ruins. Before you open any chests read on...

    If given time, then one Defunct (Fallen) will fusion with a Base (Soul) to become Departed (Fallen + Soul). So try to avoid that where possible, but on DS you may need fight at least one to get a entry in the Bestiary.

    What you want to do here, as explained in the Sealed Chests section, is to go to the ruins in 600 A.D. and select each sealed chest but decline to open it so the items will power up. Then you can go to the present (1000 A.D.) to receive the powered up item, and then head back to the past (600 A.D.) to get the low-power item too. In addition, you can get all the regular chests twice by opening them first in the present (1000 A.D.), then in the Middle Ages (600 A.D.).

    Base and Defunct will fusion to Departed.

    So once you have cleared things in 600 A.D. Select and decline all 3 sealed chests, ignoring all normal chests for the moment. Once in 1000 A.D. open all 3 sealed chests, and the 2 normal chests. Also, pick up a Magic Tab by Cyrus's grave and a Power Tab in the bottom left of the stairwell (the stairwell to right of main entrance that leads to the 3 sealed chests). Now that you are done in the present; go back to 600 A.D. and pick up all 5 chests there.

    You need the upgraded Masamune to get the Gold Rock.

    If you do everything correctly; from the chests in the Northern Ruins you will receive: Normal Chests: Elixir and HyperEther (Once in Each Time Period for 4 items). Sealed Chests: The Nova Armor will power up to become the Moon Armor, which raises magic defense by 10. The Siren will power up to become the Valkerye, the ultimative weapon for Marle, and the Kali Blade will power up to become the Shiva Edge, a weapon for Crono which does 4x damage on critical attacks. (Collect all 6 items)

    One last thing you can do now with Frog. Head to the Denadoro Mountains in 600 A.D. with him, put him at the front of the party, and have him catch one of the rocks which the Free Lancers throw. Note that this won't be the first Free Lancer that you run across, to find the rock throwing one you have to further up the Mountain and this particular Free Lancer will throw the rocks at you from across a waterfall (you won't be in battle with him when you catch the rock). After you catch one of the rocks, it will turn out to be a Gold Rock, which invokes the Grand Dream triple tech when equipped on Frog.